Free Kasey

Agreed. I said in the Bama guys thread where he was fired, we’re just a little too comfortable going after someone’s livelihood these days.

Unfortunately, your words ring true. However, there are some people who deserve losing their jobs. Such as: The teacher who grabbed an autism kid's leg and dragged him down the hallway. The cop who stomped a handcuffed man's face who was on the ground, yes, I said stomped. Guy lost conscious too. And any number of such subhumans. But going back years when youth, and likely peer pressure was a major factor, then damning them without any attempt to find out if they have changed is a travesty. The Kacey issue is a prime example.
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Arguably our best defensive player was arrested and told the arresting cop that where he’s from they kill cops. He was allowed to grow and become a valuable member of the University, Knoxville community and potentially have a future in the NFL. This girl who called out someone for being racist or supporting a racist act gets her Twitter TL looked up and reveals that she used a terrible racial term when she was 14. 14 YEARS OLD. What the hell are we doing here?
I agree 100%.

However fair is not equal, and equal is not fair. If she was black and said something racist about white people, no one would care.
So she gets fired for something she said at 14, Kanye pretty much gets wiped out and yet THIS is perfectly ok
View attachment 507064

Now is it just me or does there seem to be a pattern here about who can say "racists" things without penalty?

Bull! There are bigoted jackasses, including privileged bigoted jackasses of every stripe, color, and culture. Always has been, and every dayum one of them need to be held accountable. Mr. Ye, for example, learning the hard way about the consequences of his actions. Those who to say, but he's bipolar. So am I, but it doesn't prevent one from knowing right from wrong. Don't try turning it into something it's not. Nor twisting it into making yourself or your clique the victim. Romans 3:10 through Romans 3:17.
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Besides breaking a law, I think most anything you do as a teenager should be forgotten, erased, etc.

At some point, you become accountable. We can debate that age. I said / did a lot of really dumb stuff before age 20/21. Glad it wasn't recorded and used against me for life.

With that said, she was admittedly oddly naive in taking the bait about the black-face gag. But, I forgive her.

Give her a warning, and put the guuurrrlll back to work tomorrow evening.

Is 'gurl' offensive?
No it’s not tough at all, either a word is acceptable or it isn’t. Saying a word is ok for some people to say but is the worst kind of racism is someone else says the same exact word is absolute banana land.

Is there a difference between ending the word with an 'a' versus the more formal spelling?

I went to New Mexico and they jokingly referred to me as the token gringo. I laughed and made them to get back to work. That's why you pack a bullwhip
George Carlin summed it up pretty well in his "Do It Again" tour in 1990, where he discusses words that offend people. I'm not going to post it here (because I need my job), but there is a two minute YouTube video tiled; George Carlin - Offensive Words. WARNING: is it not safe for work, or for public settings.
Agreed. I said in the Bama guys thread where he was fired, we’re just a little too comfortable going after someone’s livelihood these days.
People are too comfortable ruining someone (see the girl’s Twitter who released the Kacey’s tweets from 2014) and people are also way too comfortable playing, or even wanting to be the victim.
The only social media I have ever been a part of was Facebook, and I eventually determined I didn't want to play with the other folk on there anymore. I disabled my account about two years ago, and only activated it for a day when my mother-in-law passed away in March of 2021. Social media is a curse, people can hide behind a keyboard and spew out hatred or bully someone anytime they want to. I'm glad there wasn't anyone writing down my teenage comments, I know I made so ignorant ones.
I'd say that the former Lady Vols tennis player that brought these Tweets to light better hope that she has a squeaky-clean background as well but, judging from the looks of her LinkedIn page, she's had even less success in the job market than she did on the court.
No it’s not tough at all, either a word is acceptable or it isn’t. Saying a word is ok for some people to say but is the worst kind of racism is someone else says the same exact word is absolute banana land.
Wish I had your confidence to authoritatively comment on a situation between people from a different ethnic background than myself. Seems arrogant to me.
I’m 64 now. I’ve said a lot of dumb things trying to be clever or humorous up until, oh say yesterday. The frequency of occurrence has decreased since my teen years. But it still happens on occasion. I believe it’s just part of being human. But with society being what it is now, the key is to only say it (unrecorded of course) not write it. I have no social media accounts. No Twitter, Facebook or any of the others. Just a couple of message board memberships. After all, now you are only as good as your worst documented moment, not your best.
And the I need a slave doesn't mean she wants a black slave. Why assume that? Because she's white? Because you only think black people were slaves? Well that ain't true. Every race has been enslaved. Sounds more like she's blabbering about wanting someone to dote on her. You really think thats a serious admission of her wanting an African slave?

I agree with your entire post, but I just want to add: the slave tweet was an entirely different and unrelated tweet to the n word with an a post. Also who knows, maybe she wanted an entirely different type of slave entirely than the actual enslaved type haha.. this is the internet after all..
I understand that her employer had a decision to make when this came to light and think they had the right to fire her. I said the same thing about the Alabama fan who got fired for a tweet after we beat them. That said, the two situations were very different:

1. Her tweet was as a child, and years ago. His was as an adult.
2. He was advocating to actually hurt someone specifically. She was using the mild form of the n-word in a way more akin to what is used in rap music than how it is used to disparage black people. Further she wasn’t actually directing it at a black person.

So yes, I do think that a employer has the right to terminate her, but I believe employers and employees should both be able to end their relationship in most situations for most reasons.

Now, was it fair? No. I said they had the right, but should they have done it? I don’t think so. At some point we need to have some guts at be willing to fight against a crowd that probably mostly didn’t even read what she said or know the context.

It was a dumb thing to ever post, and she should have thought to clean up her accounts before entering the public eye, but that’s an oversight that is easy to make. What matters a lot more than that tweet is if she is actually racist. I certainly don’t get that vibe.

Organizations are willing to cut people loose at the slightest chance that they will be villainized, because we as a society have been willing to jump on accusations and assume the worst without thinking about the circumstances involved.

I wish they didn’t fire her, but acknowledge their right. I don’t think it’s fair. I do hope she bounces back. More than all of that though, I hope people as a whole start looking at things individually to determine if wrongs were committed, and being willing to say what they actually believe instead of what they think they need to say to avoid getting attacked themselves.
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Wish I had your confidence to authoritatively comment on a situation between people from a different ethnic background than myself. Seems arrogant to me.
It’s called being consistent. Do you think it is ever a good idea to have different rules for people based on appearance? The history I’ve studied says that always leads to bad outcomes.
It’s called being consistent. Do you think it is ever a good idea to have different rules for people based on appearance? The history I’ve studied says that always leads to bad outcomes.

The argument goes that they are taking the word back and taking its power away. I asked a friend of mine many years ago about this, and he happens to be black. He told me that the ‘er variant is different from the ‘a variant and the latter was ok, but the former not.

I’m not sure if that’s true, but certainly it didn’t hold up here. I agree with you and don’t like the “taking back the power argument”. If we are going to say certain words are derogatory then why don’t we agree it should be the case no matter what color your skin is?

It’s better to do that than to say some people can use and he’s ok, and others can’t. Or for some people saying some variants and spellings are ok while others claim otherwise. It would be much simpler if we just got rid of the ambiguity.
Hate it for her but she funderburged in the punch bowl and now she’s gonna have to drink it.

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