You guys are all over the map on what government can tell business or other government what to do and you base it entirely on your partisan interest in who is in charge.
"Biden can't tell the states what to do about masks!" you screech. Followed by "But its okay if a GOP Governor tells a local school board what it can or cannot do about masks" and "It's okay if a GOP Mayor tells a business that it can't require masks."
Each time, you gauge personal freedom with whether you are politically aligned with the governmental actor purporting to limit it. You lie and delude yourselves that its just for "individual freedom!" But then you turn around and ignore intrusion into personal freedom as long as the GOP is doing the intruding.
Be honest. This has nothing to do with individual rights of citizens and everything to do with minimizing the virus because you do not like its consequences and you especially hate the consequences for your former leader who mocked the virus and told us after 11 or 12 cases it would be gone, that it would magically disappear, and that its no big deal.
Go to the ICU at your nearest hosptial and tell that to the nursing staff there. I dare you.