Fulmer was asked to retire . He said no. He was asked to resign. He said no He made UT fire him. Was he thinking of the University? Must not have been, because under the first two scenarios offered to him, his payout wouldn't have been so high. As it turned out by being fired, he got 6,000,000. Poor guy. He was treated awfully by the University...LOL..he thought of nothing but himself the day after the SC game. He also wanted the PC with Vicky in tow. While they didn't have to do the PC, they allowed him to do it.
That's how it went down. So while I do believe he loves the University with all his heart, the last years of his tenure were all about himself. What about in 2005 when reporters would have the temerity to ask him why they were playing so badly? All we heard were defensive comebacks like, " I didn't forget how to coach" and "we've won some big games here"....
He made it perfectly clear in public about his quest to coach again. Details of his interview at Kansas were made public. IT was embarrassing to him. Google it and learn some things. Oh, yeah, the "I'm interviewing schools as much as they're interviewing me" public comment didn't help himself. When the Notre Dame job came open, he was interested per his public comments. They never gave him a sniff. Wonder why?
He did a lot of great things for the program, no doubt. I respect him for it, but it was time for the program to move on without him. Those who believe he should have been retained are either tied to tightly to him emotionally or they are ignorant of his career track and record and how he was at the helm when this thing started sliding into the ditch