Fulmer needs to be the first to go

You mouth breathers wanted Fulmer gone in 2009 and got it, and look where we are.

This is on Pruitt. Not Fulmer.

Heck Phil proud of ye fer the multi syllable word!
Message me back if you need syllable defined for you

This is on phil for raping the school twice he claims to love
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Why no deep shots to Hyatt? Why no packages for Holiday? Why are we run run running with 5 minutes left? Why no FG? Why does Bailey have no idea how to run a 2-minute offense?
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Freeze and apparently Pittman.
Pittman wasn't a HC until this year so it would've been the same gamble as Pruitt.

Freeze had a huge cloud over his head and you can't blame an administration on passing him up. Why do you think he's at Liberty? I wanted Freeze but there's no fault in not hiring him
Fulmer sucks. Never should have been allowed back in to taint the program.
Lol...how were we doing before he came along? Oh yeah that's right we sucked and had the worst dramatic coaching search of all time.
So who could we have hired instead of JP when Fulmer became AD?

The hire isn't what I see as the firable offense. The extension, however, is a firable offense. Nobody was courting Pruitt. There was no reason to give him a raise or extension. Now we're in a less where we have an inept head coach and probably can't afford to get rid of him.
Pittman wasn't a HC until this year so it would've been the same gamble as Pruitt.

Freeze had a huge cloud over his head and you can't blame an administration on passing him up. Why do you think he's at Liberty? I wanted Freeze but there's no fault in not hiring him

You’re not wrong and I’m not saying Pruitt needs to go, but he has got to get away from JG and it appears that Bailey needs to get the start the rest of the year as Maurer does not appear to have it either. If Pruitt is too stubborn to do this he will need to go.

It’s time to look at the future.

Otherwise we are a desperate program and we have to go a desperate path and that path is Freeze as he is as desperate as we are and I think he would take the job in a heartbeat.
Again...How is it Fulmer's fault?

It’s quite simple. In 2017 Fulmer went out and plucked a coach straight from 1990. Someone whose philosophy was centered around a strong defense and a ground and pound offense. This is what Fulmer knows best so it’s not surprising that he went that route. However, he didn’t have the vision or foresight to realize that those days are far behind us in college football. Even Nick Saban realized this and changed his entire team’s identity. We as a program and as a fan base need to stop living in the past because winning the championship in 1998 doesn’t help us one bit today. Unfortunately, as long as we allow people like the Haslams to run this team we have no shot.
You wanna bash him for the extension, fine. But it was a weird situation that he walked in to. We had the freaking NC ST coach turn down the job. Instead of getting a for sure average coach, might as well gamble on a new guy and Pruitt was the type of coach we wanted as far as a D minded guy who likes smashmouth ball.[/QUOTE

Who wanted a dminded coach to play old school smash mouth ball? I certainly didn’t. I don’t think most of the fan base wanted that.
That’s not the game anymore. Big hits (and hits to the upper extremities) get your players ejected and give the offense 15 yards. It’s an offensive game these days. I think most of us realize that and we’re disappointed we went for a coach that wanted to bring back old school ball.
This season is Pruitt's downfall... probably get another year to reduce the buyout...but he's a dead man walking. I hated the hire at first, changed my mind, have him a chance. I was WRONG.

Don't see how they can give Pruitt another year just to reduce the buyout. If he's not the solution, cut him loose now. Not sure how many more seasons like this our program and fan base can take. Desperate times desperate measures as the saying goes. Go big, go bold. Pretty clear who I think is the perfect choice at this time.
Fulmer isn’t the problem with our football team

Disagree. He hired Pruitt. He nixed bringing in Kiffin as head coach. He nixed hiring Freeze as OC. He's directly responsible for this mess. His arse needs the boot then get Pruitt on the follow through. They both need to go.
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You wanna bash him for the extension, fine. But it was a weird situation that he walked in to. We had the freaking NC ST coach turn down the job. Instead of getting a for sure average coach, might as well gamble on a new guy and Pruitt was the type of coach we wanted as far as a D minded guy who likes smashmouth ball.
I personally think Fulmer is the cancer that is killing this program. He has a history of hiring mediocre coaches. Unlike Majors, who hired several assistants who went on to be head coaches, I can’t think of one that Fulmer hired that succeeded. And now this guy.
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You wanna bash him for the extension, fine. But it was a weird situation that he walked in to. We had the freaking NC ST coach turn down the job. Instead of getting a for sure average coach, might as well gamble on a new guy and Pruitt was the type of coach we wanted as far as a D minded guy who likes smashmouth ball.
That was another mistake by Fulmer...should have never been looking for a defensive minded, smashmouth, old-school style head coach. That just shows that Fulmer hasn’t evolved along with the game. Offense is what wins these days.
Lol...how were we doing before he came along? Oh yeah that's right we sucked and had the worst dramatic coaching search of all time.
And you think Fulmer has saved the program? We are looking at 2-8 in the SEC.

I just think it ironic that information got leaked on the previous AD and all of a sudden there stands Phil in his Superman cape to save the program. It appears to me he has taken up right where he left off in 2008.
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At this point, the first termination needs the be Fulmer for extending Pruitt and making him basically unfireable due to the buyout.

Yep, the undeserved extension for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is beyond comprehension. What the hell? But he was on a 6 game winning streak. So. Against who? That’s what emotional reasoning does. It allows a person to make irrational and costly decisions based upon their emotional perceptions. I learned long ago as a member of upper management to NEVER allow my emotions to get in the way of the decision making process. I’ve also always told anyone I’ve known that wanted me to hire them that if they screwed the pooch that I’d personally fire them. You have to separate personal from business. Apparently this is something Pruitt and Fulmer can’t do and for that reason neither will ever be successful in their current rolls. Pruitt can’t fire his buddies and Fulmer can’t admit he made a bad hire so he lets it run its course into the ground.
The fire Fulmer crowd are the same mouth breathers that got us in this situation in the first place.
The fire Fulmer crowd are the same mouth breathers that got us in this situation in the first place.
I guess you like mediocrity. Saban, Meyer, and Spurrier was helping him kill UT football. Fulmer had a chance to become the king of SEC football after the 2001 season and just did not have it in him.
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The fire Fulmer crowd are the same mouth breathers that got us in this situation in the first place.
It's actually people studid enough to think this regarding Fulmer that placed Tennessee football where they are and have kept them there for multiple decades.

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