Free Kasey

I'm all for bigots being held accountable. I also think instead of knee-jerk reactions and actions on OLD conduct needs to be looked at under a magnifying lens or given a litmus test. Meaning? Give serious weight to what the person has done thereafter to see if personal growth has come to the fore. None of us, especially in our preteen and teen years, were little fault-free angels. Instead of constantly on the lookout for perpetual punishment, and character assassination, look for evidence a person has learned, and basically become a better person. I know, I know, such thinking is poison for those geared solely for hating, and hating only. Darn shame, cause it makes the hater as bad as if not worse the target of their hate.
Agreed. I said in the Bama guys thread where he was fired, we’re just a little too comfortable going after someone’s livelihood these days.
At 18? Yeah. 12? 14? No, probably not. Her whole job is her brand and she’s a public figure. She wanted to go into journalism/reporting. Pretty dumb on her part not to clean her social media when that’s her job. Surely they had a class in her major where they went over modern social media.
Okay, I have two 18 year olds in high school and I can tell you at that age they are all so freaking stupid 😂 if we go by your criteria, then not a single damn one of them will be able to have a job, Ever… 😂 but HRs do look at your current stuff on hiring.. I tell my kids to be so, so careful because anything you say stays out there forever potentially.. I can see both sides of it.. the virtue signalers who think they are somehow righting wrongs, the dumb ‘young adults’,and the businesses who don’t want blow back
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Banks simply made a statement speaking his lived truth about his hometown area.

It’s the other stuff that got him put into the car in the first place that caused his issues.

The other stuff being the illegal u turn or the unpaid parking tickets? If that's what got him kicked off the team then Pruitt truly ruled with an iron fist.
Okay, I have two 18 year olds in high school and I can tell you at that age they are all so freaking stupid 😂 if we go by your criteria, then not a single damn one of them will be able to have a job, Ever… 😂 but HRs do look at your current stuff on hiring.. I tell my kids to be so, so careful because anything you say stays out there forever potentially.. I can see both sides of it.. the virtue signalers who think they are somehow righting wrongs, the dumb ‘young adults’,and the businesses who don’t want blow back
They should be okay as long as they’re not throwing racial or sexual orientation slurs around on social media.
We all have said stupid s**t when we were teenagers, thats a part of life lol. Whoever went through her Twitter posts with a fine comb and found that post needs to get a life.
To expand on this a bit, there are websites you can check someone’s tweets instantly for anything damning, so it takes no time. Twitter also lets you search by word through all of someone’s tweets.
People make mistakes when they are younger and are influenced by the wrong peers.

I'm sure we've all said some things that we regretted. Nowadays that stuff will never go away on the internet/social media.
The other stuff being the illegal u turn or the unpaid parking tickets? If that's what got him kicked off the team then Pruitt truly ruled with an iron fist.

Pick your poison.
Just saying that he was speaking his truth about his hometown area. It’s actually been a crap hole in certain parts for more than four decades.
What tone did he use in making that statement and what were his intentions in making it?
Did you hear him verbalize it or did you just read about the statement he made?
If you just read the words, are you personally attaching tone and intention to it to suit what you think he meant by it?
Meanwhile as I pass through my FM dial, the N**** word permeates my vehicle from a variety of hip hop stations. Strange how that works?

It is an insane formula.

Allow the word in pop music and movies.
Let teenagers hear music and see movies.
Watch teenagers act like teenagers and emulate the art they see and hear.
5-10 years later look in disbelief back at the behavior of a teenager.
Sometimes just saying I screwed up is the thing to do along with saying you're sorry. Going dark certainly is the way to handle thIs problem.
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It is an insane formula.

Allow the word in pop music and movies.
Let teenagers hear music and see movies.
Watch teenagers act like teenagers and emulate the art they see and hear.
5-10 years later look in disbelief back at the behavior of a teenager.
That’s where good parenting comes in, it’s that simple.
The n word has no place in society. That being said we MUST stop holding people accountable for things they did 8 years ago as teenagers like they happened yesterday. It’s beyond ridiculous and a blight on our country. One of the scariest trends I’ve seen in my lifetime.
Pick your poison.
Just saying that he was speaking his truth about his hometown area. It’s actually been a crap hole in certain parts for more than four decades.
What tone did he use in making that statement and what were his intentions in making it?
Did you hear him verbalize it or did you just read about the statement he made?
If you just read the words, are you personally attaching tone and intention to it to suit what you think he meant by it?

I don't pick the poison, UT did when they kicked him off the team. You said it was the stuff prior to the video that caused his issues.

Personally I don't think he was kicked off the team for unpaid tickets or an illegal u turn.

Two things:

#1 listen to the full unedited video and he said worse things than the "we shoot cops" quote

#2 I think kicking him off the team and later allowing him to work his way back on were the appropriate things to do. He was 19 and a few words in a moment of anger typically shouldn't ruin someone's future.
We all have said stupid s**t when we were teenagers, thats a part of life lol. Whoever went through her Twitter posts with a fine comb and found that post needs to get a life.
Kinda reminds me of the Jon Gruden situation where people actually have the time to dig deep into someone's past and then judge them in negative light. I'd say 95% of the population have dirty laundry in our closet and 40% or less would own up to it.
The n word has no place in society. That being said we MUST stop holding people accountable for things they did 8 years ago as teenagers like they happened yesterday. It’s beyond ridiculous and a blight on our country. One of the scariest trends I’ve seen in my lifetime.
Separate discussion , and I’m going to get ripped, but black people have also got to quit using as a term of endearment to each other 😂 it does not help and makes people continue to use it because they think (wrongly) that they are being cool lol.. my FB friends who happen to be black use it frequently, and I am like, okay, that’s dumb.. you are making it worse and perpetuating it ps the smart ones don’t.. But maybe they should be called out as well?
Separate discussion , and I’m going to get ripped, but black people have also got to quit using as a term of endearment to each other 😂 it does not help and makes people continue to use it because they think (wrongly) that they are being cool lol.. my FB friends who happen to be black use it frequently, and I am like, okay, that’s dumb.. you are making it worse and perpetuating it ps the smart ones don’t.. But maybe they should be called out as well?
That’s a tough one.
Separate discussion , and I’m going to get ripped, but black people have also got to quit using as a term of endearment to each other 😂 it does not help and makes people continue to use it because they think (wrongly) that they are being cool lol.. my FB friends who happen to be black use it frequently, and I am like, okay, that’s dumb.. you are making it worse and perpetuating it ps the smart ones don’t.. But maybe they should be called out as well?
Guy made good points in this article, like where he asked a Gen X guy about other ethnic slurs.. He was unfamiliar with them all

Why the n-word doesn't go away - CNN
I'm all for bigots being held accountable. I also think instead of knee-jerk reactions and actions on OLD conduct needs to be looked at under a magnifying lens or given a litmus test. Meaning? Give serious weight to what the person has done thereafter to see if personal growth has come to the fore. None of us, especially in our preteen and teen years, were little fault-free angels. Instead of constantly on the lookout for perpetual punishment, and character assassination, look for evidence a person has learned, and basically become a better person. I know, I know, such thinking is poison for those geared solely for hating, and hating only. Darn shame, cause it makes the hater as bad as if not worse the target of their hate.
So she gets fired for something she said at 14, Kanye pretty much gets wiped out and yet THIS is perfectly ok

Now is it just me or does there seem to be a pattern here about who can say "racists" things without penalty?
Our quarterback after Nico (some Marshall Manning guy) better not pick up any potty language from his old man.

Otherwise, we shall have to take a hard pass here on our hill of high morals..


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