General Flynn completely exonerated

The US Intel agencies lie and deceive for a living. No way I trust anything anyone says and even have a hand in undermining his election. Remember when Clapper said they were not spying on everyday Americans. They were. Remember when they said there were WMD's in Iraq. There were not. Remember when Benghazi fiasco was due to a video? Remember the Gulf Of Tonkin incident?

Donny Deutsch is a partisan hack. If he had evidence of money laundering, you know well he would report it to authorities.

Trump is as soft on Russia as Obama when he said he "will have more flexibility once reelected".

And again, the Mueller team found nothing. Nothing.
Sad, completely lost in the hate and totally believes the complete opposite of reality.

Actually I think it is old news that Obama and I guess Biden were suspicious of Flynn so this is not surprising. I think Obama even warned Trump during transition to watch out for him and maybe even not to hire him. But hey, the base will be all over it so let's pretend its something new and momentous.
Actually I think it is old news that Obama and I guess Biden were suspicious of Flynn so this is not surprising. I think Obama even warned Trump during transition to watch out for him and maybe even not to hire him. But hey, the base will be all over it so let's pretend its something new and momentous.

I have a feeling the Obama Admin will not like what Flynn will have to publicly say shortly.
I suspect Flynn spent a huge sum on the best lawyers available to provide his "innocence". Presume his own money, but who knows.

The kind of money available to a guy like this throws shade on the justice system to "normal" people. If you haven't ever witnessed this inequity, you haven't been paying attention.
He’s financially ruined. So ridiculous
The US Intel agencies lie and deceive for a living. No way I trust anything anyone says and even have a hand in undermining his election. Remember when Clapper said they were not spying on everyday Americans. They were. Remember when they said there were WMD's in Iraq. There were not. Remember when Benghazi fiasco was due to a video? Remember the Gulf Of Tonkin incident?

Donny Deutsch is a partisan hack. If he had evidence of money laundering, you know well he would report it to authorities.

Trump is as soft on Russia as Obama when he said he "will have more flexibility once reelected".

And again, the Mueller team found nothing. Nothing.
Actually I think it is old news that Obama and I guess Biden were suspicious of Flynn so this is not surprising. I think Obama even warned Trump during transition to watch out for him and maybe even not to hire him. But hey, the base will be all over it so let's pretend its something new and momentous.

Seems more vindictive or preemptive to me, LG.

I don’t think Obama and Biden were gunning for Flynn out of love of country.
In the sense that he willingly altered US foreign policy in order to benefit himself, yes.

I'm not convinced he is a knowing stooge, i.e. that he's being blackmailed or paid in some way. Under all the circumstances of 2016 and since, however, I think its a reasonable thing to wonder about.

Time will tell. He sure has gone to great lengths to find people that will wall everyone off from that. And anyone who won't he inmediately fires. All of which adds to the index of suspicion.

But in fairness it could just be his knee jerk reaction to any threat to his ego. So maybe just a massive character flaw as opposed to knowingly acting as some sort of agent.

As I say, time will tell.
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Seems more vindictive or preemptive to me, LG.

I don’t think Obama and Biden were gunning for Flynn out of love of country.

For Obama to go out of his way and warn Trump about Flynn suggests otherwise. Perhaps we will find out more about why.

Not likely to be good for Trump or Flynn.
In the sense that he willingly altered US foreign policy in order to benefit himself, yes.

I'm not convinced he is a knowing stooge, i.e. that he's being blackmailed or paid in some way. Under all the circumstances of 2016 and since, however, I think its a reasonable thing to wonder about.

Time will tell. He sure has gone to great lengths to find people that will wall everyone off from that. And anyone who won't he inmediately fires. All of which adds to the index of suspicion.

But in fairness it could just be his knee jerk reaction to any threat to his ego. So maybe just a massive character flaw as opposed to knowingly acting as some sort of agent.

As I say, time will tell.
Still holding out hope?

Damn I feel sorry for you. Consumed with hate.
For Obama to go out of his way and warn Trump about Flynn suggests otherwise. Perhaps we will find out more about why.

Not likely to be good for Trump or Flynn.

Always waiting for that noose around Trump's neck to tighten. Is that still acceptable language by the MSM hacks?
There is an election in 4 months. I suggest your team exert energy in a more useful manner.
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Do we really want judges denying uncontested motions on substantive grounds? I mean, if there's a procedural issue, I get that. But what does it say for due process that a man can move to withdraw his plea and the State can choose not to contest the motion, and an unelected judge (or judges) can simply say "nah, I think you're guilty anyway. Not only do you get sentenced, you don't get a jury trial, either."

I mean, screw Flynn, Barr, and Trump. If seven months from now Biden wants to go after Flynn for a Logan Act violation, I'd see no issue with him doing so. But this motion right here needs to be granted, and Flynn's current case needs to be dismissed. To do anything else is f***ing terrifying.

Judges have that authority in almost every context except, apparently, this one. It’s not regularly abused or even exercised. Most of the time they just rubber stamp agreements, but they don’t have to. Hardly terrifying.

In fact, if the government had done what you said and just declined to contest or agreed to Flynn’s motion, the judge would have had the final say because the motion would return the case to the trial docket and would not dispose of it. He would have been required to announce findings of fact in support of his decision. Given the legal precedent the parties would have been SOL if he had. And he wasn’t going to and DOJ knew it. Which is why they didn’t just agree to Flynn’s motion, as you said and filed their own motion to dismiss, instead.

I agree that, absent some affirmative evidence of corruption, the motion should be granted. But the procedure by which you get there matters. When there is an appearance of impropriety, as there clearly is here, the judge should be obligated to create a record to determine whether the presumption of regularity is overcome, in order to promote faith in the legal process.

What the circuit court just did created an unworkable standard In which that presumption could never be overcome in a case involving a corrupt prosecutor, neutered any deterrent value of judicial oversight in similar cases, and did nothing to justify public faith in the outcome of this case.

That’s not good policy and it is not even true to the black letter law.

Fortunately, it’s probably not applicable to many people since the appearance of impropriety in this case is that this type of stuff almost never happens so aside from the dozen or so people in Trump’s orbit who are facing prison time, it’s probably not applicable to many people.
Fortunately, it’s probably not applicable to many people since the appearance of impropriety in this case is that this type of stuff almost never happens so aside from the dozen or so people in Trump’s orbit who are facing prison time, it’s probably not applicable to many people.
And who would these people be? Names?

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