Giuliani almost broke; Trump won't help.



Kung Fu Kamala, B*tches!
Jan 16, 2010

More evidence for the proposition that everything Trump touches dies.

I’m sure there’s a role for him in the next SBC movie. Maybe as Borat’s senile grandpa?
So funny in that movie that he actually thought he was gonna get him some

He did it so naturally that it seemed like it was something he’d done many times before. Now I can see why he spent so much time in Ukraine.
Sure. Got a video of rudy smoking crack while Trump tells everyone how it a crime.... other wise calling someone a scumbag while supporting the people in the Biden video is a joke

I dont have any idea what any of that has to do with Rudy Giuliani.

Hmmmm, so Mother Jones is suggesting Trump can use campaign cash to pay for someone else's legal defense?

"Having raised more money than anyone else in the Republican Party so far this year, new filings show Donald Trump is flush with cash. Absolutely swimming in it. But even as the money flows in, the former president is reportedly stiffing one of his fiercest allies and loyal political surrogates, Rudy Giuliani, as the former New York mayor becomes increasingly ensnared in a federal investigation that’s reportedly costing him millions in legal fees."
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Hmmmm, so Mother Jones is suggesting Trump can use campaign cash to pay for someone else's legal defense?

"Having raised more money than anyone else in the Republican Party so far this year, new filings show Donald Trump is flush with cash. Absolutely swimming in it. But even as the money flows in, the former president is reportedly stiffing one of his fiercest allies and loyal political surrogates, Rudy Giuliani, as the former New York mayor becomes increasingly ensnared in a federal investigation that’s reportedly costing him millions in legal fees."

I dont know if he could have paid Rudy's legal bills, but I seem to remember some reports that Trump did not pay Rudy's bill for "legal" work on behalf of the campaign.
I dont know if he could have paid Rudy's legal bills, but I seem to remember some reports that Trump did not pay Rudy's bill for "legal" work on behalf of the campaign.

Just pointing out that the reporting is shoddy and basically it's the same tweet that's driving the stories. Some "friends" said he's almost broke. I remember Hillary claiming that when she and Bill left the WH they were almost broke.
Just pointing out that the reporting is shoddy and basically it's the same tweet that's driving the stories. Some "friends" said he's almost broke. I remember Hillary claiming that when she and Bill left the WH they were almost broke.

Just saying, Trump doesn't have to pay Rudy's legal defense bills, but he could pay the bill he owes Rudy with some of that campaign cash.

Rudy is an interesting study. Had a lot of goodwill after 9/11 and squandered it over two decades. I dont know why he thought getting in bed with Trump was a good idea, but now he's in the process of losing his license and he's just another contractor Trump decided he didn't want to pay.
It is not impossible to realize that Trump is a jerk and also to realize that he was a better President than Uncle Pudding Brain Joe. The two are NOT mutually exclusive.

I'm confused. Who said anything about comparing Trump to Biden?
Just saying, Trump doesn't have to pay Rudy's legal defense bills, but he could pay the bill he owes Rudy with some of that campaign cash.

Rudy is an interesting study. Had a lot of goodwill after 9/11 and squandered it over two decades. I dont know why he thought getting in bed with Trump was a good idea, but now he's in the process of losing his license and he's just another contractor Trump decided he didn't want to pay.

Agree on both counts. After 9/11 I really admired Rudy G. He truly rose to the occasion. He and Bush, both, focused on the right things at the right time.

Trump used him like he uses everyone. He is incapable of seeing others as anything but utensils for his own use, to be cast aside when he got what he wanted out of them.
If Trump finances RG’s defense of being attacked by his government, the government will simply move on to the next Trump associate and the next one and the next one and keep going until Trump runs out of resources. It is frightening what the politicized DOJ is doing here.

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