Friday weigh in thread (suns out guns out challenge 8/31/2025)

220.8 this Friday.
Total wieght loss for this week 3lbs
Total weight loss 3 weeks P90X 9lbs
I am +15.8

Go ME!!
Last edited:
6'2, 187 lbs
Post dump
Pre Breakfast

Dont really have a goal

188. Think I'm gonna layoff the ice cream for a while and see if I can drop my bodyfat. Getting rid of beer would help too but not that committed yet. 13.5% right now.
You made me wonder how much do your bones weigh? 14-20% of original body weight. Useless trivia.
BMI is a crock

I'm perfectly healthy but BMI says I am obese

I agree. I used one of those hand held BMI trackers for fun once. Told me I was obese but after 2 years of weight training, I have increased muscle mass considerably compared to how I was.
Well crap!
That kills my "I'm big boned" excuse.


I think I'm gonna join in.

Starting weight (1/13/12): 176 lbs
Target Weight: 165 lbs

I may adjust this accordingly if I somehow manage to pack on some muscle and 165 lbs is just too skinny :)

I'm going to do a little cardio, but mainly just weight training. Not really trying a drastic change, just trying to get back into shape before I allow it to get too far.

I think I'm gonna join in.

Starting weight (1/13/12): 176 lbs
Target Weight: 165 lbs

I may adjust this accordingly if I somehow manage to pack on some muscle and 165 lbs is just too skinny :)

I'm going to do a little cardio, but mainly just weight training. Not really trying a drastic change, just trying to get back into shape before I allow it to get too far.

I tend to bounce up and down in my weight. Your goal and mine are similar. I figure if i have to check in every Friday it will keep me in check.
Weighed in last night pre-workout: 234.3. Then proceeded with a HIIT workout on the spin bike and rowing machine. I need to be around 200# by Memorial Day and I believe I can reach that as soon as spring rolls around and I'll be on my bike for 8 hours/day again. Gotta get ready for my first race.
Whoops, late to the party. Started my plan Jan 4th. Was +18. Today I'm +12.

Got a bet with a coworker riding on this. Refuse to lose.
Glad to see so many of us out there trying to get healthy and I think this thread is a great modivating tool. Good luck to all who are trying to lose the weight/get in shape/tone up.

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