I live on the West Coast and hadn't heard Erik before...
When asked about Lane Kiffin, Erik said:
"We were taken to prom, and then he took us to second base, but they left with a hotter girl.... He left with a girl who had bigger boobs... and we knew that.... We weren't mad that Lane left, we were mad that we got Derek Dooley"
Ya know in another thread this was mentioned and my first thought was Eirk...is such a schmuck.....(still holding to that) But upon thinking about it, I thought ya know for a certain section of Vol fans this is a pretty awesome analogy.
Because a lot of you so called fans act like a bunch of scorned women. Now before I sound too misogynistic, I don't mean you act like any women....not good women. A good woman will work with you and stick by you when the chips are down. No you are more like gold digging hoes. If Kiffin was the Don Juan that promised you the world and left you high and dry and feeling like the fan sluts you are. Phil was that good man who provided for you for over a decade, and had some of the best numbers of the coaching world in the history of coaching. All he did was bring home SEC titles, more then just about any other SEC coach during the hey dey, but he didn't bring EVERY SEC title....and so like a gold digging ho....you berated him, b*tched and moaned. talked about what the Spurrier's had next door, and how your last boyfriend Majors knew better how to please you just to piss him off (even though everyone knew what an abusive boyfriend he was to you) Sure enough as soon as your hard working coach slipped a little, when the chips were down. You put his stuff on the curb, you kicked him out of his own house that he had fixed up and paid the bills on.....then brought in some young coach you found at the bar after getting him drunk. When he split on you, you then found the first stupid moran you could to pay your bills for awhile, who was hopelessly out of his league, but a nice guy.
Scorned gold digging women hos that's exactly the sort of fans you are. and yeah that includes some people who think their so darned important on these forums.
Not all Vol Fans or even the majority are like this. Many understand the important things. Some are maybe good women who stick by their men, and others are men who see the Coach as a buddy and someone you work with and not the guy you expect to bring home your bacon. He's your compadre ese! Phil was a Vol For Life. He was family, he hired and brought in other Vols for life (which always pissed you un-loyal gold diggers off)....all things that mean nothing to you, all you wanted was more SEC bling. But for the fans in which the University of Tennessee and it's traditions mean something....having a large group of people on Staff who went here played here, moved up the ranks here, who loved this University, and win or lose represented us and our history meant something. Cause win or lose we are VFL's....we loved seeing our own represent us... Whiney azzed B*tches all of ya....
Phil is the man, still is the man. always will be the man like Neyland before him. I hope Coach Jones is also the man, and he seems to get what is important...he seems like a good guy too. Type A details kinda guy and hard working bread winner...I will definitely drink a beer with this man. But I would council him on this. Most of the Vol Nation are loyal Vols for life....you take care of them and they will take care of you. But beware of that loud minority whiny bunch, they are a fickle hussy that will sleep with your best friend in an instant if the chips are down, and she thinks he can give her a SEC title. Don't trust her....she's bad news.