Gina Carano Fired After Social Media Post

OK, do you think liberals really can say and do whatever they want? So many people claimed to have canceled Netflix over the Obama production (series? documentary?). Clearly, there is a price to be paid. Carano probably gained some conservative followers today. Doesn't mean she's not paying for it in ways.

The point being is how much more often do we see any kind of retribution against liberals running their mouths on social media as opposed to conservatives?

And was what she said really that horrible? Or more specific, was it disparaging to the Jewish faith as Disney claimed?
The point being is how much more often do we see any kind of retribution against liberals running their mouths on social media as opposed to conservatives?

And was what she said really that horrible? Or more specific, was it disparaging to the Jewish faith as Disney claimed?

It's definitely imbalanced because of the way this specific industry leans, but your OP suggested there are no consequences for liberals. I'm just saying there are
The point being is how much more often do we see any kind of retribution against liberals running their mouths on social media as opposed to conservatives?

And was what she said really that horrible? Or more specific, was it disparaging to the Jewish faith as Disney claimed?

It wasn't horrible. It wasn't disparaging. There absolutely are parallels between the SJW twitter mob's alliance w/ corporations/ a certain political party, and and Stasi regime in WWII. You could throw in the Kulak revolution too. Parallels to each atrocity. Her greatest sin was trying to make a stand against these culture warriors who are protected by multi-billion dollar corporations and politicians.
It is not the legal question I address but the moral one. Yea Disney has the RIGHT to fire her. But do we really want to live in a world where people loose their job and livelihood just because they say something that offends someone else? Think CAREFULLY before answering because I can guarantee that you have said or written something that someone else would find extremely offensive. We all have. That is the whole business about Jesus saying “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” and “treat others the same you would like to be treated”. We are DEVOURING each other as a people over WORDS. That is not a world I want my kids to inherit. Live and let live, free exchange of ideas, free speech in SPIRT as well as in LETTER OF THE LAW. That is what I was raised to believe American culture treasured. Do you disagree?

If you owned a company and one of your employees got a reputation for posting Marxists theory or whatever. Customers started pointing it out to you because that person might be a reflection of your company. You disagree with their posts but they do a good job so you approach the employee and ask them to tone down their SM. Instead they continue for several more months. Customers continue to give you feedback. How long are you going to keep that person on the payroll?
It amazes me how ignorant most people are. The Reddit comment section regarding this is disgusting, and they all seem to have no idea what she’s done just immediately she’s a Nazi, racist to them. Women’s rights, metoo, all the other BS goes right out the door for liberals as soon as someone disagrees with them or goes after one of theirs. Same could be said for people of other races. We are in a very slippery slope of a time.
She was too fat. The show needs some exotic females such as Thai or Brazilian. Her analogy was dumb AF.
I don't have a problem with it at all. It's a perfectly fine societal check, it just needs to be used properly (like anything).

It's like saying businesses shouldn't lose customers because the customers don't like their views.

Yeah but let's get real here. Disney was not going to lose viewership of The Mandalorian over this. If they had simply ignored this, didn't address it at all, sure some would get on social media and bitch. However I guarantee you they'd be tuning into the next season just like always. We give way too much power to social media outrage which is nothing more than a paper tiger.
If you owned a company and one of your employees got a reputation for posting Marxists theory or whatever. Customers started pointing it out to you because that person might be a reflection of your company. You disagree with their posts but they do a good job so you approach the employee and ask them to tone down their SM. Instead they continue for several more months. Customers continue to give you feedback. How long are you going to keep that person on the payroll?
That person is fired immediately.

In fact, the SOP is absolutely no conversations about politics, sex, or religion allowed while on duty.
Well, this is stupid on many levels. She shouldn't have been canceled. She should have known better. Also, her point is incredibly dumb.

Hating somebody for who they are when they are born is much different than hating somebody for the choices that they make. Last, the government isn't making people hate their neighbors.
Don't kill grandma, wear a mask.
You better believe businesses can’t arbitrarily choose who to fire or employee. Try this sometime, fire someone because of their race, religion, or gender. Let me know how that works out and get back to me. Why should firing someone for being a conservative be any more acceptable than firing someone for being Catholic? I will hang up and listen.......

1. Race/gender/religion are not on the same level as free speech.

2. That said, you should be able to fire someone for those reasons if you want.
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If you owned a company and one of your employees got a reputation for posting Marxists theory or whatever. Customers started pointing it out to you because that person might be a reflection of your company. You disagree with their posts but they do a good job so you approach the employee and ask them to tone down their SM. Instead they continue for several more months. Customers continue to give you feedback. How long are you going to keep that person on the payroll?
Here is my opinion. The only “customers” who normally complain about what one of my employees posts on SM (not to mention, go through the trouble of researching said poster to find out they work for my company in the first place). constitute probably less than 2 % of my potential customer base. They are not the least bit interested in my company or the services I provide. They are merely activist pawns on the prowl for yet another scalp to tally for their cancel warrior trophy belt. The average customer could care less if my rank and file employee is a flaming Marxist or a dyed in the Red Hat MAGA firebrand. The ones threatening to boycott my business have probably never set foot in my store and probably never will. So unless my employee is posting stuff that is illegal or directly impugning my company or their job, I say “knock yourself out Bucko”. I realize one very important truth that so many businesses don’t nowadays... Twitter and Facebook are NOT the real world and what matters to them is not even close to a reflection of the real world. If a bunch of unwashed Gender Studies grad students living in their parent’s basement into their 30s or a QAnon militia member living off the grid in Idaho threaten to never buy my coffee again because an 18 year old barista in my Toledo store posted a controversial non work related tweet, I am NOT going to lose any sleep over it
1. Race/gender/religion are not on the same level as free speech.

2. That said, you should be able to fire someone for those reasons if you want.
In my book, religion and political affiliation are both protected classifications. The courts may disagree, but I see them as both protected by the spirit of the Constitution and what it tries to establish
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