Free Kasey

I said stupid stuff when I was a teenager, give it a rest.
A person should not lose their job over a bad comment when they we 14. That is just insanity. At 14? Gonna fire someone In their early and mid 20’s for bad judgment they used on the internet at 14???? When is the madness going to stop.
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Our sweet Donde.

Equity and Inclusion: What We're Doing

You can also check how she handled the cheerleader incident if you’re not too busy completing your thesis on the “Childhood backgrounds of the Woke”. Spoiler alert, she didn’t handle as a true educator would handle it.

Or how she handled Covid.

But I think you already have your conclusion.
Was that so hard.

It's weird with the cheerleader....might be to make a statement with the former (supposedly) racist cheer coach that was there so many years.

It's odd that she allowed the students that posted the images with blackface on saying "now we get free college" to remain enrolled.
14,16 or 18 that is still teenage years and several years later. A lot of people actually grow up as they get older. So your okay with a person losing their job for something bad they said in their teenage years years ago. That’s your right I guess just like it’s mine to call it BS.
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She said she needed a slave. No clue if that was racial. Doesn't sound like a very nice person though.

There needs to be a statute of limitations on these things though. Can we not forgive in this country anymore?
If you have a public image, as in being known for being on TV, I’m amazed these people don’t go thru every single tweet they’ve made. Or better yet delete their old account and start a new one. It’s amazing these things keep happening with people who live in the public eye
14,16 or 18 that is still teenage years and several years later. A lot of people actually grow up as they get older. So your okay with a person losing their job for something bad they said in their teenage years years ago. That’s your right I guess just like it’s mine to call it BS.
At 18? Yeah. 12? 14? No, probably not. Her whole job is her brand and she’s a public figure. She wanted to go into journalism/reporting. Pretty dumb on her part not to clean her social media when that’s her job. Surely they had a class in her major where they went over modern social media.
Was that so hard.

It's weird with the cheerleader....might be to make a statement with the former (supposedly) racist cheer coach that was there so many years.

It's odd that she allowed the students that posted the images with blackface on saying "now we get free college" to remain enrolled.

I forgot about that former cheer coach. But that poor girl from VA got royally screwed and Donde should have stepped in and corrected it. That would be something a true educator would do.
So now you’ve arrived to mentioning klan rallies….okay good game troll.

According to the arguments tonight you just have to get older to be excused of your past.
No one knows her or if she has changed. She gets a pass for some reason. Vol on Vol crime gets you labeled as a Troll.
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According to the arguments tonight you just have to get older to be excused of your past.
No one knows her or if she has changed. She gets a pass for some reason. Vol on Vol crime gets you labeled as a Troll.
Lets take a look at that. She was targeted for calling out a guy that is advocating black face for the Tennessee Kentucky game. She disavowed his comments. So someone went on a "deep dig"? lol. Ridiculous. There are other's on the planet that possess something y'all could never understand. Two words. Common Sense.
I grew up with Nirvana and Motley Crue 😂 we never said the n word because it kind of wasn’t out there lol.. enter DJ Quick and 2 Live Crew and suddenly all of the guys were n this, n that because it was glorified.. and women were suddenly b!tches lol.. people don’t like to hear it, but it’s the truth… you want it to go away? Me too… You know how words disappear from the English language? You. Quit. Using. Them. Rant Over.
DJ Quick ain’t your average everyday moth@****@. Slick like I snake cause I stuck ya:
According to the arguments tonight you just have to get older to be excused of your past.
No one knows her or if she has changed. She gets a pass for some reason. Vol on Vol crime gets you labeled as a Troll.
Sorry—had to check you because I’m just not really seeing your POV. I’m not an overly religious person but 1st Corinthians 11:13 had meaning to me. I was an idiot as a 14 year old(in hindsight) and most people are…duh. I was 14 but still a freaking child. I told my parents I hated them if something went bad. I hate I did that—I didn’t mean it. But I was dumb with my words.

Now for this young lady. I couldn’t pick this girl out of a line up of two people. I don’t know her and acknowledge that. Her superiors made a decision and she now has to live with it. It’s their right. And if there was legal avenues for compensation for her then she should take them. Your argument earlier was that JA is making the Bills millions and I agree—he should. But if this lady is being fired for a similar instance—how can anyone trumphet that this is some kind of good virtue? “The man is worth more!” so it makes good business sense…that speaks to the heart of all that is good and right? Neither of them should be punished in my opinion. If anything—blame her parents. If my kid messes up I’ll take the blame. If my kid tweets something dumb at 14–that’s on me.
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Is an adult talking about killing cops less bad than a teenager using a racist slur?

Banks simply made a statement speaking his lived truth about his hometown area.

It’s the other stuff that got him put into the car in the first place that caused his issues.
A person should not lose their job over a bad comment when they we 14. That is just insanity. At 14? Gonna fire someone In their early and mid 20’s for bad judgment they used on the internet at 14???? When is the madness going to stop.

It stops when we as a society collectively finally say enough is enough. Likely to occur after the complete and total societal shtf breakdown in our future.
She used the n word with an a at the end

Sorry very different than using the er

Does her joking around or talking crap to that person about a decade ago somehow mean she hates black people? Like every black friend she's ever had, all the black athletes she's interviewed and known she actually just hates deep down and now you know this because of 8 year old tweets where she used the n word with the a at the end in a vague way? And the I need a slave doesn't mean she wants a black slave. Why assume that? Because she's white? Because you only think black people were slaves? Well that ain't true. Every race has been enslaved. Sounds more like she's blabbering about wanting someone to dote on her. You really think thats a serious admission of her wanting an African slave?

Context does in fact matter. The truth does not solely lie within the parameters of the critical social justice movement. It can only be truth to those that adhere to that way of thinking.

So sorry, you can't assume she's a racist or actually meant any harm just based on her saying that in three tweets 8 to 9 years ago.

Doing so is bending peoples will into adhering to a particular set of ideological ideals by way of critical social justice praxis (practice)

That's a lot of technical jargon

Simply put. You can only rationally condemn her if you believe in a woke worldview. Woke = theories of critical social justice
It is not our decision. We can add another 50 pages to this thread and she is still fired. Mount up Vol Twitter or boycott them. It ain’t bringing her back. Right or wrong she has to live with her decisions.
Sorry—had to check you because I’m just not really seeing your POV. I’m not an overly religious person but 1st Corinthians 11:13 had meaning to me. I was an idiot as a 14 year old(in hindsight) and most people are…duh. I was 14 but still a freaking child. I told my parents I hated them if something went bad. I hate I did that—I didn’t mean it. But I was dumb with my words.

Now for this young lady. I couldn’t pick this girl out of a line up of two people. I don’t know her and acknowledge that. Her superiors made a decision and she now has to live with it. It’s their right. And if there was legal avenues for compensation for her then she should take them. Your argument earlier was that JA is making the Bills millions and I agree—he should. But if this lady is being fired for a similar instance—how can anyone trumphet that this is some kind of good virtue? “The man is worth more!” so it makes good business sense…that speaks to the heart of all that is good and right? Neither of them should be punished in my opinion. If anything—blame her parents. If my kid messes up I’ll take the blame. If my kid tweets something dumb at 14–that’s on me.

I’m not that religious either but you Reap what you Sow.
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I'm all for bigots being held accountable. I also think instead of knee-jerk reactions and actions on OLD conduct needs to be looked at under a magnifying lens or given a litmus test. Meaning? Give serious weight to what the person has done thereafter to see if personal growth has come to the fore. None of us, especially in our preteen and teen years, were little fault-free angels. Instead of constantly on the lookout for perpetual punishment, and character assassination, look for evidence a person has learned, and basically become a better person. I know, I know, such thinking is poison for those geared solely for hating, and hating only. Darn shame, cause it makes the hater as bad as if not worse the target of their hate.

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