As a property owner in GATED/PRIVATE neighborhood in FL, I am 1,000% correct and you sir have no clue. When a neighborhood puts up the gate, they assume responsibility for their own streets. No city or county funds are allocated for those prive streets. They have to line up their own services.
Zimmerman was an appointed representative of that neighborhood that night and had EVERY right to stop TM.
Yet some how I believe that if your(long haired) son was shot for not responding to a stalker, You would view this... DIFFERENTLY. How dare I?
Should the kid be dead, NO. Should all sides just chill out and let the investigation play out, YES.
Here's the problem I have...I agree with what you just said, but you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. You tell us to chill out and let the investigation play out, yet you have taken the stance that Zimmerman did indeed act in self-defense, when there is no empirical evidence that he did.
I won't argue with that. I do believe however, that we all know how things will play out once removed from this peticuliar "law enforcements" hands. I do not have every fact ( I admit) but you would have to be deaf dumb and blind, not to get what happened. I will not jump on the "racist" bandwagon, but I do believe Mr. Zimmerman was a "I think I am Rambo" personality. If I am wrong, I will GLADLY say so.
Not that it has any standing in this situation, but do you know how long Zimmerman has been on that neighborhood watch team? Do you know that he has stopped other home invasions in that neighborhood? Do you know that the city of Sanford has a serious gang violence problem?
There are two sides to every story and the public is only getting one side. I have a client in Sanford and he is "in the loop" on what the police found when they arrived that night and it ain't what Sharpton would lead you to believe.
I won't argue with that. I do believe however, that we all know how things will play out once removed from this peticuliar "law enforcements" hands. I do not have every fact ( I admit) but you would have to be deaf dumb and blind, not to get what happened. I will not jump on the "racist" bandwagon, but I do believe Mr. Zimmerman was a "I think I am Rambo" personality. If I am wrong, I will GLADLY say so.
You can not grasp the notion that I have not said any thing about guilt or innocents.
Tell me this, did Zimmerman not have the same right to walk through the neighborhood where he actually owned property?
Nice barn yard story though.
What does that even mean?
The US DOJ and the State of Florida are investigating. How about we wait to see what their investigation turns up?
I will wait. The only reason we are having this discussion is because if/when he is found guilty, You will never mention your statements again (Unless to say that he was "railroaded" by the main stream media!)
This is interesting, too.
The whole article is worth a read.
Zimmerman was on the ground being punched when he shot Trayvon Martin - Charleston Charleston Conservative |
How do u know he disengaged? He is in a position of authority? Martin attacked him?
Not sure any of that is fact.