I always catch flack for this, but i don't really like turkey. Ham > turkey
That's a long trip from Oakland to Knoxville. You flying, I hope?Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my wife's family in Oklahoma and then traveling back to East Tennessee on the 26th to spend time with my family. Lots of miles and worth every one of them.
Freak thanks for what you do for all of us Vol fans and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Stuffed dog is a delicacy in some parts of the world.we do a beef tenderloin for X-mas
I read the letter to Santa my daughter wrote in school yesterday, she can be so obnoxious some times, but the letter was super sweet..
She asked for an Ipad mini, for her, Swamp Force for her Brother, jewelry for her Mom, and a stuffed dog for me..
I have no idea where the idea for a stuffed dog, for me came from.
Hope everyone has a great Christmas
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You've been busy. And how could I forget Charlie Brown? Another solid choice.I get off Tues, Wed. & Thurs so I'll be headed to see the parents after our safety brief on Monday. Hoping Monday is a short day so I can hit the road early. Playing golf and getting my flat tire fixed for the weekend. Already watched Grinch, Christmas Vacation, Rudolph and Frosty. Still need to catch Elf, a Christmas Story and Charlie Brown.
I always catch flack for this, but i don't really like turkey. Ham > turkey