Free Kasey

In theory it should be ok.

In real life you should be aware of your own social media posting history, especially given that UT cheerleader incident, and not get into the arena as the white person trying to protect black people that aren’t even asking for your protection.

I agree with that one should. Do you know all of the accounts you’ve had over the years though? Can be hard to track everything down in practice. In her case it was her basic Twitter, and she should have definitely cleaned that up before entering the pubic eye, but I do feel bad for her, as it’s an easy oversight to make.
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I agree. Not sure what he next steps should be, but this is maybe a reminder that we should check our own accounts and see what we may be putting out there that we haven’t thought about it years.
and that is why I only use GrandpaBook 😂.. and it is cats, kids, food, and pumpkin spice only lmao
I am very sorry, but that word is used ad nasueam in every rap song known to man. That word is one of the most popular words used in accepted main-stream black culture. No matter what the connotation of the word is, it is simply a word. This double standard as to who can say that word is an exercise in absurdity. You don't want people to say it, fine. Make sure EVERYONE is held to the same standard, not just non-blacks. How about some true equality?

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I am very sorry, but that word is used ad nasueam in every rap song known to man. That word is one of the most popular words used in accepted main-stream black culture. No matter what the connotation of the word is, it is simply a word. This double standard as to who can say that word is an exercise in absurdity. You don't want people to say it, fine. Make sure EVERYONE is held to the same standard, not just non-blacks. How about some true equality?
I grew up with Nirvana and Motley Crue 😂 we never said the n word because it kind of wasn’t out there lol.. enter DJ Quick and 2 Live Crew and suddenly all of the guys were n this, n that because it was glorified.. and women were suddenly b!tches lol.. people don’t like to hear it, but it’s the truth… you want it to go away? Me too… You know how words disappear from the English language? You. Quit. Using. Them. Rant Over.
I grew up with Nirvana and Motley Crue 😂 we never said the n word because it kind of wasn’t out there lol.. enter DJ Quick and 2 Live Crew and suddenly all of the guys were n this, n that because it was glorified.. and women were suddenly b!tches lol.. people don’t like to hear it, but it’s the truth… you want it to go away? Me too… You know how words disappear from the English language? You. Quit. Using. Them. Rant Over.

That was definitely a thing. Plenty of people in the late 90s and early 2000s, especially teens were imitating entertainers they liked and probably have blocked it out entirely now haha
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We are all expendable. If it doesn't matter that we grow out of being little *****, then this world is what we deserve.

If people are supposed to be perfect and moral and just by default, never making mistakes at any age and we do not accept that they can be better than they were, and this the standard… well, good luck finding people who meet that standard. If such people were to be found, I would wonder what they are hiding.
I almost lost my job for posting a FB status during the BLM stuff. I said both sides need to acknowledge where they can do better, pointing fingers only tears our country apart.

Apparently that was racist.
Wow. That is absurd. When a good person gets painted a villain.
She called out a parody account on Twitter for an off-color joke having to do with blackface. In turn someone found tweets of hers that used the n-word when she was in her teens. She was fired. Ironic really considering how the whole thing started. So much cancelling from all sides it's hard to keep track
Hate racism but I also hate the irony. Calls out an off color (pun intended) joke and then gets fired for something that happened when she was a kid. She was trying to do the right thing. Also what she did was wrong but if there has been no incident since then why make her pay for that? I don’t want ppl to feel they need to be perfect in order to stick up for other ppl.
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I agree with that one should. Do you know all of the accounts you’ve had over the years though? Can be hard to track everything down in practice. In her case it was her basic Twitter, and she should have definitely cleaned that up before entering the pubic eye, but I do feel bad for her, as it’s an easy oversight to make.

I am in the wrong age group. I had one FB account and I deleted it years ago. That was a great decision.

Honestly, I am surprised to know Twitter allows those statements to stay up.
Maybe most of were playing along but I saw several posts in the tweet where people were acting offended and like it was real. Maybe she didn’t need to do it, but is worse to clarify for the confused or to assume everyone actually gets it?

Unfortunately here, it appears worse to clarify.

I doubt the girl has a racist bone in her body. She is getting pretty screwed here. Mostly for the crime of having been a teenager.
She said she needed a slave. No clue if that was racial. Doesn't sound like a very nice person though.

There needs to be a statute of limitations on these things though. Can we not forgive in this country anymore?
She was like 15 years old. People need to stop playing twitter detective and combing through social media for a gotcha moment
If she killed someone at the age when she said the N-word she could be tried as an adult. She will land on her feet. Would you condone it if your kids were saying it? There is no respect for the N-word anymore. The rappers say it so I should be able to say it defense does not apply.
Thought we were over the woke, PC craze of 2020-21. That’s the stuff that makes it hard to watch sports sometimes. And nearly all of the rock slingers forget about their glass houses.
If she killed someone at the age when she said the N-word she could be tried as an adult. She will land on her feet. Would you condone it if your kids were saying it? There is no respect for the N-word anymore. The rappers say it so I should be able to say it defense does not apply.
I doubt she’s the same person she is now. People change. It’s in the past. No need to punish her now

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