Bama is beating us while we are down. Goes both ways. Typically the better team wins. No one knows what "would" happen. It is merely a guess. -- Nobody will come in here and do magic. Saban Spurrier Miles & Richt are not pulling a sleight of hand. They have the best players. For UT to rise again, we need the best players. And we have to out recruit those schools. Not just finish 6th or 8th in the league and scream "it is not a big deal", "we can just coach them up". "Boise St. and Kansas St. do it, so can we". Well folks, check the SEC title winners out. Which team was coached up and won it? None. They all had a top level team. The one exception was 2001. That was a Saban led team. Our path back to the to the top is clearly marked out.If Phil was still our coach we would still be losing to Florida, Bama, GA and SC on a regular basis. The only time Phil owned Bama was when they were going through sanctions which was during the time when Phil made his run on them. Phil led teams would not be beating Saban led Bama teams. Nothing pleased Spurrier more than driving a nail against UT in the won/loss column.
Oh geez, we're going back to this debate.
What do you Fulmerites think would be going on if Fulmer was never fired? Do you think we would be beating Saban? Spurrier? Richt? How can you look at the last several years of Fulmer's reign and think that we'd be anything more than a 7 or 8 win football team?
And of course, that would be better than what Dooley has done. I don't think anyone rational would argue that Fulmer wasn't miles better than Dooley. But no one wanted us to replace Fulmer with some WAC loser. That would be an insane proposition.
But, the real question here is: do you want Tennessee to be a team with an 8 win ceiling and losses to our rivals year in/year out? Because that was where Fulmer was at (at best). Or do you want to compete for championships?
152-52 NC 1 year removed from SECG. That is "at best".
Yeah. It's called "diminishing returns". Average of 8 wins his last 3 seasons (being kind and not counting his average over the last 4 seasons). He was in decline. He couldn't beat Alabama or Florida anymore (not with Meyer or Saban at the helm). Why can you not see that? Or I guess the real question is are you so in love with Fulmer that you're happy with UT losing to Alabama and Florida (and Georgia most likely) every year, just so he could stay? I'm not.
You don't fire a coach with no plan. Bad move. Seems like we are about to do it again. Some don't learn. Never will. If you have better, get better. If you don't have a Gruden on the line, then title games every three years is not bad. At all. And if we do get another new coach he wont cakewalk through this league either, whoever he is.Yeah. It's called "diminishing returns". Average of 8 wins his last 3 seasons (being kind and not counting his average over the last 4 seasons). He was in decline. He couldn't beat Alabama or Florida anymore (not with Meyer or Saban at the helm). Why can you not see that? Or I guess the real question is are you so in love with Fulmer that you're happy with UT losing to Alabama and Florida (and Georgia most likely) every year, just so he could stay? I'm not.
You don't fire a coach with no plan. Bad move. Seems like we are about to do it again. Some don't learn. Never will. If you have better, get better. If you don't have a Gruden on the line, then title games every three years is not bad. At all. And if we do get another new coach he wont cakewalk through this league either, whoever he is.
Oh geez, we're going back to this debate.
What do you Fulmerites think would be going on if Fulmer was never fired? Do you think we would be beating Saban? Spurrier? Richt? How can you look at the last several years of Fulmer's reign and think that we'd be anything more than a 7 or 8 win football team?
Yeah. It's called "diminishing returns". Average of 8 wins his last 3 seasons (being kind and not counting his average over the last 4 seasons). He was in decline. He couldn't beat Alabama or Florida anymore (not with Meyer or Saban at the helm). Why can you not see that? Or I guess the real question is are you so in love with Fulmer that you're happy with UT losing to Alabama and Florida (and Georgia most likely) every year, just so he could stay? I'm not.