Free Kasey


Still no thoughts on the link? Bizarre if true.

So I don't keep up with UT politics at all. Donde (I believe) is from Texas, degree in business, ran a business department, adopted an orphaned child, involved with charities and is the daughter of a minister.

Interesting background for a woke warrior. Did she declare war on all white people or try to make some kids wear a mask during Covid?

On a scale of zero to Bernie Sanders, what exactly has she done.

Also, how about the link? Think she's allowing that?

What about the link? What would she use to stop a student organization from bringing speakers to campus?

She is from Texas and ran a business department. Lol, not a business, a business department. She can’t be woke. ROFL.

But yea, to one of your points, she was in heat over Covid.
And the fact that the name caller needs to belittle others to feel good about themselves, says more about them, than it does me. People with low self esteem belittle others to feel better about themselves. Teach the daughter that it’s the bullies cry for help. Be the bigger person, don’t let a bully control your emotions.
Acting hurt, or getting upset rewards the bully. Don’t give them that power.
Sure, and the fact that a person would mug you says more about the mugger than it does about you. At some point, overlooking inappropriate behavior is simply counterproductive - whether or not you are being "hurt" is not the only issue.
Don't let a bully control your emotions but certainly don't let a bully continue to go unchecked.
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Blame Jeremy Pruitt and the regime. They brought him back. If Kasey worked for Pruitt she would still be employed.
His video is still out there, still time to cancel him. According to others Donde can put it off if she wants to.

Also you didn't answer my question. Should he still be here and she should not?
What about the link? What would she use to stop a student organization from bringing speakers to campus?

She is from Texas and ran a business department. Lol, not a business, a business department. She can’t be woke. ROFL.
Thanks for answering all my questions so specifically.
I’m in my 50’s. All I hear is she is older so she should get a pass. Why?
if you can’t wrap your brain around the reason—and you’re in your 50’s— then I’m afraid this conversation will go nowhere. Hell—one of the best QBs in the NFL had this happen to him right before the draft. That Josh Allen—I bet he is still just the same racist POS he was when he made some “racist” tweet when he was 14. Adults being appalled/hurt by the words of kids…and retroactively dragging them through the mud for their words as a minor rather than their actions as an adult. Sickening.
Hillbillies is a hurtful term 20 years from now when this is considered hate speech I hope someone digs it up on you
Haha…read my mind. Anything and everything being said could someday be used against us. Our nation CLEARLY has gone off the proverbial rail and insanity reigns. “ARE THERE ABSOLUTELY NO ABSOLUTES?” 😂
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In the end I really don’t know what the end result should be, I would be fine if Vol Network released a generic “we are aware of the offending messages, and are working with Kasey to go through the steps we feel proper” statement, I would have been fine personally if they just left it alone completely, but in current social climate I completely understand why they did what they did. Myself I don’t really get the vibe that she’s a racist or even a bad person she just made some stupid tweets that were meant to be jokes, I mean she did just use the word referring to herself, not like she called someone the N word
I’m in my 50’s. All I hear is she is older so she should get a pass. Why?
Bc her brain wasn't fully developed? Bc she was a minor? Bc there is zero evidence in her adult life that she has problematic opinions on race? So are we punishing growth? I believe we should celebrate it. But nah let's just judge everyone by their actions in high school and pretend like people can't improve themselves.
Certainly as deep as “her from Tejas, her canTs be wOKe!”
Perfect analysis.

i said it's a weird background for a woke warrior. I didn't say it's impossible and asked for some specific examples and insight that explains why she throws her weight around with a multimillion dollar corporation and cowers to a right wing student group.

I'll simplify....ugh, what make her woke...ugh.
Sure, and the fact that a person would mug you says more about the mugger than it does about you. At some point, overlooking inappropriate behavior is simply counterproductive - whether or not you are being "hurt" is not the only issue.
Don't let a bully control your emotions but certainly don't let a bully continue to go unchecked.
From my experience, if the daughter gets angry and reacts, the daughter will get the attention from the teacher. Thus rewarding the bully. If the daughter gets mad and lashes out or gets physical, the daughter gets in trouble. The bully wins.
At that age, I would have punched the bully in the nose. Taking their power away by ignoring them hurts them more. Bully are typically tough, emotionally they are weak. Just my opinion.
if you can’t wrap your brain around the reason—and you’re in your 50’s— then I’m afraid this conversation will go nowhere. Hell—one of the best QBs in the NFL had this happen to him right before the draft. That Josh Allen—I bet he is still just the same racist POS he was when he made some “racist” tweet when he was 14. Adults being appalled/hurt by the words of kids…and retroactively dragging them through the mud for their words as a minor rather than their actions as an adult. Sickening.

I’m not paying Kasey or Josh. Her company cut her loose because her value is not worth the publicity. Josh is making them Millions. Is it easier to find a Kasey or a Josh?
I think some of the posters in this thread need to become more informed before making such statements. It wasn't one word or one tweet. It was several and she wasn't 14 when she said it. She was 16 and 17 years old.

Having said that, I think we need to forgive. Still though - get your facts straight before you make a stance on something that has real implications for multiple people that are part of our Vol family...f'n hillbillies giving us a bad name.
Well why don’t you enlighten us Mr. Smarty? 🙄A-holes give us a bad name too
if you can’t wrap your brain around the reason—and you’re in your 50’s— then I’m afraid this conversation will go nowhere. Hell—one of the best QBs in the NFL had this happen to him right before the draft. That Josh Allen—I bet he is still just the same racist POS he was when he made some “racist” tweet when he was 14. Adults being appalled/hurt by the words of kids…and retroactively dragging them through the mud for their words as a minor rather than their actions as an adult. Sickening.

I remember when Carl Pickens called Rod Wodson a zebra and said he had "jungle fever" and Woodson chased him all over the field trying to fight him. Seems like they actually had to stop the game to get Woodson off the field.

Carl played another 7 year after that.
Perfect analysis.

i said it's a weird background for a woke warrior. I didn't say it's impossible and asked for some specific examples and insight that explains why she throws her weight around with a multimillion dollar corporation and cowers to a right wing student group.

I'll simplify....ugh, what make her woke...ugh.

Our sweet Donde.

Equity and Inclusion: What We're Doing

You can also check how she handled the cheerleader incident if you’re not too busy completing your thesis on the “Childhood backgrounds of the Woke”. Spoiler alert, she didn’t handle as a true educator would handle it.

Or how she handled Covid.

But I think you already have your conclusion.

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