Gas Prices Increasing

I do think Biden could be the reason for part of the increase, but not sure if the full amount is on him. I think part of the increase is the market trying to stabilize itself and get back to pre-pandemic levels. However, we hit that mark about 4 weeks ago. We are now at prices we haven't seen since May 2019, and show no signs of slowing. The price that was posted by the U.S. Energy Info Admin this week was $2.711. Up $0.078 since last week and $0.288 vs a year ago. Over the last 5 weeks we have gone up almost 14%.
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I dont give a **** about gas prices. I drive a 4cyl Acura. Its mainly redneck Trumpers with unnecessarily huge trucks that cost $100 to fill up that give a ****.


Said the guy who had no basic idea of commodities and how they get from the manufacture to the distributor to the retailer and who eats the cost to move these goods.

But you have a 4 cylinder so you arent impacted at all.....

I dont give a **** about gas prices. I drive a 4cyl Acura. Its mainly redneck Trumpers with unnecessarily huge trucks that cost $100 to fill up that give a ****.

you know that increases in gas prices impact poor, working class people more than any other group right? you are saying you don't care about poor people trying to make a living; only yourself. nice

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