General Flynn completely exonerated

Lost his house and likely drained all savings.

Not sure if he had to file bankruptcy or not, but wouldn’t surprise me.
He can just sue the US government. From my experience witnessing multiple sexual harassment lawsuits against an air traffic control manager as long as its not a ridiculous amount of money they will settle as fast as possible.
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He can just sue the US government. From my experience witnessing multiple sexual harassment lawsuits against an air traffic control manager as long as its not a ridiculous amount of money they will settle as fast as possible.
Based on how much time and effort has gone into this prosecution, I doubt very seriously Flynn would be able to get a quick settlement.
And who would these people be? Names?
Off the top of my head, the list of felons and/or suspects under investigation Or indictment who were in some way associated with Trump includes: Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Parnas, Fruman, Giuliani, Gates, and suspects in the Cyrus Vance investigation whose names I don’t know. I suspect there are others but I don’t care enough to look it up.
Off the top of my head, the list of felons and/or suspects under investigation Or indictment who were in some way associated with Trump includes: Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Parnas, Fruman, Giuliani, Gates, and suspects in the Cyrus Vance investigation whose names I don’t know. I suspect there are others but I don’t care enough to look it up.
Off the top of my head, the list of felons and/or suspects under investigation Or indictment who were in some way associated with Trump includes: Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Parnas, Fruman, Giuliani, Gates, and suspects in the Cyrus Vance investigation whose names I don’t know. I suspect there are others but I don’t care enough to look it up.
Flynn + 7 names + X names you don’t know.

How many of those named are in a similar legal situation to Flynn?

Not sure how you lump them all together.
Flynn + 7 names + X names you don’t know.

How many of those named are in a similar legal situation to Flynn?

Not sure how you lump them all together.
It doesn’t matter none listed have any charges related to any actions on the Trump admin. They were all politically motivated and very Beria-esque in motion totally founded only in “get Trump”
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Flynn + 7 names + X names you don’t know.

How many of those named are in a similar legal situation to Flynn?

Not sure how you lump them all together.

Right. Why would I categorize Trump associates who have been convicted, indicted, or investigated as a class of potential recipients of special treatment? How underhanded of me...
Funny how that is a one way street in your view.

Flynn was potentially railroaded by the FBI / DOJ.

Every name you cited was potentially targeted solely due to a political motivation to take down Trump.

NSA hacked Roger Stone’s phone and made him threaten Randy Credico?

1593093423358.jpegYou guys are such babies you can’t even have an adult conversation about the limited effects of this holding without wetting your diapers with unrelated talking points and crying in pools of your own urine.
Skin that thin has got to be a medical condition. Maybe you can get treatment.
NSA hacked Roger Stone’s phone and made him threaten Randy Credico?

View attachment 288773You guys are such babies you can’t even have an adult conversation about the limited effects of this holding without wetting your diapers with unrelated talking points and crying in pools of your own urine.
Skin that thin has got to be a medical condition. Maybe you can get treatment.
Nah we just laugh at your one sided over explaining as usual spam of the DOJ trying to over turn this miscarriage of Justice by the Obama Keystone FBI. Like I said earlier Lavrentiy Beria kind of stuff started this.
Accurate explanation.

Succinct and to the point. You should try it sometime 😂

But that wouldn’t infuriate you to the point of commiserating and seeking emotional support from other posters and would be far less entertaining.

Your constant attempts to pick fights in hopes of evening some imaginary score with me are their own reward.
But that wouldn’t infuriate you to the point of commiserating and seeking emotional support from other posters and would be far less entertaining.
Your constant attempts to pick fights in hopes of evening some imaginary score with me are their own reward.

Such rich irony in this quoted post 🤣🤣🤣
Judge refuses to dismiss Flynn case, petitions full appellate court for review

The circuit court's decision, Judge Sullivan argued, threatened to turn "mandamus into an ordinary litigation tool."

Washington, D.C. federal District Judge Emmett Sullivan is refusing to dismiss the criminal case against former national security advisor Michael Flynn, and is now arguing that the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals erred when it ordered him to do so last month in a 2-1 ruling.

Sullivan, through his attorney Beth Wilkinson, filed a petition on Thursday for a so-called "en banc" review by the entire D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that the three-judge panel was improperly trying to force the district court "to grant a motion it had not yet resolved ... in reliance on arguments never presented to the district court."

Judge refuses to dismiss Flynn case, petitions full appellate court for review
Judge refuses to dismiss Flynn case, petitions full appellate court for review

The circuit court's decision, Judge Sullivan argued, threatened to turn "mandamus into an ordinary litigation tool."

Washington, D.C. federal District Judge Emmett Sullivan is refusing to dismiss the criminal case against former national security advisor Michael Flynn, and is now arguing that the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals erred when it ordered him to do so last month in a 2-1 ruling.

Sullivan, through his attorney Beth Wilkinson, filed a petition on Thursday for a so-called "en banc" review by the entire D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that the three-judge panel was improperly trying to force the district court "to grant a motion it had not yet resolved ... in reliance on arguments never presented to the district court."

Judge refuses to dismiss Flynn case, petitions full appellate court for review
Now, who didn't see this coming?

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