George Floyd was actually an evil man.

Fair. Provide 5 facts about George Floyd that are important.
I know next to nothing about him; he had 2 kids and a grand-kid, he had a job, and he has people claiming he was a good guy.
On the continuum of good and evil with zero being pure evil and 100 being saintly, I'll give him an 18 (just for arguments sake)....but that still places him several points above Trump.
Not sure how that is relevant.
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Describing 13 years of a clean record and then an allegedly counterfeit $20 as “continuing to be a criminal after 30 years” is disingenuous
Just he because he wasn’t caught doesn’t mean he wasn’t a criminal. Fentanyl meth and counterfeit bills isn’t something that just anyone comes by regularly
It simply doesnt matter. No one deserves to die like that. Slowly suffocating while begging for your life at the hands of someone who is supposed to be serving and protecting. If he's committing a crime then arrest him and take him to jail. It didnt have to be like that. Police are not executioners. It's an especially bad look when white mass murders are often taken alive with minimal force. Dylan Roof was brought Burger King by police in jail after he murdered 9 people.
1 no one is saying he deserved to die, just not canonized as a saint much like Michael Brown was before the truth came out

2 the Dylan Roof thing has nothing to do with race. Police often bring people food and drink to get them to write their full confessions especially in serious felony murders
Both can be true or is that an impossibility? It doesn't justify the killing or the martyr like treatment that is a lot weird.
No I don't think the killing was justified. The cop didn't know who he was or what he had done previously. But I think he had it coming from someone at sometime after the horrible thing that he did
Did you read the medical examiner report? He didn’t die of strangulation and there was no damage or bruising to his neck. His heart and excited delirium caused his death from the incident
Thankfully we will get to see it play out in court

I'm guessing George will be looking down and smiling that day
No I don't think the killing was justified. The cop didn't know who he was or what he had done previously. But I think he had it coming from someone at sometime after the horrible thing that he did

For God so loved the world that whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

There is always hope, but there are consequences to our actions.
Wow. Unless you stopped sinning at the time of your conversion, you are in deep $hit.
I wasn’t referring to sin. I was referring to crime. If I have a neighbor who stole from me. I’d forgive him the first time and work to get him help. If he stills from me every year, forgiveness is going to be a little harder.
It shouldn’t matter if it were Hitler on the ground. Floyd being a POS is immaterial.

The issue is the police executed somebody without due process or concern while he was begging for his life. They walked away afterward like they did nothing wrong and had zero worry. End of story.

As far a canonizing Floyd, I agree it is over the top. But it literally doesn’t matter to the bigger issue of police brutality.
Did you read the medical examiner report? He didn’t die of strangulation and there was no damage or bruising to his neck. His heart and excited delirium caused his death from the incident

I will take Dr. Michael Baden's pathology work over some local yokel's any day of the week.

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