Get your mask ready

There are people out there who refuse to take the vaccine believing that they are engaged in some sort of righteous protest against the government making the vaccine mandatory for the general population, which would never happen.

So yay, you are putting yourselves and others at risk (some of them your own loved ones) to prove an utterly meaningless point.

That is not true. Just false.
There are people out there who refuse to take the vaccine believing that they are engaged in some sort of righteous protest against the government making the vaccine mandatory for the general population, which would never happen.

So yay, you are putting yourselves and others at risk (some of them your own loved ones) to prove an utterly meaningless point.

Did anyone think the government would ever shut down businesses they deemed non-essential?
Did anyone think the government would ever shut down businesses they deemed non-essential?

There is no way the government will make general population get a vaccine. As a condition of employment in certain situations where there is a logical connection, especially health care or public role that creates high risk? Sure.

But they aren't going to make the general population get vaccinated and the fake boogeyman the anti vaxxers put out there about that are a complete straw man.
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There is no way the government will make general population get a vaccine. As a condition of employment in certain situations where there is a logical connection, especially health care or public role that creates high risk? Sure.

But they aren't going to make the general population get vaccinated and the fake boogeyman the anti vaxxers put out there about that are a complete straw man.

Did you ever think it possible the government would deem businesses non essential and shutter them?
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There is no way the government will make general population get a vaccine. As a condition of employment in certain situations where there is a logical connection, especially health care or public role that creates high risk? Sure.

But they aren't going to make the general population get vaccinated and the fake boogeyman the anti vaxxers put out there about that are a complete straw man.
They won't have to do it directly. They can just "encourage" the private sector to apply their own mandates or just secretly do like we found out from Jen Psaki with regards to these social media companies and use them as proxies to violate our rights.
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They won't have to do it directly. They can just "encourage" the private sector to apply their own mandates or just secretly do like we found out from Jen Psaki with regards to these social media companies and use them as proxies to violate our rights.

That's how it will be done. They will start including a vaccination clause in government contracts for a contractors and their subcontractors then push that down to the states with the threat of withholding federal funds. They will make it a condition of interstate travel on public transportation. But there probably won't be a "mandate".
They won't have to do it directly. They can just "encourage" the private sector to apply their own mandates or just secretly do like we found out from Jen Psaki with regards to these social media companies and use them as proxies to violate our rights.

You guys are all over the map on what government can tell business or other government what to do and you base it entirely on your partisan interest in who is in charge.

"Biden can't tell the states what to do about masks!" you screech. Followed by "But its okay if a GOP Governor tells a local school board what it can or cannot do about masks" and "It's okay if a GOP Mayor tells a business that it can't require masks."

Each time, you gauge personal freedom with whether you are politically aligned with the governmental actor purporting to limit it. You lie and delude yourselves that its just for "individual freedom!" But then you turn around and ignore intrusion into personal freedom as long as the GOP is doing the intruding.

Be honest. This has nothing to do with individual rights of citizens and everything to do with minimizing the virus because you do not like its consequences and you especially hate the consequences for your former leader who mocked the virus and told us after 11 or 12 cases it would be gone, that it would magically disappear, and that its no big deal.

Go to the ICU at your nearest hosptial and tell that to the nursing staff there. I dare you.
You guys are all over the map on what government can tell business or other government what to do and you base it entirely on your partisan interest in who is in charge.

"Biden can't tell the states what to do about masks!" you screech. Followed by "But its okay if a GOP Governor tells a local school board what it can or cannot do about masks" and "It's okay if a GOP Mayor tells a business that it can't require masks."

Each time, you gauge personal freedom with whether you are politically aligned with the governmental actor purporting to limit it. You lie and delude yourselves that its just for "individual freedom!" But then you turn around and ignore intrusion into personal freedom as long as the GOP is doing the intruding.

Be honest. This has nothing to do with individual rights of citizens and everything to do with minimizing the virus because you do not like its consequences and you especially hate the consequences for your former leader who mocked the virus and told us after 11 or 12 cases it would be gone, that it would magically disappear, and that its no big deal.

Go to the ICU at your nearest hosptial and tell that to the nursing staff there. I dare you.
Maybe it has to do with State’s rights as compared to an overreaching federal government
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You guys are all over the map on what government can tell business or other government what to do and you base it entirely on your partisan interest in who is in charge.

"Biden can't tell the states what to do about masks!" you screech. Followed by "But its okay if a GOP Governor tells a local school board what it can or cannot do about masks" and "It's okay if a GOP Mayor tells a business that it can't require masks."

Each time, you gauge personal freedom with whether you are politically aligned with the governmental actor purporting to limit it. You lie and delude yourselves that its just for "individual freedom!" But then you turn around and ignore intrusion into personal freedom as long as the GOP is doing the intruding.

Be honest. This has nothing to do with individual rights of citizens and everything to do with minimizing the virus because you do not like its consequences and you especially hate the consequences for your former leader who mocked the virus and told us after 11 or 12 cases it would be gone, that it would magically disappear, and that its no big deal.

Go to the ICU at your nearest hosptial and tell that to the nursing staff there. I dare you.

A governor has 10x more authority over the municipalities within his state than a president has over a governor. I don't necessarily agree with a governor with the absence of legislation baring a municipality from enacting it's own rules but I also completely disagree with an unelected bureaucrat at the county health dept issuing edicts. Any mask mandates or bans on mask mandates needs to be done through legislation.

I would go tell the nurses but I don't want to interrupt their ticktok dance.
There is no way the government will make general population get a vaccine. As a condition of employment in certain situations where there is a logical connection, especially health care or public role that creates high risk? Sure.

But they aren't going to make the general population get vaccinated and the fake boogeyman the anti vaxxers put out there about that are a complete straw man.
Wait and see….. they’ll make life miserable on the unvaxxed…. I won’t be surprised if we end up being forced to get a bar code tattooed on our wrists
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I see Asa Hutchinson thinks better of their recent ban on mask mandate by business and local government.

He's paying attention and sees a need to change the law to reflect the reality.

He will of course be vilified for it by the cult.
I see Asa Hutchinson thinks better of their recent ban on mask mandate by business and local government.

He's paying attention and sees a need to change the law to reflect the reality.

He will of course be vilified for it by the cult.
Is there anything stopping people that want to wear masks from wearing them right now? If they wear a mask, doesn't that protect them from the unmasked?
Is there anything stopping people that want to wear masks from wearing them right now? If they wear a mask, doesn't that protect them from the unmasked?

No. The research suggests it's most effective in preventing the spread from the wearer, not to the wearer. You wear it for the sake of others, not yourself.
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No. The research suggests it's most effective in preventing the spread from the wearer, not to the wearer. You wear it for the sake of others, not yourself.
The research has gone both ways on that. Just from a logical and physical stand point, it doesn't make sense.
It doesn't make sense logically or physically that a mask would reduce the spread of germs from your mouth and nose?
It doesn't make sense that it works in one direction but not the other. Its not a check valve or a diode. Its simply a cloth covering. And that is assuming also that the viral particles are not going through holes in the cloth or around the mask.
It doesn't make sense that it works in one direction but not the other. Its not a check valve or a diode. Its simply a cloth covering. And that is assuming also that the viral particles are not going through holes in the cloth or around the mask.

I think it makes sense if you give it some thought.

If I'm infected and not wearing a mask and particles fly from my mouth and nose onto your mask, do you think that would protect you as much as you wearing no mask and me spitting infectious particles into a mask that I'm wearing? Seems like you breathing through a mask with my particles on it would do nothing to protect you.

Give me option B
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I think it makes sense if you give it some thought.

If I'm infected and not wearing a mask and particles fly from my mouth and nose onto your mask, do you think that would protect you as much as you wearing no mask and me spitting infectious particles into a mask that I'm wearing? Seems like you breathing through a mask with my particles on it would do nothing to protect you.

Give me option B

6 one way, half dozen the other. There are gaps in your mask (or my mask) that the virus can be expelled from or enter and the virus particles and droplets can still go through the fabric.
6 one way, half dozen the other. There are gaps in your mask (or my mask) that the virus can be expelled from or enter and the virus particles and droplets can still go through the fabric.

I know. But one way it seems to make a difference and the other it does not

Or, you know, sister and little brother can do school work virtually. I don't want anything to happen to either of them, but I fail to see how the onus to protect themselves isn't on the ones that are scared and/or need it.

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