Mainly because there is no such thing as hell. It was a scare tactic to control people after they've grown up and are no longer a gullible kid with parents telling them what to do. It's called indoctrination. If money is the root of all evil, it's funny that churches have more of it than anyone. You'd think every single penny would be put back into the community but it's not. Why do you think popes used to be allowed to marry? There was never a rule against it originally. They added it so popes in the future wouldn't marry only to leave their wealth and prized gifts to their family when they pass. Now it goes back to the corrupt church that hides fleeing pedophiles.
Former priests have come out and how churches would blast the furnaces to make it nice and toasty as they scared people with their imaginary talks of hell. Anyone with a brain should come to the conclusion that if God is so loving and forgiving, burning someone for eternity would not only be the opposite of loving and forgiving but that God being almighty could have used his divine power to make them not awful people. I've also never figured out if God gave us free will to decide whether we go to heave/hell or if God has a plan for us all like so many religious followers like to spout. I guess God knowingly sent people to earth that were destined for hell. Nice God... would have been nicer if he didn't bring them in existence at all. Would have definitely been more compassionate than banishing them to hell for eternity.
Sucks for the people born into non-christian families and countries where christianity is practice by few. I guess a lot of muslims are going to hell by default for being born to the wrong family on the wrong side of the planet. Not that their actions and beliefs aren't hell worthy regardless of the fact they're not christian. If muslims truly follow their made up scripture, it leads them to killing non-believers. Christians on the other hand just threaten you. Isn't that what hell is? A threat.
If everyone was gullible enough to sit around waiting for the end of times and a prophet to appear, technology would be non-existent. Those same people would have had the mindset to burn people for being witches all because they produced technology they didn't understand. Sad that being dumb allows a cult.ure of people to blindly follow an imaginary entity with the threat of an imaginary hell as people are ripped off and used. Hell is nothing but a scare tactic to manipulate people. And if it's not, sounds like God is a pretty terrible whatever. Sending people to hell for eternity and smiting people. If that's the guy running heaven, maybe hell would be the better home. Would also explain why Lucifer wanted to put a stop to God killing people and torturing them permanently.
Dwindling In Unbelief: Who has killed more, Satan or God?