Global Warming?

(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 25 said:
Do you all think that the Earth is able to fix itself? Do you think that Hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, flood, fire, harsh weather etc etc are actually defense mechanisms of the Earth?

I believe that the Earth is wholly reactionary. How it reacts, I am not educated enough to determine. However, I would state with some certainty that I believe that the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's did more to harm the atmosphere and environment than the total combined man made pollutants of that same year. On the same note, one could easily argue that an eruption like that doesn't occur annually, so you would have to compare it to a longer period of pollution...
So you all believe in a super invisible man in the sky, but global warming is just too hard of a concept to grasp?

No I do not believe there is a super invisibile man in the sky, yes I believe in global warming and we effect the environment but I believe it has to do more with the cutting down of trees than the combustion engine.
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 25 said:
Do you all think that the Earth is able to fix itself? Do you think that Hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, flood, fire, harsh weather etc etc are actually defense mechanisms of the Earth?
Hurricanes and other "weather disasters" are due to the fact that the Earth has to balance its energy. Thats is why we have weather patterns and such. The energy must balance itself somehow. I can't think of the exact name of this, but it has to do with the Earth's energy trying to balance itself at the poles. Anyone know?
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
I believe he made us logical and rational. I do not believe that God is a man with a beard, two legs, two arms, a smile, and two eyes.
What about when he was sent to the earth in the form of man?
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 25 said:
No I do not believe there is a super invisibile man in the sky, yes I believe in global warming and we effect the environment but I believe it has to do more with the cutting down of trees than the combustion engine.

Actually, the myth that Rain Forest's are the world's oxygen supply has been debunked many times over...just like many trendy environmental movements. Which is another reason it is hard for me to get worked up over global warming...

The idea that rainforests are the lungs of the world, i.e. they take up carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen, is a myth. Only their fast growing, young trees take in CO2, and because trees fall down and decay, rainforests actually take in more oxygen than they release

Some global warming thoughts.

A. This concept was around Long Before Gore.

B. Somewhat accurate temperature measurement devices have only been around a hundred years or so. Kinda hard to determine if GWarming is a fact based on measurements.

C. Just a question...if global warming is not happening, why are birds and animals not native to here migrating northward into cooler climates? in past years animals such as amadillos, reptiles such as alligators and even some tropical lizards have moved northward (it doesn't take a degreed climatologist to figure that out). Also many tropical birds that were never found north of the gulf coast are now in north central Alabama.

D. Christine Whitman (R-NJ) was W's original Director of the US EPA. She quit her job as her studies that showed global warming was probable were contrary to W's grand scheme. Notice she's a Republican.

E. IMO any good Republican is a "conservative" which is a word derived from the term conserve and used in the term conservation and conservationist. If we get the idea that global warming "might" be an issue for future generations shouldn't we approach our environmental question conservatively? It will be hard to undo what is being done "IF" global warming is occurring.

Have a Nice Day! :)

What about when he was sent to the earth in the form of man?

I do not know why I am doing this but, Jesus was the Son of God.

Do you all think that the Earth is able to fix itself? Do you think that Hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, flood, fire, harsh weather etc etc are actually defense mechanisms of the Earth?

Intersting theory, stresses natural or unatural and the Earth reacts accordingly?

Interesting Discussion on the Defense Mechanism theory
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 25 said:
What about when he was sent to the earth in the form of man?

Read the Bible and the prophecies concerning the coming of Jesus. They clearly state that God will take the form of man in Jesus. If God was already man, then he would have to take no such form.
Actually, the myth that Rain Forest's are the world's oxygen supply has been debunked many times over...just like many trendy environmental movements. Which is another reason it is hard for me to get worked up over global warming...

I was referring to places like the Upsala Glacier where heavy logging occured over many years and now the ice caps are melting down.



(BHAMVOLFAN @ Jul 25 said:
E. IMO any good Republican is a "conservative" which is a word derived from the term conserve and used in the term conservation and conservationist. If we get the idea that global warming "might" be an issue for future generations shouldn't we approach our environmental question conservatively? It will be hard to undo what is being done "IF" global warming is occurring.

Have a Nice Day! :)

Actually, it derives from Conserving the Constitution. It has now bred over, somehow, into securing America for Christianity (interesting.) I am of the constitutionally conservative mind.
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
Actually, it derives from Conserving the Constitution. It has now bred over, somehow, into securing America for Christianity (interesting.) I am of the constitutionally conservative mind.

Not today, it means being a liberal with a conservative fundamentalist Christian agenda.
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
Read the Bible and the prophecies concerning the coming of Jesus. They clearly state that God will take the form of man in Jesus. If God was already man, then he would have to take no such form.
Read the Bible where it clearly states that God created us in his image. That to me is pretty clear. And how do you know that God was not in the form of man when he sent Jesus to this earth to represent him. To me, "created in his own image" means that God gave us all of the physical traits he has.
Read the Bible where it clearly states that God created us in his image. That to me is pretty clear. And how do you know that God was not in the form of man when he sent Jesus to this earth to represent him. To me, "created in his own image" means that God gave us all of the physical traits he has.

Are we going with physical image, or we have his capacity to love, so on...etc........

Pretty broad topic to discuss........
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 25 said:
Read the Bible where it clearly states that God created us in his image. That to me is pretty clear. And how do you know that God was not in the form of man when he sent Jesus to this earth to represent him. To me, "created in his own image" means that God gave us all of the physical traits he has.

No one knows. The "image" could be mental, physical or spiritual. The simplest to associate with though is the physical image answer. The comment could have been literal or otherwise, we'll never know.
(BHAMVOLFAN @ Jul 25 said:
No one knows. The "image" could be mental, physical or spiritual. The simplest to associate with though is the physical image answer. The comment could have been literal or otherwise, we'll never know.
Your right. We'll just won't till we see him either at death or the end times.
All I know is that when Global Warming starts to get the attention it deserves (because it's killing us off), I hope you all are still posting on this board so I can say "told you so" and you can apologize to us. (Us = Myself and Al Gore)
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 25 said:
Read the Bible where it clearly states that God created us in his image. That to me is pretty clear. And how do you know that God was not in the form of man when he sent Jesus to this earth to represent him. To me, "created in his own image" means that God gave us all of the physical traits he has.

In that case, is God black, white, Asian, Persian, Native American? Is God male or female? Bearded or clean shaven? In shape or out of shape? Tall or short? Freckled or tanned? Buck toothed? Big ears or small? Sorry, but I disagree. Also, if he made us physically in his image, then has he also evolved?

In his image comes to mean that he created us with the ability to think rationally and with a free will.

When God made man according to his own image, He gave him a soul so endowed with reason and intelligence that it ranks man higher than all the other creatures of the earth, the sea, the air, because they lack intelligence.

He took a bone from the man's side and made of it a mate to collaborate in procreation. Of course, all this was done in a divine way. We must not imagine the process in a material way, as though God worked, as ordinary artists do, with hands, shaping, as best they can, some earthly material into a form dictated by the rules of art. The 'hand' of God means the power of God which works in an invisible way to produce even visible results
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 25 said:
All I know is that when Global Warming starts to get the attention it deserves (because it's killing us off), I hope you all are still posting on this board so I can say "told you so" and you can apologize to us. (Us = Myself and Al Gore)

If/when that happens, I will OWB.





All I know is that when Global Warming starts to get the attention it deserves (because it's killing us off), I hope you all are still posting on this board so I can say "told you so" and you can apologize to us. (Us = Myself and Al Gore)

Me too!.........It is a shame it will never happen.
(therealUT @ Jul 25 said:
In that case, is God black, white, Asian, Persian, Native American? Is God male or female? Bearded or clean shaven? In shape or out of shape? Tall or short? Freckled or tanned? Buck toothed? Big ears or small? Sorry, but I disagree. Also, if he made us physically in his image, then has he also evolved?

In his image comes to mean that he created us with the ability to think rationally and with a free will.
We just disagree on this subject. I certainly respect what you think about it. Thats just an example of how two people interpret the Bible differently. Do you believe in evolution?? Please say no.
(OrangeEmpire @ Jul 25 said:
Me too!.........It is a shame it will never happen.

See how crazy you Republicans make me? Now I'm actually hoping that global warming starts destroying us just to prove a point. :banghead:
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 25 said:
We just disagree on this subject. I certainly respect what you think about it. Thats just an example of how two people interpret the Bible differently. Do you believe in evolution?? Please say no.

Of course I believe in evolution. It makes God that much more extraordinary to me.

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