Gina Carano Fired After Social Media Post

This was being discussed in the Movie and Music Forum and it was suggested it should be moved here.
The Mandalorian (Disney+)

This is the post from Gina Carano that apparently got her fired.

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Well, this is stupid on many levels. She shouldn't have been canceled. She should have known better. Also, her point is incredibly dumb.

Hating somebody for who they are when they are born is much different than hating somebody for the choices that they make. Last, the government isn't making people hate their neighbors.
Well, this is stupid on many levels. She shouldn't have been canceled. She should have known better. Also, her point is incredibly dumb.

Hating somebody for who they are when they are born is much different than hating somebody for the choices that they make. Last, the government isn't making people hate their neighbors.

Depends on what you mean by "the government". Governmental leaders of all stripes are certainly stoking division and labeling people on the other side as the enemy. Not unusual to think that has a contributing effect to our division.
Well, this is stupid on many levels. She shouldn't have been canceled. She should have known better. Also, her point is incredibly dumb.

Hating somebody for who they are when they are born is much different than hating somebody for the choices that they make. Last, the government isn't making people hate their neighbors.

Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, and quite a few others have made very clear points that harassing Republicans in public is accepted and encouraged. We disagree on a lot, but you are 100% way too intelligent not to recognize that tons of Dem gov't officials and Rep officials encourage discord among people all the time.
This was being discussed in the Movie and Music Forum and it was suggested it should be moved here.
The Mandalorian (Disney+)

This is the post from Gina Carano that apparently got her fired.

View attachment 350485
can't believe she got fired for that. But if you go online and post hundreds of posts about Trumpsters being nazis you probably get a gold medal.
Depends on what you mean by "the government". Governmental leaders of all stripes are certainly stoking division and labeling people on the other side as the enemy. Not unusual to think that has a contributing effect to our division.

It's broadly true, but the parallels with Nazism are pretty weak. It's broadly true in general, not just with government. There are elements in both sides of the government stoking hate. There are elements in all sides of the media stoking hate. There are all kinds of organizations with elements stoking hate. The government collectively isn't targeting one minority group and that's what the nazis were doing.
I totally agree on celebrities staying off Twitter.

That being said, “The beginnings of this awful thing in history have an alarming resemblance to the direction we’re heading” is not offensive to any rational person. She was under the gun because she wouldn’t put her “pronouns” in her bio, cancel culture was just waiting for one more thing they could use against her.

She didn’t just not put her pronouns, she mocked it by putting ‘beep/bop/boop’ in her profile. Pascal has a trans sister and explained to her why people put their pronouns on their profiles. She actually recanted that one, apologized for mocking but said she wasn’t going to do it.

This has been a slow boil over the last several months. As I’ve said, she was given every opportunity to dial it back. She chose her path.
To be fair, she's been in hot water for a while over her posts. She knew it would happen eventually

Sucks because I thought she was good on the show

Yes, it wasn’t the one post that got her fired. It’s been an ongoing issue with her for months. She knew it and publicly flaunted getting fired.

Maybe you should move the posts from the Mando thread down here.
Yes, it wasn’t the one post that got her fired. It’s been an ongoing issue with her for months. She knew it and publicly flaunted getting fired.

Maybe you should move the posts from the Mando thread down here.

So she was guilty of "wrong-think" and you believe that is justifiable to fire her over? Once again, she's proving her point. Obviously they have the "right" to fire her, not getting into that whatsoever. I've seen all these so called controversial comments, and the only one that can even be classified as such was the beep/bop/boop or whatever. She apologized for that, and said it had nothing to do with trans people. She was fired for not falling in line with the mob.
It does suck because she was pretty awesome on the show and on Deadpool. She's totally believable as a hulking female character. Although in season 2 of Mando she got too heavy and her movement was so noticeably slow. It kinda made her less believable.
If you're a celebrity, just never say anything political unless (a) you want to reduce your celebrity, or (b) you think you can make a difference with a point that will be almost universally acceptable.
So she was guilty of "wrong-think" and you believe that is justifiable to fire her over? Once again, she's proving her point. Obviously they have the "right" to fire her, not getting into that whatsoever. I've seen all these so called controversial comments, and the only one that can even be classified as such was the beep/bop/boop or whatever. She apologized for that, and said it had nothing to do with trans people. She was fired for not falling in line with the mob.

He didn't say anything about whether or not she should have been fired.

And I think she wanted to be a martyr judging by her actions. If you're going to punish her, just write her out of the show.
So she was guilty of "wrong-think" and you believe that is justifiable to fire her over? Once again, she's proving her point. Obviously they have the "right" to fire her, not getting into that whatsoever. I've seen all these so called controversial comments, and the only one that can even be classified as such was the beep/bop/boop or whatever. She apologized for that, and said it had nothing to do with trans people. She was fired for not falling in line with the mob.

I liked her character and thought she was pretty good in the role. I even defended her several times when dumbasses would complain that the woman character shouldn’t be able to fight the male character to a standstill (ironically these are probably the same people who are now pissed she has been fired). As I watched this unfold over the last several months I was hoping it would blow over and she would remain on the show and in the upcoming spinoff. By all accounts Lucasfilm gave her every opportunity to stay on board. She chose to be controversial instead.
This tweet was also from Pedro pascal apparently, which he has since deleted. If this is his actual tweet, here he is comparing Trump supporters to nazis/confederates. So to everyone saying Carano deserved to be fired, let’s hear your opinions on Pedro pascals tweets and why he deserves different treatment?
If you're a celebrity, just never say anything political unless (a) you want to reduce your celebrity, or (b) you think you can make a difference with a point that will be almost universally acceptable.

I have to admit though, dumb as Gina's comments were, I have a problem with the idea of someone losing their employment because of their own personal views. I hear a lot of people make the argument "you can have freedom of speech but you're not free from the consequences." Well, if that's the case then it's not REALLY freedom of speech is it? I thought the original concept of freedom of speech was to be able to express ourselves without fear of persecution. Isn't Gina being fired for her point of view not a form of persecution? She wasn't fired for failing to do her job. She was fired for publicly expressing her point of view. That seems messed up to me.
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The funny thing is, she could beat the snot out of any of the SJWs who fired her or any member of the cast or crew. People would pay big bucks to watch it too. I would not want to make her mad. You wouldn’t like Gina if she got mad 😂
I liked her character and thought she was pretty good in the role. I even defended her several times when dumbasses would complain that the woman character shouldn’t be able to fight the male character to a standstill (ironically these are probably the same people who are now pissed she has been fired). As I watched this unfold over the last several months I was hoping it would blow over and she would remain on the show and in the upcoming spinoff. By all accounts Lucasfilm gave her every opportunity to stay on board. She chose to be controversial instead.

She didn’t “choose to be controversial “. She chose to exercise her right to state her opinion. Something we used to value in America, even if we totally disagreed with what the person said.

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