Game Thread Lady Vols at Texas A&M ; Sunday 5PM; ESPN

The fact there’s even a debate about whether or not this is a tournament team is evidence in and of itself that the program is in poor health under the current leadership.
Really shouldn't be a debate and shouldn't be a factor that determines who is the coach next season. Should be based on where we were in the beginning and where we are now and the answer is nothing has changed for the better.
The other coach realizes that to beat TN all you have to do is manage RJ And run by the defenders as they will wave at you going by to the basket.
This isn't new, this was true last year. RJ has been double teamed and schemed for for years. We have to have consistent outside scoring to either offset or free her up and yesterday we didn't have it. Also, the last two games RJ has struggled with her jumper far more than usual and that just further packs the paint.

Also, they have to figure out how to get RJ post points when TK and JH are in the game. I thought their early entry into the game yesterday really hurt her. It's all part of papering over deficiences and robbing Peter to pay Paul.

RJ, much as I love her, has to do some soul searching regarding the one rebound. You don't go from double digit rebounds to one without something being wrong. She's human, as KJH said after the game, and has huge expectations on her. But she's been there before and navigated successfully. Gotta rise up again, and in of all places, Starkville.
Really best to not worry about who would leave or would decommit etc. Sometimes a change in leadership is just necessary even if you really like the person in charge now. If I could see anyway to program was getting better than it was when she arrived. Not getting better.
KJH called yesterday "a step back". And that's the problem. There's always steps back that endanger forward momentuem. And wouldn't you know it, on freaking national TV. In addition to other problems, KJH just has epic bad luck.
Results to take into consideration when pondering if UT will make the NCAAT.

What are the 3 best wins for this team this year ?
1) The game against a then # 22 ranked Oklahoma ( Currently Oklahoma is unranked with a 10-6 record). The LV's were ranked #19, when this game was played.
2) The win, on the road, versus unranked Auburn. (Auburn, at home, did beat LSU. Auburn is now 1-3 in the SEC).
3) The 7 point, home game win against unranked Florida (Currently, Florida is 1-3 in the SEC).
Honorable mention: none

What are the 3 worst losses ?
1) The 11 point loss to MTSU
on the road. Enough said.
2) The 20 point loss, at home, to Ohio St ( Currently #17). Ohio St. has a good team. But the LV's were never in this home game.
3) Tonight's 15 point road loss to unranked Texas A&M. It's not that losing to A&M is horrible, it's the way they played. And that's with Jackson and Key in the lineup.
Honorable mention: Notre Dame (Without Miles, Citron and Prosper, currently #18). The LV's (Without Jackson and Key) were at home, and gave this game away in the second half.
Zero wins against currently ranked teams (Though Oklahoma was ranked when they beat them).
2 losses against currently unranked teams, the other 4 losses were against ranked opponents.
Can they get into the NCAAT without a single win versus a currently ranked opponent ?
Possible but not probable.
They will only face 2 teams ( 3 games) against ranked teams the rest of the season, LSU and SC. LSU's results aren't much better than UT's, so far this season. One win vs a currently ranked team (VaTech), and a loss to an unranked team.
If UT lose those 3 remaining games vs ranked teams, they might have to win all of their other games, to get into the NCAAT. Unless they pull a miracle off in the SECT.
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Results to take into consideration when pondering if UT will make the NCAAT.

What are the 3 best wins for this team this year ?
1) The game against a then # 22 ranked Oklahoma ( Currently Oklahoma is unranked with a 10-6 record). The LV's were ranked #19, when this game was played.
2) The win, on the road, versus unranked Auburn. (Auburn, at home, did beat LSU. Auburn is now 1-3 in the SEC).
3) The 7 point, home game win against unranked Florida (Currently, Florida is 1-3 in the SEC).
Honorable mention: none

What are the 3 worst losses ?
1) The 11 point loss to MTSU
on the road. Enough said.
2) The 20 point loss, at home, to Ohio St ( Currently #17). Ohio St. has a good team. But the LV's were never in this home game.
3) Tonight's 15 point road loss to unranked Texas A&M. It's not that losing to A&M is horrible, it's the way they played. And that's with Jackson and Key in the lineup.
Honorable mention: Notre Dame (Without Miles, Citron and Prosper, currently #18). The LV's (Without Jackson and Key) were at home, and gave this game away in the second half.
Zero wins against currently ranked teams (Though Oklahoma was ranked when they beat them).
2 losses against currently unranked teams, the other 4 losses were against ranked opponents.
Can they get into the NCAAT without a single win versus a currently ranked opponent ?
Possible but not probable.
They will only face 2 teams ( 3 games) against ranked teams the rest of the season, LSU and SC. LSU's results aren't much better than UT's, so far this season. One win vs a currently ranked team (VaTech), and a loss to an unranked team.
If UT lose those 3 remaining games vs ranked teams, they might have to win all of their other games, to get into the NCAAT. Unless they pull a miracle off in the SECT.
Really can simplify making the NCAA by just saying must win 9 SEC games. That means we have to win six more. Last season three teams with 9 and 7 records made the NCAA and a total of seven from the SEC. It will be seven again and Tennessee will be one of them if they win 9 SEC games this season.
Really can simplify making the NCAA by just saying must win 9 SEC games. That means we have to win six more. Last season three teams with 9 and 7 records made the NCAA and a total of seven from the SEC. It will be seven again and Tennessee will be one of them if they win 9 SEC games this season.

Yeah agree.

Biggest beef yesterday is that it was really a chance for this team to move up. You know they watch what’s going on just like us. Had to have known Vandy and LSU had already lost that day. Moving to 4-0 would have put us in a really nice position to potentially stay out of the pack toward the end of SEC season.

One step forward, two steps back.
The possessions yesterday were Texas A&M 72 Tennessee 65. If we'd got the same amount of possessions and shot the same percentage we score six more points and still lose 71 to 62. The loss in shooting percentage was 8 percent to a team that is not one of the better shooting SEC teams. 56 points on 65 possessions is losing basketball and one of our worst offensive games this season. The very worst with Rickea playing. Texas A&M also finished under 1.0 with just 71 points on 72 possessions so shooting percentage was the total factor in this game and of course them getting 7 extra possessions.
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Yeah agree.

Biggest beef yesterday is that it was really a chance for this team to move up. You know they watch what’s going on just like us. Had to have known Vandy and LSU had already lost that day. Moving to 4-0 would have put us in a really nice position to potentially stay out of the pack toward the end of SEC season.

One step forward, two steps back.
You know we've hashed this out the ups and downs. We've given credit when credit was due. I think the problem is at least for me I wanted Kellie to succeed here. So I just kept saying give her a little more time. I don't think she is the answer we were looking for whether we make the NCAA or not. I think we should go in another direction with a different coach JMO. I know this upsets some people. I like Kellie as much as anyone. There comes a time when you can't accept what is happening anymore. She made this team this is her roster. No one other than Tamari is still around from Holly. Were not better in year five than we were in year one of her coaching career here. JMO no one has to agree I think make the NCAA or not we should make a change just not getting anywhere. Other than her pulling off some miracle finish and an elite 8 in the NCAA why does she qualify for another season. If anyone is upset by this sorry JMO.
You know we've hashed this out the ups and downs. We've given credit when credit was due. I think the problem is at least for me I wanted Kellie to succeed here. So I just kept saying give her a little more time. I don't think she is the answer we were looking for whether we make the NCAA or not. I think we should go in another direction with a different coach JMO. I know this upsets some people. I like Kellie as much as anyone. There comes a time when you can't accept what is happening anymore. She made this team this is her roster. No one other than Tamari is still around from Holly. Were not better in year five than we were in year one of her coaching career here. JMO no one has to agree I think make the NCAA or not we should make a change just not getting anywhere. Other than her pulling off some miracle finish and an elite 8 in the NCAA why does she qualify for another season. If anyone is upset by this sorry JMO.
Don’t be sorry, many were chastised for saying the same thing in the early years. My stance since her first true recruiting class of Pissott.
I asked myself a hard question yesterday. How many of the ladies on this roster would have been recruited by Pat?
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I asked myself a hard question yesterday. How many of the ladies on this roster would have been recruited by Pat?
It took Pat 1974 till 1987 to win her first NCAA Championship.
Kellie in year five.

Some wiil say Kellie coach longer. But she not at rocky top..

Maybe tomorrow before I respond to the hornets nest I kicked here.
But I will get back to you if power goes out in snow storm could be later mudcat out.
I asked myself a hard question yesterday. How many of the ladies on this roster would have been recruited by Pat?
Well it's a different era IMO. Many more elite players nationwide, back in Pats days she and Geno basically got their picks and the leftovers went to what was left. In those days you could easily pick the Final 4 at this time of year and you'd be right 9 out of 10 times. UT had the misfortune of Pat getting sick and then the administration didn't navigate to the best path. Womens Basketball is totally different top to bottom. Back in the 80s-90s UT had to play maybe 2 or 3 SEC games that were ever in doubt year in and out. They had the best players and coach by a long shot. Now it's called parity and we missed the bullseye in the transition years. Now it's all P5 teams are on TV, you can't be like Geno & Pat and say come here we played on National TV X amount of times no other college could say that and most didn't play not one game on National TV, it was just different in every way. It is what it is, we missed the boat and may never get that mojo back, we went from 1 of a few teams that were girls dream team, to just another P5 team, that your parents remember when they dominated.
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You know we've hashed this out the ups and downs. We've given credit when credit was due. I think the problem is at least for me I wanted Kellie to succeed here. So I just kept saying give her a little more time. I don't think she is the answer we were looking for whether we make the NCAA or not. I think we should go in another direction with a different coach JMO. I know this upsets some people. I like Kellie as much as anyone. There comes a time when you can't accept what is happening anymore. She made this team this is her roster. No one other than Tamari is still around from Holly. Were not better in year five than we were in year one of her coaching career here. JMO no one has to agree I think make the NCAA or not we should make a change just not getting anywhere. Other than her pulling off some miracle finish and an elite 8 in the NCAA why does she qualify for another season. If anyone is upset by this sorry JMO.

Yes I agree, I do love her, hoped for much success for her at UT. At this point the proof is in the product and it has been inconsistent at best.

After the MTSU game I was done. Out of respect I’m not calling for her head in every other post but I do very much believe a change is in order.

Needs to be someone from outside the LV family with new energy, a heart for players and the sport and someone with a proven recruiting record.

Kellie made some decisions that will ultimately seal her own fate. A couple of the worst decisions were how she scheduled the last two seasons. She has a tendency to count her chickens before they hatch. Just because you think you have X, Y and Z coming back doesn’t always mean that’s what is going to happen. Several seasons in a row we have been burned by injuries to our best players during the toughest part of our early schedule. You could look at it as bad luck, but fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice….three times? Shame on me.

Slow learner if you ask me.

She wanted to schedule like UT of old but has not taken into account the way the game has grown. Competition across the board is better now than it ever was when Pat was coaching. Heck a lot of the top 25 teams Pat used to play wouldn’t scratch the top 50 this day and age.
ONE MORE YEAR will make it all better. Smart people told me that last year.
I'm sure WC agrees with you, but I believe I heard that there is not one recruit signed for next year. Not a good sign, but for all the portal supporters that means more nomads that Kellie can pluck from there. BTW, next year is the last year that allows CO-Vid years for players. That means there will be more roster spots open for recruits, and that also means that the portal will be getting smaller and smaller. The point is, if no recruits are coming in than you may have to settle for some marginal players just to fill the roster, and if they are underclassmen than you will be stuck with them for multiple years. I know it's none of my business, but I can't believe that a lot of you fans accept this insanity. A third of a college coaching job is recruiting, so this staff isn't doing a third of their responsibilities. In any other job they would be fired, so when is the administration going to wake up and smell the coffee. Sorry, I am writing this as a WBB fan, and although a rival, can see the Brand of Pat Summitt fading away.
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I asked myself a hard question yesterday. How many of the ladies on this roster would have been recruited by Pat?
1 and that’s not guaranteed she stayed.

Possibly 2 in Key if others went elsewhere.
I asked myself a hard question yesterday. How many of the ladies on this roster would have been recruited by Pat?
Jewel SPear
Rickea Jackson
Jasmine Powell
Tamari Key
Jillian Hollingshead
Talaysia Cooper

The difference is what these girls would have become under a coach who
Didn't accept mediocrity,
Scolded them for half-ass play or foolish turnovers ON THE SPOT!
Started her best players
Worked the refs in games so hard the refs were afraid to make bad or weighted calls
Called timeout to stop runs of more than 6 points and didn't stack them for the end of the game
Want more???
Simply put that lineup above (minus Cooper; ineligible) on the floor and have a coach who does the things above
Yes I agree, I do love her, hoped for much success for her at UT. At this point the proof is in the product and it has been inconsistent at best.

After the MTSU game I was done. Out of respect I’m not calling for her head in every other post but I do very much believe a change is in order.

Needs to be someone from outside the LV family with new energy, a heart for players and the sport and someone with a proven recruiting record.

Kellie made some decisions that will ultimately seal her own fate. A couple of the worst decisions were how she scheduled the last two seasons. She has a tendency to count her chickens before they hatch. Just because you think you have X, Y and Z coming back doesn’t always mean that’s what is going to happen. Several seasons in a row we have been burned by injuries to our best players during the toughest part of our early schedule. You could look at it as bad luck, but fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice….three times? Shame on me.

Slow learner if you ask me.

She wanted to schedule like UT of old but has not taken into account the way the game has grown. Competition across the board is better now than it ever was when Pat was coaching. Heck a lot of the top 25 teams Pat used to play wouldn’t scratch the top 50 this day and age.

Scheduling is not our problem. Talent and coaching and our playing are the problems.

We'll make the tourney. We looked to be gaining some momentum before yesterday's debacle. We just didn't play very intelligently on offense or very well on defense.
Jewel SPear
Rickea Jackson
Jasmine Powell
Tamari Key
Jillian Hollingshead
Talaysia Cooper

The difference is what these girls would have become under a coach who
Didn't accept mediocrity,
Scolded them for half-ass play or foolish turnovers ON THE SPOT!
Started her best players
Worked the refs in games so hard the refs were afraid to make bad or weighted calls
Called timeout to stop runs of more than 6 points and didn't stack them for the end of the game
Want more???
Simply put that lineup above (minus Cooper; ineligible) on the floor and have a coach who does the things above
PS that line up was used in the game yesterday at the 5:37 mark
At the 5:01 mark it was changed
guess they were on the floor too long
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Scheduling is not our problem. Talent and coaching and our playing are the problems.

We'll make the tourney. We looked to be gaining some momentum before yesterday's debacle. We just didn't play very intelligently on offense or very well on defense.

Scheduling and coaching are one and the same.

Had we scheduled properly this loss would be NBD and a learning lesson early in SEC play. Instead it increase the incline to the NCAA tourney field for us yet again.

We MAY make the tournament but that’s going to depend heavily on the next 3-5 games. Lose 2-3 of those and it’s over.

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