France is Burning

New French Revolution? Majority Support Ending ‘Fifth Republic’ as Macron Fails to Maintain Order

4 Jul 2023


Two-thirds of the people of France would support the end of the Fifth Republic, as the government of President Emmanuel Macron continues to fail to restore social order in the country.

While the streets of France have descended into scenes similar to those seen in violent revolutions not witnessed in supposedly stable Western European countries for some time, the French public is apparently prepared to back a political revolution of their own, with a majority supporting the abolition of the republic that has governed the country since 1958, the fifth such republic since the violent revolution which abolished the Bourbon Monarchy in 1792.


FRANCE – JANUARY 01: Le 28 Juillet; la Liberte guidant le peuple. July 28th 1830; Liberty guides the people. Oil on canvas, 260 x 325 cm. R.F. 129. (Photo by Imagno/Getty Images) [Le 28 Juillet; la Liberte guidant le peuple. Gemaelde. um 1830]

Majority of French Back End of 'Fifth Republic' Amid Breakdown in Order
No, no. 1/6 was far worse. Like, like far worse than Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Just ask anybody over < that way.
Well we have conservative posters sharing opinions that it's as bad as Urkaine. Idiots all around.
It's called confirmation bias.

Trump didn't say anything his base of resentment doesn't already feel. So those in the base conclude Trump is telling the truth. God forbid their assumptions about life and the world around them get challenged. Can't have that !
Same thing with you. Your TDS still cant let a single moment of Trump go by without you instantly lashing out first.

People never challenge their own bias's, it's not a left/right or Trump issue like you want it to be.
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New French Revolution? Majority Support Ending ‘Fifth Republic’ as Macron Fails to Maintain Order

4 Jul 2023


Two-thirds of the people of France would support the end of the Fifth Republic, as the government of President Emmanuel Macron continues to fail to restore social order in the country.

While the streets of France have descended into scenes similar to those seen in violent revolutions not witnessed in supposedly stable Western European countries for some time, the French public is apparently prepared to back a political revolution of their own, with a majority supporting the abolition of the republic that has governed the country since 1958, the fifth such republic since the violent revolution which abolished the Bourbon Monarchy in 1792.


FRANCE – JANUARY 01: Le 28 Juillet; la Liberte guidant le peuple. July 28th 1830; Liberty guides the people. Oil on canvas, 260 x 325 cm. R.F. 129. (Photo by Imagno/Getty Images) [Le 28 Juillet; la Liberte guidant le peuple. Gemaelde. um 1830]

Majority of French Back End of 'Fifth Republic' Amid Breakdown in Order

Now that's what you call a top down revolution ... very liberating.
Trump's FOS on that, he's just pandering to the folks who get their world view from bad comedians and fearmongers. France is still France, warts and all.
Even King Hassan back in 1993 knew immigrants to France would not integrate to fit the French way of living.....they would be a problem..."bad Frenchmen"

So segregation was good?
I'm talking about individual freedom. If you're going to truly have freedom you have to accept that people have the right to hate. Legislating hate will never work.

Edit: I'll add that legislating people/business on who they accept or serve is a slippery slope. Should one be compelled to accept/serve skin heads/KKK?
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I'm talking about individual freedom. If you're going to truly have freedom you have to accept that people have the right to hate. Legislating hate will never work.

Edit: I'll add that legislating people/business on who they accept or serve is a slippery slope. Should one be compelled to accept/serve skin heads/KKK?
I'm talking about individual freedom too, as in business owners.
I'm talking about individual freedom too, as in business owners.

If you want to live in a free society then you can't have government dictating who private citizens serve.

Do I think discriminating against people because of religion, race, sexual preference is morally right? Hell no. But I would defend a person's right to be a bigot, racist, any type of hater. It's called freedom. If you want it you can't expect it unless you grant it to others. Whether you like or agree with it. It's really what makes this country different than others.
If you want to live in a free society then you can't have government dictating who private citizens serve.

Do I think discriminating against people because of religion, race, sexual preference is morally right? Hell no. But I would defend a person's right to be a bigot, racist, any type of hater. It's called freedom. If you want it you can't expect it unless you grant it to others. Whether you like or agree with it. It's really what makes this country different than others.
That's been illegal since 1964.
That's been illegal since 1964.
And it shouldn't be. It's probably caused more division than it would have if it had been left to naturally correct itself. Again, it's a slippery slope. What you or I find offensive, might be ok with others in power. Should I have the right to refuse service to a KKK member or a Nazi?
And it shouldn't be. It's probably caused more division than ot would have if it had been left to naturally correct itself. Again, it's a slippery slope. What you or I find offensive, might be ok with others in power. Should I have the right to refuse service to a KKK member or a Nazi?
That wouldn't bother me and I don't think it's illegal today.
New French Revolution? Majority Support Ending ‘Fifth Republic’ as Macron Fails to Maintain Order

4 Jul 2023


Two-thirds of the people of France would support the end of the Fifth Republic, as the government of President Emmanuel Macron continues to fail to restore social order in the country.

While the streets of France have descended into scenes similar to those seen in violent revolutions not witnessed in supposedly stable Western European countries for some time, the French public is apparently prepared to back a political revolution of their own, with a majority supporting the abolition of the republic that has governed the country since 1958, the fifth such republic since the violent revolution which abolished the Bourbon Monarchy in 1792.


FRANCE – JANUARY 01: Le 28 Juillet; la Liberte guidant le peuple. July 28th 1830; Liberty guides the people. Oil on canvas, 260 x 325 cm. R.F. 129. (Photo by Imagno/Getty Images) [Le 28 Juillet; la Liberte guidant le peuple. Gemaelde. um 1830]

Majority of French Back End of 'Fifth Republic' Amid Breakdown in Order
Hmmm...It looks like they're starting to get serious.

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