George Santos (aka Kitara Ravache): The Fabulous Fabulist

Assuming he wanted to "stand up to the corrupt political establishment," do you honestly believe he wanted to replace it with a "righteous" political establishment, or -- much more likely -- he just wanted it to work for his and his cronies personal interests? Even if someone wants to attack and replace the establishment, you gotta look at what they want to replace it with. I hope you're not naive enough to believe that Trump was some altruistic white knight out to save America.

LOL ... Like your idiot Biden is making such great strides w/his lunatic far-left pleasing policies.
I think you are getting a lot of us wrong. I got over Trump a long time ago.......I know that Democrats and Republicans are both corrupt and they both constantly lie to their base. Many Republican politicians say what they know their base wants to hear but then they rarely follow through and make the changes we want them to make. At least Democrats are partly honest and don't even try to hide the fact that they want to destroy America as it was founded. Many of us supported Trump simply because he was willing to stand up to the corrupt political establishment.

Now, why can't other Trumpers exhibit intelligence such as yours??? Since we are now having a civil discourse, allow me to share a few things. I don't think Dems want to destroy America. It would be detrimental to their own existence. Rather, I think they two things. 1) So vote hungry, they embrace bases such as LBGT, questionable registered voters, and extreme feminists. 2) Thus, to keep this base in their voting block, they promote positions palatable to those groups, while alienating voters who probably would have voted Democratic if such bases weren't catered to.

When Trump first announced he run, I was EXCITED!! I figured, Here we go! A businessman running the business of the country! Someone who knew what the heil he was doing! But the more he opened his mouth, the less I felt I could trust him, and the more lewd he became. In the end, I concluded, though I didn't really like her, the batch was a lesser evil than the lying, lewd, obvious bigot.
Silly rabbit, gay flamboyance only works for Dems. If you are going to run conservative, you need to model Dave Rubin or Peter Thiel.

Good lord man!!! You come from the BUT TRUMP tribe and you are going to act shocked the other side has others just like you.

Cool tactic, accusing me of what you and your faction are doing yourselves. You know, during wartimes, the DPRK accused the USA and allies of releasing malaria infected mosquitos in hopes of sickening soldiers and making them ineffective for combat. The thing is that is exactly what the DPRK was doing themselves. And here you are employing that same style of tactic. Cool! Why you naughty child, remember, Santa Claus is watching you.

Have you guys been following this story? Newly elected GOP congressman from eastern Queens/Nassau County on Long Island. Apparently, no one fact checked the guy during the campaign. Now they're doing that. Claims to be gay, but recently divorced a woman. Claims to be half Jewish, but that too is false. Claims to have gone to a particular college. Nope, that's a lie. Claims to have worked at Citi and Goldman. Nope, both lies. Somehow cut himself a check for $700k for his campaign, but it's not clear where the money is coming from since he's recently been evicted (twice!!!). Also has a criminal charge for passing bad checks in Brazil. Lordy, lordy
It’s like a basic cable TV script. How in the world does it take until a month after the election for all of this to come to light?
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Cool tactic, accusing me of what you and your faction are doing yourselves. You know, during wartimes, the DPRK accused the USA and allies of releasing malaria infected mosquitos in hopes of sickening soldiers and making them ineffective for combat. The thing is that is exactly what the DPRK was doing themselves. And here you are employing that same style of tactic. Cool! Why you naughty child, remember, Santa Claus is watching you.

you should check my post history and get back to me. Of coarse you won’t because you would have to admit you are wrong.
Wow, this dude has told more lies about his past than Biden, Hillary, and Brian Williams combined.
Have you guys been following this story? Newly elected GOP congressman from eastern Queens/Nassau County on Long Island. Apparently, no one fact checked the guy during the campaign. Now they're doing that. Claims to be gay, but recently divorced a woman. Claims to be half Jewish, but that too is false. Claims to have gone to a particular college. Nope, that's a lie. Claims to have worked at Citi and Goldman. Nope, both lies. Somehow cut himself a check for $700k for his campaign, but it's not clear where the money is coming from since he's recently been evicted (twice!!!). Also has a criminal charge for passing bad checks in Brazil. Lordy, lordy

So wait... let me step back for a minute and re-examine what you are saying...

So he is actually a straight, gentile that did NOT work for the Too Big To Fail banks and appears to have financed his own campaign????

Help me out... what is the issue here?
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Good lord man!!! You come from the BUT TRUMP tribe and you are going to act shocked the other side has others just like you.

I mean, the first response was not to condemn this guy but to redirect to Joe Biden.

Mr. Santos is pretty clearly relying on outright fraud to get elected. His constituents were duped and should demand a recall.

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