Friday weigh in thread (suns out guns out challenge 8/31/2025)

265lbs not moving much fact went to Long Horn tonight sorta pigged out. Even ate some of wife desert she had.... Don't ever have any sugar at all but did tonight
Chocolate cake, Ice cream with black syrup stuff. I had 2 bites.
Went with neighbors me and him had a big margarita..
I'm gonna be paying for that but that was my cheat time. Have not had one yet..
Went to the gym today and took off my clothes went to my bag and I did not put my
tennis shoes in my bag.. I had my cowboy boots on today and forgot..
That was a dang waste of gas going 20 miles into town for nothing..
Man did I screw up today, my local down the rd volunteer Fire Dept had a fish fry tonight..
and I WENT.. Man I had 2 plates of fish, best tasting hush puppy's, onion rings white beans and fixings.
ma maw browns nanner pudding.... I said what the hale this is cheating weekend get it over with. Top of all that the best looking country looking woman in those tight jeans..
My wife did not go she don't even eat like that....
I am posting my weight loss of 4 pounds on wed. By Friday it could change and totally piss me off.
Hooray to sickness induced weight loss!
198.0 this morning. I honestly never thought I'd see a number that low when I got on a scale. I wish I'd done this years ago.

+13.0 lbs
179 today. This time last year I was 208 and bad out of shape. Now I eat a plant based diet (only eat meat with one or two meals per week) and virtually no processed foods anymore. Feel so much better. Have great energy. Better mood. Better skin tone. Pretty much everything about my life is better since starting a plant based diet. And I don't even miss eating meat. If I do get a craving, I have some. Don't really feel like I am depriving myself of anything. Now I need to get back into the exercise routine. It has been a few months since I did that.
Gained 5 lbs over last 2 weeks. Haven't been running and eating crap. Back to exercise kick today
I'm lucky still at 262lbs I been cheating to much.. I even bought a box of them chocolate
girl scout cookies.. That girls momma was a honey she stood up and man o man hale I bought another box. Now this is sick but what I do is bite one in half chew it up real good then spit out in the trash.. I get the effect but don't swallow it I do swallow some chocolate and sugar but not as bad is eating the whole thing... I also put em in the freezer I like em COLD frozen
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270 not doing good, snacking, bought a candy heath bar with almonds. I love those things not go to the gym last 2 days... shame on me.. But tomorrow is a NEW DAY NEW WEEK HUT HUT
196.2 this morning. I'm a little surprised, I didn't think I'd lose much this week.

+11.2 lbs

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