Friday weigh in thread (suns out guns out challenge 8/31/2025)

176. Surprised, but I took two doses of Hydroxycut over the weekend, and it curbed my appetite, so I didn't eat as much as usual.
Was 188 last Friday. End of Week 2 of P90X 2. Not trying to lose weight, just trying to maintain. On a crazy point, I've quit drinking beer from Sunday through Friday at 5. Don't know why, just seemed the thing to do...
I've quit drinking beer almost altogether. I've drank once since New Year's.

Financially, it's really helped. It used to be that whenever I would go to a restaurant, I'd order a beer or three just out of habit, and of course not really even get a buzz. Now I save anywhere from $10 - $15 on every meal I eat out (about twice a week).

I just assume it will help with my weight loss goal as well.
I totally read it. I just picture a ghost telling it to me. So it kinda creeps me out. I'd prefer it if people who were dead to me didn't talk so much.

Why are you dead to me? I think you made it up.
I totally read it. I just picture a ghost telling it to me. So it kinda creeps me out. I'd prefer it if people who were dead to me didn't talk so much.

Why are you dead to me? I think you made it up.

I wouldn't put it past me. That's the kind of stuff I do.
5'11", 224 as of this morning. Goal is 175 (therefore currently +49), for which there's $50 with a co-worker. The bet is over who the first to 175 is...I start here, he starts at 162.

My plan is to eat as much crap that's supposed to be bad for you as possible, just to annoy everyone else who's sticking to a strict diet. Breakfast today was bacon, eggs, and potatoes...

The only issue once I get down below 190 is that it starts to show in my face. With my face being a bit fuller, it makes me look like a ferocious SOB, which is nicely accented by the naturally crazed expression. If I go too far, I just look like someone who's pissed off at the world.
Correction to my earlier post. Was up +22 (per the scale here with clothes on, which is our bet). And we started 1-3-12 not 1-4-12. Today I'm +13. :dance2:
Thanks! Biggest thing I have going for me is I've done it before. Learned alot about my body and what I can change and what it can do. It feels good to feel good.
174 today. 4 lbs in 3 days. My weight can fluctuate from 165-185. When I get going too much in one direction, I'll move the other direction. Kind of a silly way to go, but it fits my lifestyle and personality. I can't go to the gym everyday and I don't eat well everyday, but I sure can get on a compulsive binge in either direction.
174 today. 4 lbs in 3 days. My weight can fluctuate from 165-185. When I get going too much in one direction, I'll move the other direction. Kind of a silly way to go, but it fits my lifestyle and personality. I can't go to the gym everyday and I don't eat well everyday, but I sure can get on a compulsive binge in either direction.
Today Friday? :)

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