Game Thread: #20 Lady Vols v #18 Fighting Irish, Home, Wed 5PM, ESPN2

I have just tuned in the Lady Vols game and am really disappointed in what I am watching. These players are light years away from the types of players Tennessee used to bring in. We are so slow, make a ton of mistakes, and have little in offensive creativity and basketball IQ. Where are the athletes we used to bring in? Coach Harper appears to be an adequate coach but not one to lead the ladies back to prominenc.

Welcome to the board..
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I don’t want to be hyperbolic, but this has to be the most difficult loss of the KJH era. Maybe the UConn game in 2021, but this is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Many are complicit in the decline. The expectations have been permanently lowered, and now with the resurgence of the football program and now the men taking center stage in basketball, we will only continue the decline.
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Moving Jasmine off the ball for the second was stupid. Playing Jill for so long in the second over Strip was stupid. Sitting Kaiya in the second when she was making it difficult for Hannah stupid.
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Not making excuses.. ND made the right adjustments for second half.. Lady Vols didn’t counter with adjustments of their own ..this team lacks post play desperately right now .. Jackson and Keys is a tremendous loss for now for this team .. hard to win without a post presence length .. hard to beat teams without it.. hopefully they can get Jackson back soon .. continuing with a tough schedule ahead !
Just love and support our Vols. Better than beating them up all game.
Love and support does not mean you should be dishonest about obvious and continued weaknesses and failures to improve. No one spending time on this site does it because they don’t love and support the Lady Vols.
That’s a disappointment. Sara, Spear, or Striplin could have taken the last shot, oh well. Our Defense was much improved. So much good done by our point guards, but turnovers at the end killed us.
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How bout recruiting another gaurd who can’t play defence, looks to shoot before assist we seem to have 5 of them. Kelly, her husband or assistant driving. Picket had 5 shots.. pitiful.
At what point do we say Har
Team is so poorly coached
CKH, can't succed at this level especially when the schedule that we always play..She can't recruit, what other real good women's program doesn't have freshmen that not only contribute, if not thrive..Case in point tonight, #3 was playing in her 7th collegiate game!
per isn’t the answer? My goodnes
Those last few turnovers
That missed free throw
I really think key should’ve got some min
Jill idk

Can’t collapse like that if we want to compete play the whole 40 like the first half
Love and support does not mean you should be dishonest about obvious and continued weaknesses and failures to improve. No one spending time on this site does it because they don’t love and support the Lady Vols.
Fooled me. Let’s just fire Kelly before we get to SEC. That’s a great idea…smh
Not making excuses.. ND made the right adjustments for second half.. Lady Vols didn’t counter with adjustments of their own ..this team lacks post play desperately right now .. Jackson and Keys is a tremendous loss for now for this team .. hard to win without a post presence length .. hard to beat teams without it.. hopefully they can get Jackson back soon .. continuing with a tough schedule ahead !
But we got 5 guards of the same cloth.. dribble, shoot, dribble shoot.
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This is a BAD loss being up 16 at home. Ivey made halftime adjustments and guess who didn't? So frustrating to watch over and over. Feel bad for the players.

Why does this team make so many unnecessary turnovers game after game. ND didn't make 1 3 pointer and was down 16 and still won the game. Hollingshead was a no show, and Spear again just disappears for almost the entire 2nd half after 2 3's. It's hard to support Kellie going forward.
Why do we even watch. Defense is atrocious. Worst coached team in the SEC. I don’t know how to coach but I do know what a bad coach looks like. No offensive plan and no defense. This team is un-watchable at times. Absolutely the worst team basketball I have ever saw. Sad state of affairs watching the LV basketball under KH.
That’s a disappointment. Sara, Spear, or Striplin could have taken the last shot, oh well. Our Defense was much improved. So much good done by our point guards, but turnovers at the end killed us.
Lack of coaching and laziness are what truly killed us
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Wow. What a collapse on multiple levels. After this one, I have to feel for the team and fans—no excuses for this loss. We disappeared after being up 16. I won't be as doomsday as everyone else, but I'm really unhappy with the game management. I cannot get over Kellie not calling a timeout on one of our final possessions with a tie game; the offense was going nowhere; we jacked a three and got a shot clock violation, THEN she called a timeout, and ND scored anyway to take the lead for good. Awful game management at this end. Wow. Not that that's the sole reason for the loss, but she has to learn from that. I don't know many coaches that would have let that happen.

I also don't understand why Jewel sat down after she was so hot to begin the third quarter. I don't think she scored again after she got back in.

Too many TOs in the second half.

Just a big disappointment overall. This was more than a winnable game, it was a game TN should have won. Hard to swallow.

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