Free Kasey

Addressing those that responded to me - yes, I said hillbilly. Some of you are giving hillbilly a bad name. I'm a hillbilly. A cultured one.

Someone asked "what implications" - when you represent an employer your actions speak for yourself and are associated with your employer. If I do drugs then my employer is one that employs people who do drugs. If I'm a racist then my employer is one that employs racists. We have too many diverse people around our program to employ racists or anyone that offends a group of people.

Now I said I think we should forgive her. I don't have a problem with people owning up to something childish they did as minors or even young adults. We can all learn, grow and change. What I have a problem with is some people who wander around without knowing a story and putting a stake in the ground. It makes our fanbase appear uneducated or worse...lazy. I'm just saying do your homework and don't always follow the crowd.
Mixed feelings. I think it is stupid to fire her. Also think it really is stupid of her to think it is her business to comment on the Richard whoever Twitter account. It was a joke. No one needs you to protect or orchestrate their feelings about it.
Jokes can and do get people in trouble.
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I met Kasey once at a Lady Vols game, super nice. But also the first thing you should do when you get a “high profile” job, is delete all forms of past social media, and start new ones. Never know when you make some loser on Twitter upset and they dig up something you shouldn’t have tweeted when you were a teenager. Sucks that this was seemingly other Vol fans doing this to one of their own though.
I met Kasey once at a Lady Vols game, super nice. But also the first thing you should do when you get a “high profile” job, is delete all forms of past social media, and start new ones. Never know when you make some loser on Twitter upset and they dig up something you shouldn’t have tweeted when you were a teenager. Sucks that this was seemingly other Vol fans doing this to one of their own though.
that’s the thing about social media.. even if you delete it, it’s somewhere out ‘there’ 😂 that is why you have to be so careful
I found her tweet and read it. Dumb thing to post but it read more like it was being used in a rap video than a klan rally. It was the abbreviated spelling and she was referring to herself with the word, not calling someone else by it.

Employers certainly have a right to act, and in today’s environment I can’t really fault them. I do think we need to make smarter decisions about what we say, and what she said wasn’t smart. Still, the stuff that was found was dug up because she was advocating against jokes about black face.

I don’t believe she really holds the views that are unfortunately associated with her now. I don’t see he getting her job back but I hope someone gives her a shot.
Wasn't that dude on here first of the week talking about everyone at the game should paint there face black at the game for the black out?
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Wasn't that dude on here first of the week talking about everyone at the game should paint there face black at the game for the black out?
um, yes.. edit: people mentioned the Richard West stupid tweets
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I met Kasey once at a Lady Vols game, super nice. But also the first thing you should do when you get a “high profile” job, is delete all forms of past social media, and start new ones. Never know when you make some loser on Twitter upset and they dig up something you shouldn’t have tweeted when you were a teenager. Sucks that this was seemingly other Vol fans doing this to one of their own though.
In this case, the "loser" was a former tn athlete, apparently they didn't get along back then.
I found her tweet and read it. Dumb thing to post but it read more like it was being used in a rap video than a klan rally. It was the abbreviated spelling and she was referring to herself with the word, not calling someone else by it.

Employers certainly have a right to act, and in today’s environment I can’t really fault them. I do think we need to make smarter decisions about what we say, and what she said wasn’t smart. Still, the stuff that was found was dug up because she was advocating against jokes about black face.

I don’t believe she really holds the views that are unfortunately associated with her now. I don’t see he getting her job back but I hope someone gives her a shot.

What did it say exactly?
Bacon Lettuce Mater
I was with some Vol Network folks last night, and they said she had not been fired. That may have changed since, but at the time I was under the impression she’d just be stepping back to let things blow over.

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