Top of the 6th. Overstreet walks. Gaffin singles to right. 2 on and no out.
Well we've seen this before. Can the LV's get a run?
Sac bunt by Lewis. 1 out runners on 2nd and 3rd.
Geathers grounds out. Dang. The ball bounced off the pitcher and the 3rd baseman gets the ball and throws her out. Overstreet stays at 3rd.
Gregg walks on 4 straight pitches. Bases loaded 2 out.
Aucoin works a full count then walks! LV's up 4-3! Bases still loaded.
McSwain short fly out to center. The LV's leave 3 on but regain the lead 4-3 heading to the bottom of the 6th.
Well we've seen this before. Can the LV's get a run?
Sac bunt by Lewis. 1 out runners on 2nd and 3rd.
Geathers grounds out. Dang. The ball bounced off the pitcher and the 3rd baseman gets the ball and throws her out. Overstreet stays at 3rd.
Gregg walks on 4 straight pitches. Bases loaded 2 out.
Aucoin works a full count then walks! LV's up 4-3! Bases still loaded.
McSwain short fly out to center. The LV's leave 3 on but regain the lead 4-3 heading to the bottom of the 6th.