Get your mask ready

But now that Biden is doing it, it will be great! And help "heal the nation". LOL.

Whats going to be interesting is if he starts taking credit for the economy Trump saved before health reasons or the 25th amendment force him out of office.
He will absolutely be claiming this V shaped recovery that is happening is his.
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Without having read the requirements, I can only say that I’m not a fan of the idea of governing what people do in their own homes
It’s dangerous. There’s no reason to think it would stop there “in the name of safety and health”. I heard the Knox County Law Director say the Knox County Health Board can pretty much do anything they want in the name of safety and health.
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Organized by ....

Trump organized a Biden rally?
I keep seeing memes but reading hashtags # BlueNoMatterWho . Too May toe - Too Mah toe

Well, I’ve been legally allowed to vote since 2006. In that time I’ve had 4 presidential elections. The Rs have had the glorious options of John McCain, Mitt Romney and DJT (LOL).
Well, I’ve been legally allowed to vote since 2006. In that time I’ve had 4 presidential elections. The Rs have had the glorious options of John McCain, Mitt Romney and DJT (LOL).

.. And the cult on of the left has called each and everyone a racist . ( I know cause I was still with the Dem party ) . Did anybody believe it ? Very very few low information people did , most of us new it’s just what the party does to soften them up and make them fight off the allegations. Like I said .. CULT
.. And the cult on of the left has called each and everyone a racist . ( I know cause I was still with the Dem party ) . Did anybody believe it ? Very very few low information people did , most of us new it’s just what the party does to soften them up and make them fight off the allegations. Like I said .. CULT
People called milquetoast Mormon Mitt a racist?
I doubt that.

We'll see about that. This election is over when the courts have decided and illegal ballots have been trashed. Not when a biased media says it is. It's a good thing Trump is fighting the good fight and not laying over like those other swamp creatures and empty suits would. It's also a good thing he can count on the Supreme Court. Thank heaven!
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We'll see about that. This election is over when the courts have decided and illegal ballots have been trashed. Not when a biased media says it is. It's a good thing Trump is fighting the good fight and not laying over like those other swamp creatures and empty suits would. It's also a good thing he can count on the Supreme Court. Thank heaven!
Trump would not have made it mandatory.
If Biden thinks he can make the vaccine mandatory he had another thing coming. I don't care who is in the WH. I'll wait until there is some time under its belt. I'll risk getting a flu with a 99% survivability over a rushed to production vaccine. Dr Neville says it's good though
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Let me get this straight.

The "report" is that he has plans to "mandate" but really has no power to do so as it falls under the purview of local/state officials, is that correct?

All he can do is "strongly suggest" and those that agree with it comply and those that don't get ridiculed and focused on by the MSM, is that about right?
Trunk wolf have been called Hitler... dictator... but with DopeyJoe, it's just good practice.

God help this country
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I have a feeling he will mandate it and find a way to withhold funding from states that don’t enforce it. Let’s not forget this slimeball was one of those behind the individual mandate for Obamacare which anyone with a brain knew was illegal.

Let's see how tough these GOP governors would be if a situation like this comes up...
I told you...
Just hang in there. Give it just a bit more time.

There are people out there who refuse to take the vaccine believing that they are engaged in some sort of righteous protest against the government making the vaccine mandatory for the general population, which would never happen.

So yay, you are putting yourselves and others at risk (some of them your own loved ones) to prove an utterly meaningless point.
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There are people out there who refuse to take the vaccine believing that they are engaged in some sort of righteous protest against the government making the vaccine mandatory for the general population, which would never happen.

So yay, you are putting yourselves and others at risk (some of them your own loved ones) to prove an utterly meaningless point.
I don't believe the government should make it mandatory, however I do forsee the time when they won't necessarily have to.

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