I'm gonna play devil's advocate here. So don't blast me.
I think the most rational thing to do is to accept two things:
1)We had some really bad moments last year.
2)We had some really great moments last year.
IE can take any of the bad moments and say "look this is why CCM sucks" and we can take any of the great moments and say "look this is why CCM is great." Was this thread a bit premature? Yes, probably so. That doesn't make the bad moments that he's bringing up to support his opinion any less valid. It's his opinion. He is entitled to it even if it is different than everyone elses.
Were the Austin Peay, MTSU, and Memphis losses pretty bad? Yeah, they were. However, beating Florida twice, Vandy, and UConn were all pretty dang impressive. The fact is, we were not supposed to be a very good team last year. We showed that in the bad losses. We also showed how CCM is able to coach teams up to play well in big games and finish 2nd in the East.
Yes, this thread is ridiculous. Yes, it probably is premature. However, it's like my grandpappy used to say... "Don't let the facts get in the way of a really good argument."
Go Vols!