What a dose of reality these last two games have been. Ouch. Hurts my heart.
TN 30% overall for the game, 27/90; but 21-23 91% on FTs.
GA 32/60; 48% overall for the game.
Does anyone perform exorcisms or have an Ouija board the team can use to oust whatever demon has gotten into their heads.
I'll always be optimistic with the team but these last two games have really exposed them. It feels like a gut punch. The looks on the faces of players, coaches, and even fans on camera appear utterly confused, disoriented, and lost. Very concerned for the SEC tournament and beyond as this can really be tough to overcome in a couple of days. Beating #16 TAMU seemed almost certain last week, now, I'm nervous. Beating #16, then #8 who doesn't have to play before, and then possibly #1 who doesn't have to play for two days seems more unlikely.
But, as crazy as it sounds right now, Go Lady Vols!