Fulton County Prosecutor Opens Criminal Investigation of Trump Call

I don't know what I did, but you're welcome
Full disclosure, is a drunk post and her tag says "thanks Joe" and for the life of me I can't think of a single good thing any politician post Kennedy has done. So she was either thanking me or @joevol33, and 24 comes before 33, so I guess it's me for not replying to all the mouthbreather uber political people who see party over country.
Kemp and gang are corrupt and need to go. More and more information is coming out that confirms this as a fact.

Kemp came to power as a Georgia Senator in 2003, just weeks after a stunning electoral upset in Georgia that tipped control of the U.S. Senate. A few weeks after the election Bev Harris discovered 40,000 secret voting machine files — including a set of files called “rob-georgia,” containing instructions to replace Georgia’s computerized voting files before the election. The files she found contained databases with votes in them as well as the voting machine programs.

In February when Rep. Tim Bearden introduced HB1215 which offered protections close to what the previous bill did, Sec. Kemp refused to support the bill.

Kemp had his own idea about election reform.

Instead of protecting Georgia voters, the Chief of Staff to the former Secretary of State, the Deputy Chief of Staff to the Governor, the head of Legislative Affairs for the former Governor, the former Secretary of State, and the former State Election Director—were all either ES&S lobbyists or accepted large donations from ES&S.

ES&S is the company Dominion Election Systems spawned from. Both use the same Diebold system base.

Brian Kemp awarded ES&S with a sole-source contract which gave them direct access to and responsibility for voter registration, ballot access, and ballot counting until Dec 31st, 2019.

How secure was ES&S? Hacked in 1 Minute

Following the 2nd annual DEF CON Hacking Voting Village I released an investigative expose demonstrating that a widely-used optical scan voting machine called the ES&S M650 was vulnerable from multiple attack vectors. This machine is used in 24 states to count votes and can be hacked to change election results in under one minute. The report has received close to 1/2 a million views.

What you read above is what you can expect with Dominion Voting Services using Amazon cloud services. If they’re passing around thumb drives as they did in Michigan the Dominion system gives real-time results and files can be added to the system. What makes Georgia uniquely hackable is everywhere there’s a Wi-Fi signal, the election is vulnerable. When Dominion chose the obsolete Windows 7 OS, they made it as easy as an internet search.

Governor Kemp, this is your record on election reform and shows the respect you have for the people you govern. How much more did Dominion offer?

Gov Brian Kemp And Dominion’s Cloud Based Elections |The “Rob-Georgia” Files - CD Media
@Vol Main, posting here instead of the meme thread. The new GA law doesnt say people cant get water or snacks in line waiting to vote. It just says they cant be set up by third parties.

If you want to make sure X location has water or food for people you just have to donate the food or water to the poll station and ask the poll workers to set it up for you. This is legal and has been done in locations already in GA.

I couldnt find the thread where the relevant parts of the law were being quoted so this seemed like the best place for it.
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UPDATE: Four Months After the 2020 Election in Georgia, Over 400,000 Absentee Ballots are Missing Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation, Yet Biden Was Given the State by 12,000 Votes

As of March 3, only 56 of Georgia’s 159 counties have provided ballot transfer form data to The Georgia Star News. The number of absentee by mail ballots delivered to registrars in those 56 counties total only 195,309, or 32.5 percent, of the estimated 600,000 absentee vote by mail ballots deposited in drop boxes and delivered to county registrars and counted in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.

In other words, there is no chain of custody for 67.5 percent – an estimated 404,691 – of the estimated 600,000 absentee vote by mail ballots deposited in drop boxes and delivered to county registrars and counted in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.
Sounds like the round mound of dumb dumb is about to be indicted in Georgia.

That "jury foreperson" comes across as being a little too proud of herself during that NBC interview. I don't see anything wrong with her granting an interview, but her demeanor will make it easy for Republicans to cast her, and in turn, every member of the grand jury as biased political partisans.
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That "jury foreperson" comes across as being a little too proud of herself during that NBC interview. I don't see anything wrong with her granting an interview, but her demeanor will make it easy for Republicans to cast her and in turn every member of the grand jury, as biased political partisans.

It’s a certainty they are.
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I hope they indict and are brought to trial in open court. Anyone giving odds on whether this happens or not?

Also have a question. Is it normal or even legal for grand jurors to give interviews prior to the resolution of the case/s they are hearing?
I hope they indict and are brought to trial in open court. Anyone giving odds on whether this happens or not?

Also have a question. Is it normal or even legal for grand jurors to give interviews prior to the resolution of the case/s they are hearing?
Idk, but it's been nothing but a circus with the left since Trump beat Hillary. Biden has been president for 3 years now, and they still can't talk about anything but trump 🤣
Idk, but it's been nothing but a circus with the left since Trump beat Hillary. Biden has been president for 3 years now, and they still can't talk about anything but trump 🤣
If you were on their side would you want to spend your time defending and talking about the disaster that is biden/harris?
I hope they indict and are brought to trial in open court. Anyone giving odds on whether this happens or not?

Also have a question. Is it normal or even legal for grand jurors to give interviews prior to the resolution of the case/s they are hearing?

Good question. My wife just finished her tour as a grand juror for the past eighteen months. Basically they were told to keep their mouth shut or else about any case brought before them. I would think a Federal Judge would be completely unhappy with this person giving an interview.
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Good question. My wife just finished her tour as a grand juror for the past eighteen months. Basically they were told to keep their mouth shut or else about any case brought before them. I would think a Federal Judge would be completely unhappy with this person giving an interview.

This (I think) was a GJ seated by the local DA and not a federal one so who knows the rules may be different.
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I enjoyed those 4 years of peace and prosperity, which did you hate the most?
The ever increasing debt and deficit, and his attempt to grab guns and gun equipment. The EOs were a pain too.

Dont come at me with that liberal bs new guy. I am actually conservative and call out everyone for things I dont like. I dont just give it lip service while sucking off a guy who clearly pandered to get his spot.

Go back before his campaign every R under the sun hated trump. But because he stuck that same R by his name its suddenly taboo to say he didnt walk on water.
The ever increasing debt and deficit, and his attempt to grab guns and gun equipment. The EOs were a pain too.

Dont come at me with that liberal bs new guy. I am actually conservative and call out everyone for things I dont like. I dont just give it lip service while sucking off a guy who clearly pandered to get his spot.

Go back before his campaign every R under the sun hated trump. But because he stuck that same R by his name its suddenly taboo to say he didnt walk on water.

You support the spending in Ukraine?And no Trump was not despised pre campaign by Rs
Why would he be he was not a politician and not even acknowledged

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