Fulmer speaks out

Bash the man who won a National Championship and played for numerous SECC's. I just don't get some of you. After what we've been through since he left you should begin to have some kind of clue of how hard it is to do what he accomplished. Some of you act like he burned down the university, but instead what he left was a legacy here at UT of being a perineal powerhouse. A storied and rich tradition of winning. He set the bar high. Get over yourselves, and your overinflated egos.

Blast away! I'm going to enjoy this :D
I'm not seeing the bashing you're referring to. You are somewhat defeating your own argument by saying his teams played for numerous SEC titles when they only won 2. This is a Tennessee message board after all so why don't you defend the points brought up if they offend you instead of saying over and over that everybody's bashing Coach Fulmer. Haven't noticed the burning of the university anywhere but in your post.
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Lay off Fulmer. There isn't a coach out there that will happily take all the blame for their shortcomings on the field. Just part of the gig.
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Lay off Fulmer. There isn't a coach out there that will happily take all the blame for their shortcomings on the field. Just part of the gig.

Bingo. I have trouble with the what have you done for me lately mentality. The man presided over a damned good era of Tennessee football. How many of you would not take his record right now?

Maybe it was time for him to go, but he was a pretty damned decent football coach, just let it go at that.
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Bingo. I have trouble with the what have you done for me lately mentality. The man presided over a damned good era of Tennessee football. How many of you would not take his record right now?

Maybe it was time for him to go, but he was a pretty damned decent football coach, just let it go at that.[/QUOTE]

My point is....why can't Fulmer "let it go".
Huh? What is it he is not letting go? To my knowledge, he has not pulled a Johnny Majors lately........
Regardless, the administration did not promote Sanders or hire Clawson. Those were all on Fulmer. The administration, if anything, stayed too loyal to Fulmer for the same reasons you mentioned above.

I do blame the administration for making some very questionable hires since Fulmer was fired. Also for not supporting the AD financially when it came to hiring a coach

Maybe now we have it fixed

I agree with this. Plus it also shows that Fulmer really hasn't learned anything post his being fired as UT's head coach. You'd think he would have looked at himself in the mirror and had some self-reflection on the matter by now. I just shake my head in complete disbelief that he didn't offer one single word of personal responsibility for the slide of our program. Fulmer in his last years was getting out worked and out recruited...fact! That has nothing to do with the administration. We had the largest recruiting budget in the country! We had some of the nicest facilities in the country. Fulmer can look squarely at himself at his staff in terms of who to blame for the state of the program. Then the awful, awful hire of Dave Clawson just put it to the point of no return!
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I really don't see the need by Majors or Fulmer to subject all of us to their pettiness. They both need to man up and quit playing people by laying blame toward others. They both did good and bad things in their time as head coaches. Thanks for the good memories. Now move on.
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i'm sorry, but this is a crock.

what, in terms or resources, was denied the tennessee football program by the administration?

i have heard complaints from coaches about university administrations before. however, it was all about money denied to the program. upgrades to practice facilities, stadium, coach's offices, recruiting budgets, etc, etc, etc.

i don't believe that was a problem in any way at tennessee.
I think he's overplaying it a little, but it's not a complete crock.
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I really don't see the need by Majors or Fulmer to subject all of us to their pettiness. They both need to man up and quit playing people by laying blame toward others. They both did good and bad things in their time as head coaches. Thanks for the good memories. Now move on.

As much as Fulmer drive me crazy the last 5 years he had the job, I've got to say that he's been a model ex-coach.
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I'm not seeing the bashing you're referring to. You are somewhat defeating your own argument by saying his teams played for numerous SEC titles when they only won 2. This is a Tennessee message board after all so why don't you defend the points brought up if they offend you instead of saying over and over that everybody's bashing Coach Fulmer. Haven't noticed the burning of the university anywhere but in your post.

Fulmer doesn't need anyone to defend him, he's in the CFB Hall of Fame. He has one of the best lifetime records in the SEC. He is a Vol, and his teams gave us bragging rights for many many wonderful years. Hopefully, Butch can get us back on top of the SEC, and playing for championships. Maybe next time we won't take those kinds of big games for granted win or lose!

If you haven't seen Fulmer bashed on this board, you are one of two things:

1. You are new to this board.

2. You are not a reader.
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This word, it does not mean what you think it means.

Although it is sorta fitting given how other teams were giving it to us towards the end.

It doesn't matter, Butch Jones is center stage now, and I hope he gets it done. It's all water under the bridge.
I could be wrong in this so please correct me if I am. I thought when Dickey left, Fulmer had a lot of influence in the hiring of Hamilton. That was always my assumption.

I don't think you're wrong at all. Fulmer had a tremendous amount of influence in UT athletics at that time. I recall there being questions to whether or not Hamilton was qualified for the position; I also remember Fulmer's full support was behind MH.

I understand that nobody wants to accept blame for the downfall of the program, but I thought this quote was a bit of revisionist history:

"We ended up with an athletic director that wasn't prepared for the job."

Whether he is the best head coach or not, I think the loss of Coach Cut (twice) began the fall.

I'm looking forward to seeing our program on the rise again.
From 2002 until his dismissal after the 2008 season, the Vols were 57-32 (.640 winning pct) played in two SEC Championship Games, 2 Peach Bowls, 2 Outback Bowls, and a Cotton Bowl.

Not as great as the teams you had grown accustomed to since 1989 but not as bad as you try to make it out to be.

I'm sure you and every UT fan would love to go to 3 SECCGs every 8 years (the rate at which UT was going during the terrible years of Fulmer's coaching stint at UT. Not sure why so many of you are obsessed with bashing one of the two Hall of Fame coaches in UT history. (Neyland and Fulmer).
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So we were playing administrators against LSU in 01, Clemson and Maryland in Peach Bowls, all the 05, 08 seasons and several debacles against Florida?! Wow! Explains a lot.

Yeah, I take exception with the "We didn't just suddenly get dumb and lazy" . SOMETHING happened; and from some of the Coaching comments of the last couple years by PF, I wonder.
Bash the man who won a National Championship and played for numerous SECC's. I just don't get some of you. After what we've been through since he left you should begin to have some kind of clue of how hard it is to do what he accomplished. Some of you act like he burned down the university, but instead what he left was a legacy here at UT of being a perineal powerhouse. A storied and rich tradition of winning. He set the bar high. Get over yourselves, and your overinflated egos.

Blast away! I'm going to enjoy this :D

I'm not even going to get into a debate with a man that can't spell the word perennial correctly... quit trying to defend Fulmer's complacency in recruiting and conservative coaching mindset in the latter part of his tenure. Yes, he took our program to another level while he was here and is a true Volunteer, and for that I thank him. No one on here is going to give you a sympathy like for taking up for him. Times are bright on the hill and Butch is the man. GO VOLS!!

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