You are correct, the shoulder to shoulder thing is taught in Junior High and by the time you get to Div I WBB, the player guarding the screener (usually bigger than the BH) will pull a switch with the BH's defender and close that down immediately or fairly quickly if they are good/athletic. Then the BH needs elite handles/moves to create space against a bigger defender to get their shot off, or if they are really good, get the ball back to the screener going to the rim versus the smaller player. Elite level BH's do this fluidly, but average BH's get caught up in traffic against an athletic and bigger player and the results are often less than spectacular.
Shoulder to shoulder technique on the screen in college just means a good defender switches faster and rubs it out on the backside with a height advantage often. It works well in JH and HS, but in DI WBB the screen is often just a lead into a back door (see Uconn) pass or if the BH is elite, allows the BH to create their own shot off of a bigger less athletic player (see PB, Clarke etc, basically requires a skilled player at creating their own space against a taller defender).
Otherwise you just see screens being done all the time with little effect and fans complaining they are doing the screen wrong (not cutting hard enough etc) which is wrong.