Global Warming

I don't know what they are talking about ≠ nobody knows what they are talking about.

Al Gore et al. don't know what they are talking about ≠ nobody knows what they are talking about.

No one knows everything ≠ nobody knows anything.

Just clearing up some logical fallacies.
But is it the warmest June ever?? I think not.

So, your right, nothing to see here, other than more fodder for legislative change and more public funding.

There's a Jerry Maguire quote that fits perfectly with most of this science.

For one thing it isn't the warmest year or the warmest June on record unless one cherry picks data.

For another thing, even if it were the warmest on record it doesn't even get close to the even warmer medieval warm period which was the warmest extended period we have had in about the last 2,500 years and which was the best ever for Earth climate, particulary suitable for mankind and indeed all of nature.

Opening up farm land on Greenland and in other northern latitudes is great for agriculture and more CO2 is good for all plant life.

Freeing up water from glaciers and ice caps increases moisture in the atmosphere which is translated to rainfall for areas usually too arid for crop production.

The idea that land near the equator where a great deal of mankind lives would become a sizzling death zone is equally nonscientific scare mongering, the fact is that tropical weather is modified by trade winds, evaporation from the ocean which returns in rainfall about twice daily and probably would be even better with a warmer Earth.

Not that this is exactly what is happening but that if it indeed were happening, that would be a godd rather than a bad thing!


And this is why it's dangerous to be proposing radical legislation based on data that's not even conclusive in the slightest.

I'll all for clean energy, reducing pollution, recycling, etc. but I also like common sense and the doomsday prophets like Al Gore are mostly full of crap, as are the majority of the celebrities trying to tell everyone else what they need to be doing.

Climate Depot's full statement to USA Today on 'Hottest' Year And Arctic Ice: NOAA's Jay Lawrimore 'should be ashamed of himself' ( | Climate Depot

Lots and lots of good data with plenty of links in the above, particularly about some of the outright falsehoods being spewed by the alarmists.


Global Warming Scam : 2010 is Not the Hottest Year | MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory

According to Marc Morano at Climate Depot, the 10th of a degree difference they’re talking about is the result of cherry-picking data.

But aside from the normally expected counter-analysis to warmist claims from those who are actually scientifically competent, there is a particular phrase in the new promo that immediately catches my attention – on record.

What record?

Even the most recent fake British inquiry into the behavior of scientists at East Anglia had to admit that their data was “misleading.”

Now one needs merely to take notice of the copy-paste arguments of rank and file warmers. NOAA has routinely presented results corresponding to those of East Anglia.

One of the most important facts discovered in relation to Climategate was that East Anglia’s Phil Jones went to great effort to falsify temperature records throughout the world, asking its caretakers to replace their data with his fake data and for permission to present his fake data as original data from them.

The United States, NOAA included, was not on the very short list of countries that said no. (And while we’re at it, NASA – i.e. the godfather of the global warming hoax James Hansen at Columbia – is also not on that list.)

The Climategate conspirators have all gone back to work as if nothing happened. Warmers are once again using their products as talking points to promote arbitrary tax increases and government take-overs. Are they really expecting the rest of us to believe any of it?

Again it is no great sin to have been conned at some time or another in one's life but there is a word for those who make a habit of being deceived.


I thought NASA was doing outreach to muslim countries, what are they doing using their satellites to collect climate data?

Translation, get muslim countries on board the global warming express so they will appear to be scientific.

Doing it's part to hold down emissions (and federal spending) the Obama family has sent Bo the first dog ahead to Maine for the first family vacation along with Reggie Love who makes $102,000 annually to mind the dog and hold Barry's ice cream cone while he plays with their Portuguese water dog.



Remember back when obama first came to office and he was going to have governmental agencies submit plans that would save the America taxpayers $100,000,000 dollars???

Not one governmental agency ever submitted any plan for saving money and we have more federal agencies than you can count.


Barry and Reggie.

Actually Reggie plays more basketball with Barry than dog watching, someone else handles the dog, no word on whether Reggie has been one any of 41 golfing rounds with Barry since he became our organizer in chief.


So, are the people who argue there is nothing to worry about equally full of crap and have no idea what they're talking about?
Wanted to make sure the right wing disinformation goons saw this and would come explain themselves and their idiotic science of "Brrrr... It's cold out today! Therefore, all scientists who think there is global warming are communist frauds."
Wanted to make sure the right wing disinformation goons saw this and would come explain themselves and their idiotic science of "Brrrr... It's cold out today! Therefore, all scientists who think there is global warming are communist frauds."

Cool. Preesh.

When will you post the same regarding our deficit so the right wing goons look similarly silly?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Wanted to make sure the right wing disinformation goons saw this and would come explain themselves and their idiotic science of "Brrrr... It's cold out today! Therefore, all scientists who think there is global warming are communist frauds."

Ironically, kind of like the people who assume because one member of the Tea Party is racist, then the overwhelming majority are as well.
Ironically, kind of like the people who assume because one member of the Tea Party is racist, then the overwhelming majority are as well.

At least its not like you are taking my nuanced explanation of a complex situation and rephrasing it so your fellow retards can understand at least some measure of it.

Nicely done. Head of that class, for sure.
At least its not like you are taking my nuanced explanation of a complex situation and rephrasing it so your fellow retards can understand at least some measure of it.

Nicely done. Head of that class, for sure.

Nice, you got jokes. I'm more pointing out your continuous hypocrisy. In which case, no one poster quite shines in the field like you.

lol at your "nuanced explanation of a complex situation". Keep telling yourself that, we'll continue to laugh in your direction.
At least its not like you are taking my nuanced explanation of a complex situation and rephrasing it so your fellow retards can understand at least some measure of it.

Nicely done. Head of that class, for sure.

LG have you been in the booze tonight? You're quite combative chief.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
At least its not like you are taking my nuanced explanation of a complex situation and rephrasing it so your fellow retards can understand at least some measure of it.

Nicely done. Head of that class, for sure.
I don't think I've ever seen the words "nuanced explanation" and "retards" worked into the same sentence.
I don't think I've ever seen the words "nuanced explanation" and "retards" worked into the same sentence.

Trust me, he's only heard of one of those words, and that's becasue it is stamped on all his school records.
Kind of sad, actually. He's getting worked up tonight. What's even more funny is I've never denied climate change, and even a supporter of more efficient technology and ways to get rid of our waste. Just not to the point of the god awful proposals that Washington has suggested. To LG, I'm racist and I refuse to admit the existence of Global Warming.
Trust me, he's only heard of one of those words, and that's becasue it is stamped on all his school records.

I must of hit a nerve with pointing out your hypocrisy. So now in your words, I'm a "retard". Amazing, considering the fact that my first cousin, is in fact, mentally retarded. Pretty classless, if I say so myself. Though, I don't expect anything more from you.

Tonight, you're on a roll with those general assumptions.
Well, El Nino is partly why it was so hot globally last month. Just like it was partly why it was so wet and cool around here in the winter. I said so then, but people chose to pretend that "no one knows" about how climate really works, and anyone saying otherwise is a communist fear-mongering agent of a New World Order.

Which is purely coincidence, I assure you.
Wanted to make sure the right wing disinformation goons saw this and would come explain themselves and their idiotic science of "Brrrr... It's cold out today! Therefore, all scientists who think there is global warming are communist frauds." is actually cold today as a matter of fact!!

BBC News - Antarctic cold snap kills nine in Argentina

You are such a reactionary


you should have your own board so that people who really care about your 'take my ball and go home if I can't have my way' mentality could do so and the rest of us wouldn't have to be bothered.
Report: Warmest June on record globally -

Hottest June on record. Let's see all those threads/posts about how cold it was this winter as proof positive that there is obviously no global warming.

So are you now declaring to be the leading socialist black pamper revolutionary on the board???

How about if you take your inane snitty little remarks directed toward me and stuff them where the sun doesn't shine??

What were some to the quotes attributed to Hitler's minister of propaganda??

"Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth."

"The bigger the lie the more people there are who are apt to believe it."

See post #152 in this thread to answer you question.

Record cold in Australia Where’s my Global Warming Dude? By Global Freeze

An appeal has been launched for donations of blankets and dry bedding as rain forces people out of Alice Springs town camps on what is likely to be the town’s coldest day on record.

ADELAIDE has shivered through its fifth consecutive overnight temperature below 5C and is heading for a record-equalling sixth tonight.

The Bureau of Meteorology’s early forecast is for an overnight low of just 3C tonight and if correct it will equal the record run of six nights below 5C set in 1982.

Sydney’s week of cold weather continues, with the city recording its coldest June morning since 1949 when temperatures dived to 4.3 degrees.

If you thought it was colder than normal, you’re right: Melbourne is within reach of its longest cold snap in 14 years.

The recent run of cold night weather in Perth could soon become the longest spell on record as the city shivers through its coldest June in 15 years.

That equals a run last July-August and is just two nights short of the all time record since the Bureau began recording temperatures at Mt Lawley in 1993.

Queensland is normally known as “the Sunshine State” yet today saw a very different state of affairs, with thick cloud blanketing almost the whole state.

Brisbane only reached a maximum of 16 degrees, four below the July average and the coldest day in almost two whole years. Longreach, near the heart of Queensland, topped at just 14, the second coldest July day in 17 years. In fact, it was colder there at 3pm than it was at 9am.

It may be above your pay scale to understand the following but let me undertake to try to explain something to you that is in no way too nuanced for anyone to understand and neither is it the least bit 'retarded.'

If the mean Earth temperature does indeed reach higher temperatures than have been recorded by modern measuring devices over the past approximately one hundred fifty years, then;

1. That doesn't neccessarily prove those higher temperature rises are because of human activity because a; temperatures have been higher it times past the cause of which couldn't be attributed to mankind, b; although mankind, primarily through the use of fossil fuels, does contribute to the overall chemical make up of the atmosphere, that contrbution is still a very small percentage and c; we don't really know how to express all the factors, (solar, galactic, volcanic and oceanic activity for instances) into some equation and make accurate predictions plus we don't know what some of the uncontrolable factors may do in the future.

2. Is no cause for alarm because we have not yet reached the highest known temperatures of the past 2,000 or even 1,000 years and during that known warm period Earth's climate was more hospitable than now, so if indeed the temperature does rise even higher, that would be cause for celebration, not a reason to stand on the panic button.

The media keeps pushing this for political purposes in the hopes the people will accept cap and trade legislation as proposed by the administration and the democrat party.

Anyone who goes along with it has sh!t for brains imo because;

1. Science doesn't merit such draconian legislation.

2. If passed some commissar in some new federal agency will arbitrarily say who gets what credits and who doesn't, further corrupting the political/business process.

3. Even advocates state that the bill will actually do little if anything to affect global warming.

4. It is economic suicide for the average American citizen.

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