Giuliani almost broke; Trump won't help.

“Guilty until proven innocent“ huh? Nice Soviet justice system you got there pal. Off to the gulag with him once the show trial is over I guess?

I may have misspoke to some extent pal. Mayne you should read up on defamation suits some time. The plaintiff can make the claim and provide evidence that they were defamed, however the truth is an absolute defense to a defamation suit and if the defendant proves what they said is true they win. By the way its not criminal court and there is no gulag pal.
I may have misspoke to some extent pal. Mayne you should read up on defamation suits some time. The plaintiff can make the claim and provide evidence that they were defamed, however the truth is an absolute defense to a defamation suit and if the defendant proves what they said is true they win. By the way its not criminal court and there is no gulag pal.
Oh that’s right, it’s okay to destroy his livelihood and his career, as long as we don’t incarcerate him. Silly me.
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Oh that’s right, it’s okay to destroy his livelihood and his career, as long as we don’t incarcerate him. Silly me.
He tried to destroy that company. That might include many legacies and careers.

Edit: like I said, the truth is an absolute defense. If he has any proof about the claims he made all he has to do is lay his cards on the table.
I used to think that of Obama. But the mantle has been passed.
Let’s see, hates Israel….check
Wants to establish a system where you cannot buy or sell without a special mark (or vaccine card)….. check
Sounds like he is off to a good start
He tried to destroy that company. That might include many legacies and careers.
Maybe if Dominion would be more transparent with their servers and Code during the audit requests, maybe that would help. They are remarkably reticent to provide info auditors request. Why is that I wonder? Paper ballots all the way. All electronic voting companies should be shut down IMO. They are fraud waiting to happen.
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Maybe if Dominion would be more transparent with their servers and Code during the audit requests, maybe that would help. They are remarkably reticent to provide info auditors request. Why is that I wonder? Paper ballots all the way. All electronic voting companies should be shut down IMO. They are fraud waiting to happen.

Its not Dominion's job to do that. Rudy and his crew started this, all he has to do is back up his statements.

Edit: I don't think any of the engineers or programmers here are going to happily open up about of their employers' proprietary codes. Not giving that stuff out is how you make a business profitable.
Its not Dominion's job to do that. Rudy and his crew started this, all he has to do is back up his statements.

Edit: I don't think any of the engineers or programmers here are going to happily open up about of their employers' proprietary codes. Not giving that stuff out is how you make a business profitable.
Counting votes is arithmetic. There are no trade secrets to protect. There is no „secret way“ to tabulate votes (at least no HONEST way). If my taxpayer funds are used to pay for the machines, then the code needs to be open source. Or go all paper. Problem solved. Worked just fine for most of recorded history.
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Counting votes is arithmetic. There are no trade secrets to protect. There is no „secret way“ to tabulate votes (at least no HONEST way). If my taxpayer funds are used to pay for the machines, then the code needs to be open source. Or go all paper. Problem solved. Worked just fine for most of recorded history.
Dominion provide machine vote tabulators. Its not their fault they built a product election commisons wanted instead of hand counting (probably more efficient and cost effective). Its called capitalism. My very red county uses electronic voting machines. Regardless of whether you agree, that doesn't excuse Rudy from making damaging claims he couldn't back up.
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Dominion provide machine vote tabulators. Its not their fault they built a product election commisons wanted instead of hand counting (probably more efficient and cost effective). Its called capitalism. My very red county uses electronic voting machines. Regardless of whether you agree, that doesn't excuse Rudy from making damaging claims he couldn't back up.
Okay, I‘ll bite. So when can we file suit against and disbar every attorney who, without evidence, made collusion claim against Trump since 2016? Pass the Popcorn. And then shut down CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, and the three broadcast networks for defamation as well. That Steele dossier was such a reputable document
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Okay, I‘ll bite. So when can we file suit against and disbar every attorney who, without evidence, made collusion claim against Trump since 2016? Pass the Popcorn. And then shut down CNN, MSNBC, OBS, NOR, and the three broadcast networks for defamation as well. That Steele dossier was such a reputable document
I never bought into the Steele dossier. If Trump thinks he can win, let him file a civil suit.

edit: Keep in mind, when you file a lawsuit you open yourself up to discovery including depositions (not just yourself and your employees but others with knowledge), production of documents, etc. Dominion, by filing suit is comfortable with that, Trump will need to be as well.
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I never bought into the Steele dossier. If Trump thinks he can win, let him file a civil suit.
Too bad Trump isn’t able to use a politicized and compliant DOJ to help him out. Such a level playing field when the entire resources of the state are at one’s disposal. We are officially a banana republic now. I am POSITIVE the left would have been just FINE if Barr had started issuing warrants and seizing computers of Trump‘s critics wouldn’t they? 😂😂😂
Giuliani search warrant resolved Justice Department dispute
Too bad Trump isn’t able to use a politicized and compliant DOJ to help him out. Such a level playing field when the entire resources of the state are at one’s disposal. We are officially a banana republic now. I am POSITIVE the left would have been just FINE if Barr had started issuing warrants and seizing computers of Trump‘s critics wouldn’t they? 😂😂😂
Giuliani search warrant resolved Justice Department dispute
I dont think a Ukrainian lobbying investigation is going to help Dominion. It might hinder Dominion, because Rudy can say, "I dont have that information, it was in a hard drive taken by the DoJ." In fact Rudy could say "well, I'm under criminal investigation because of something and the discovery you asked for is tangentially related so I plead the fifth and won't turn it over."

BTW see my edit to my previous post.
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Rudy is a walking disaster. Even Trump knows it. I am surprised Trump fans can't read the writing on the wall. Rudy is useless to Trump so f him. He's useless bc his bull shat claims are just that. Bull shat.
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