Giuliani almost broke; Trump won't help.

I dont know if he could have paid Rudy's legal bills, but I seem to remember some reports that Trump did not pay Rudy's bill for "legal" work on behalf of the campaign.
I guess if Rudy didn't have a contract going in for his "legal work," that's on him--he knew who he was dealing with.
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If Trump finances RG’s defense of being attacked by his government, the government will simply move on to the next Trump associate and the next one and the next one and keep going until Trump runs out of resources. It is frightening what the politicized DOJ is doing here.

Ehhh... seems like Rudy was flying around Eastern Europe trying to play at some weird combination of James Bond and Michael Clayton. Seems like he was up to something shady and now he's paying the price by having people look into what he was doing. I dont buy the deep state BS and I'm sure the shoe will be on the other foot at some point.
Ehhh... seems like Rudy was flying around Eastern Europe trying to play at some weird combination of James Bond and Michael Clayton. Seems like he was up to something shady and now he's paying the price by having people look into what he was doing. I dont buy the deep state BS and I'm sure the shoe will be on the other foot at some point.

Certainly nothing shady is going on in the Biden crime family or with their consigliere Hunter.
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Because that is the subtext of every „Donald Trump is a jerk“ thread. Ie that’s why we had to elect a better President like Biden. Donald Trump‘s shortcomings are never discussed in a vacuum

Oh... I just assumed you'd rather just change the subject by calling Joe Biden "Uncle Pudding Cup" or whatever.
Oh i could called Joe LOTS of other names, but this IS a family site. The man is evil. Period

Oh, well back to Rudy... sucks for him that his idiocy got him investigated by the DoJ
Sucks for him that he made a bunch of dumb statements he couldn't back up on behalf of his client, his client didn't pay him, and the company his trashed probably has the ability to bankrupt him with legal fees before he even gets to trial if they feel like it.
Oh, well back to Rudy... sucks for him that his idiocy got him investigated by the DoJ
Sucks for him that he made a bunch of dumb statements he couldn't back up on behalf of his client, his client didn't pay him, and the company his trashed probably has the ability to bankrupt him with legal fees before he even gets to trial if they feel like it.
Standard playbook for the left even if you got no evidence, destroy em with legal fees. Just ask General Flynn
Suppose they forgot to bring along CNN to the event?
I always think back to this when the LEOs pull that crap. I still can’t believe some SEAL or Marine Recon didn’t straight up shoot a bunch of reporters.

I couldn’t find it but there was a video of journalists sticking mics in SEALS faces as they “covertly” came ashore trying to interview them.

So much CNNDS. It's almost as if CNN has become shorthand for "things one disagrees with or be strongly dislikes."

Example usage: "The McRib meat is so fake it may as well be CNN."
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Standard playbook for the left even if you got no evidence, destroy em with legal fees. Just ask General Flynn

Standard playbook for high stakes litigation. Rudy has gone crazy and didn't think about the consequences or making statements he couldn't back up. In the defamation stuff, Rudy has to provide the evidence of his claims for his defense, not the other way around.
Standard playbook for high stakes litigation. Rudy has gone crazy and didn't think about the consequences or making statements he couldn't back up. In the defamation stuff, Rudy has to provide the evidence of his claims for his defense, not the other way around.
“Guilty until proven innocent“ huh? Nice Soviet justice system you got there pal. Off to the gulag with him once the show trial is over I guess?
I would accuse Biden of being the Antichrist, but I seriously doubt he could still count to 666.
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