'25 GA LB Jadon Perlotte (USC commit)

“He really doesn’t want to say UGA doesn’t want him” so you are just assuming that’s what AP meant by that quote? 😂😂😂 AP has never been one to mince words nor has ever not understood the importance of official visits to programs who want a recruit but apparently Benholt seems to think Georgia likes wasting them for some reason
I can’t teach you how to read subtext, that’s on you. Generally you don’t have to repeatedly deny that you don’t want a recruit that’s already committed.

why would you want to alienate a kid you might need later by canceling his OV? Presumably they didn’t know what Gass, or whomever, was gonna do at that time. Looking at his rise and Jadon’s fall, it appears the dominoes are falling into place.

What’s funny is that none of this matters a bit. Whether they really wanted him or they were slow playing him- it makes no difference. Not to trivialize your sunshine policing… but we won’t know the consequences of any of this until we see these kids take the field.
You’d have to ask them. AP and a Georgia staffer were both saying he wouldn’t be in their class prior to that.

Probably recognized the kid was being slow- played.

Given the services’ reactive rankings, kinda seems like they were waiting to hear from Gass, and I really hope I’m wrong and he doesn’t commit to them in a week.

Could involve another kid I don’t even know about.

But I’d personally be happy to have Perlotte regardless of what any other school thinks of him.
Does "him not being in Georgia's class" necessarily have to be a Georgia's decision, though?

I kind of always read that as while he was committed to UGA, it looked for a long time like he may end up somewhere else on his own volition. Not that UGA was culling him.
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Does "him not being in Georgia's class" necessarily have to be a Georgia's decision, though?

I kind of always read that as while he was committed to UGA, it looked for a long time like he may end up somewhere else on his own volition. Not that UGA was culling him.
No apparently you didn’t read the “subtext” of AP’s quote also disregard the official he took to UGA apparently schools like to throw those away on recruits they don’t want
you would think he would get more respect with how he dominates against all that good competition buford plays.
Does "him not being in Georgia's class" necessarily have to be a Georgia's decision, though?

I kind of always read that as while he was committed to UGA, it looked for a long time like he may end up somewhere else on his own volition. Not that UGA was culling him.
I did consider this, pretty heavily, but it doesn’t track for me.

I don’t know why he’d even take the visit if he had no intention of going there. AP made it sound like he wouldn’t go down there at one point.

He kind of went "radio silent" on the VQ guys post-UGA visit. They presumably lied to him, and now that there are decisions looming for a couple other kids, he sees the writing on the wall.

Best thing that could happen is we get Gass too, then I’m def proven wrong, and happily. Like I said there could be another player involved idk about. We’ll know more after these commit dates.
No apparently you didn’t read the “subtext” of AP’s quote also disregard the official he took to UGA apparently schools like to throw those away on recruits they don’t want
I don’t think you understand the concept of slow playing a guy. You might need him, you don’t cancel an OV for a guy you might need.

But please, mention the OV in another reply, it’s clear you have nothing else to support your point.
I don’t think you understand the concept of slow playing a guy. You might need him, you don’t cancel an OV for a guy you might need.

But please, mention the OV in another reply, it’s clear you have nothing else to support your point.
Slow playing because he was looking around, that doesn’t mean code for they didn’t want him they just kept their options open…take some advice and sit this one out
Dropped him to a 3 star
Very possible someone associated with Ga has “badmouthed” the kid to On3 after they realized he may bolt on them. That kinda **** happens in recruiting.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Ga is still recruiting him telling him “we can get you back to a 4 star if not 5”.
Slow playing because he was looking around, that doesn’t mean code for they didn’t want him they just kept their options open…take some advice and sit this one out
Or looking around because he was being slow played. Mods having to insist they want him, because absolutely everything else points to the opposite.

If I take a seat it’ll be to watch the mental gymnastics you’re doing to protect your fragile little heart.
First, AP said he didn’t think he’d take the visit, this was after he and other teams mods said they didn’t see him ending up in UGA’s class.

"I would not say that Georgia doesn’t want him, but he has continued to look around and they have just decided to continue to recruit others… I think he fell in love with Tennessee last weekend".

He really doesn’t wanna say UGA doesn’t want him. Even tho they were still recruiting for his spot while he was a commit. I wonder why AP wouldn’t wanna say that? Y’all are exhibit A as to why he didn’t.

I’m glad Jadon got the message y’all ignore. And I really hope Gass doesn’t commit to them in a week, but it sure looks like it.
Y’all come here to bitch about reactive rankings then completely ignore the evidence it points to. 😂

When Travis Smith commits, that’s the time to gloat about beating UGA for a kid. This… this is embarrassing.
Nooga liked your post. Go join him.
Same group dropped Spillman last cycle despite having 5 star film. They don’t know how to evaluate kids, at this point it’s a beauty contest and certain HS programs players get graded on a curve.
You are correct and our staff wouldn't trade Spillman for any other LB last year. He is a Boss.
Nooga liked your post. Go join him.
My favorite thing is when Hubbs, AP, and the gang have to do a little disclaimer because they know what giant babies you all are.

At least wait until Gass commits to them to call me a UGA fan, because at least then I can take your utter nonsense and the disappointment of that with a side of being right.
I did consider this, pretty heavily, but it doesn’t track for me.

I don’t know why he’d even take the visit if he had no intention of going there. AP made it sound like he wouldn’t go down there at one point.

He kind of went "radio silent" on the VQ guys post-UGA visit. They presumably lied to him, and now that there are decisions looming for a couple other kids, he sees the writing on the wall.

Best thing that could happen is we get Gass too, then I’m def proven wrong, and happily. Like I said there could be another player involved idk about. We’ll know more after these commit dates.
Georgia wanted this kid. Their own mod commented on that. Unless you think he can’t interpret the actions of Georgia as well. Georgia isn’t getting him, they know that at this point, so they’re moving on and doing big boy recruiting. Huge land for Tennessee unfortunately the mutts will be just fine and land another four or five star to replace him though.
Georgia wanted this kid. Their own mod commented on that. Unless you think he can’t interpret the actions of Georgia as well. Georgia isn’t getting him, they know that at this point, so they’re moving on and doing big boy recruiting. Huge land for Tennessee unfortunately the mutts will be just fine and land another four or five star to replace him though.
Lol if they land a higher rated guy to replace him the scenario you all can’t accept is essentially proven to be the case.

You’re saying they went all in on him, we won, so now they’re moving on to
HIGHER rated guys???

Y’all are really on one for real 🤣
Lol if they land a higher rated guy to replace him the scenario you all can’t accept is essentially proven to be the case.

You’re saying they went all in on him, we won, so now they’re moving on to
HIGHER rated guys???

Y’all are really on one for real 🤣
That’s all reliant on if they land gass. At this moment it looks 50/50 for gass. Now if they land gass it’s good for both sides. If we one gass it’s a recruiting masterpiece by inge. We will see though. You do have a point
Lol if they land a higher rated guy to replace him the scenario you all can’t accept is essentially proven to be the case.

You’re saying they went all in on him, we won, so now they’re moving on to
HIGHER rated guys???

Y’all are really on one for real 🤣
Higher rated guys? Are you dumb enough to think Georgia bases their decisions off ON3 rankings? Georgia has their board this kid was high on it. They fought off FSU earlier for this “kid they didn’t want” according to your DA narrative. Their version of AP said Georgia wanted him he wasn’t being forced out but Georgia had to evaluate other options as it appeared he wasn’t committed to Georgia. I’m not sure what else to say to convince you. You either don’t have all the facts or aren’t intelligent enough to put them together.

We miss on our fair share as well. Not sure why our “fans” have to piss on our wins along the way as well.
Lol if they land a higher rated guy to replace him the scenario you all can’t accept is essentially proven to be the case.

You’re saying they went all in on him, we won, so now they’re moving on to
HIGHER rated guys???

Y’all are really on one for real 🤣
They will almost certainly land a higher rated guy now that he's been dropped out of the On300. Also, no matter what he does this season, they aren't likely to put him back above the top 200. They'd have to admit they were on some BS if they did. At the end of the day, the Vols get a player that they've been recruiting heavily and coveted for nearly 2 years. I consider that a win. I really don't give a $hit if it's a loss or not for someone else. I personally think this kid has a chance to be a faster version of AJ Johnson (at best) or Daniel Bituli (at worst). Either way, I'll take it.
Higher rated guys? Are you dumb enough to think Georgia bases their decisions off ON3 rankings? Georgia has their board this kid was high on it. They fought off FSU earlier for this “kid they didn’t want” according to your DA narrative. Their version of AP said Georgia wanted him he wasn’t being forced out but Georgia had to evaluate other options as it appeared he wasn’t committed to Georgia. I’m not sure what else to say to convince you. You either don’t have all the facts or aren’t intelligent enough to put them together.

We miss on our fair share as well. Not sure why our “fans” have to piss on our wins along the way as well.
Y’all have been in here all day saying On3 bases their rankings on what Georgia does, which is true, but now you’re contradicting yourself, of course.

Sorry if I’m a little wary of the need for a mod to repeatedly reiterate they want a guy who is already committed. "He doth protest too much", kinda thing. That’s Shakespeare, he was an English playwright from years ago.

This is a textbook slow play from UGA, I don’t feel any further need to try and convince you delusional cry babies of it. Part of that is you pretend to want a kid until, or maybe you do want him, until it’s clear you can fill his spot with someone you like better.

Lol you’ve whined about rankings all day, just him choosing Tennessee isn’t enough to drop him from mid 4 to high 3. You think we’re that bad?? That’s a reaction to UGA telling him to walk. What do you think Gass’s rise is a reaction to?

Ignore the evidence of the rankings you all whine about constantly, say they lost a recruiting battle and are now moving on to HIGHER rated players… and I’m the dense one… 😂

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