For the record since you guys are bashing Canzano, he has won multiple sportswriter of the year awards and investigative sports writer of the year from the AP.
I have listened to him daily for years, Duck fans hate him because he calls it like he sees it, and his opinion isn't always favorable to Chip Kelly or UofO, while the rest of his homestation slurps all things Ducks. Watching the army of Duck homers try and discredit him is pure comedy. Dog chasing its own tail good.
Yasser Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize. Writers awards are even more meaningless.
Given that you have criticized Duck fans simply for having clean trucks, it's hard to take your perspective on Canzano seriously either.
If you really want to claim that Canzano is a good journalist, we can go down that path and get into specifics. I'll start with a couple examples of his hackery:
A) He tried to create a scandal over how Belotti handled Dixon's knee injury, citing anonymous sources that told him how much players were told about the injury before the Arizona game. Rob Moseley, an actual journalist who works in Eugene, went around asking players if Canzano's claim was true. All of them said the opposite. When confronted on it, he backed off then started deleting peoples comments about it, etc.
B) Canzano once claimed that LeGarrette Blount punched Belotti in the face at practice and had to be restrained by other coaches and staff. Of course, he cited anonymous sources. Once again, Rob Moseley who actually attends nearly every practice in person, was able to recall one incident where there was some after-play pushing with Blount. But, he didn't punch anyone in the face, let alone Belotti. It was a minor incident and practice resumed immediately.
Don't make me get into the time that he got chewed out by Belotti's babysitter for calling his son a drunk or when he sounded the alarm because Dennis Dixon went to a strip club.
Lyles is paid $25000 to steer recruits to Oregon.
How is that not any different from what Alabama and Kentucky did in the Means case?
Am I not making sense?
No. I don't think you're making sense with this argument. Means is a football player. Lyles ran a scout business, a service for which nearly every program pays.
This is what's already accepted as fact:
Chip Kelly paid Will Lyles, somebody with a lot of influence with numerous Texas HS football players, $25k for scouting services which were rendered late and useless. This isn't a court of law, the 'AA only has to arbitrate that Kelly lied about what he purchased and that's that, he's done for. That is the absolute minimum that will happen. Considering how idiotically Kelly has shown to be so far, it's a relatively good likelihood that there will eventually be some sort of paper trail or hard evidence that Kelly paid Lyles to drive recruits to Oregon, which in the 'AA's eyes is just about as bad as paying the players directly.
Where has it been established that Kelly lied about what was purchased?
It may not be a court of law. However, I'm pretty sure that the NCAA will at least want to be able to articulate which rule was violated and how if they're going to rule that way.
Chip Kelly paid a handler for a recruit that he was close to. Then provided evidence via handwritten cards. Then there are phone records proving that there was a lot of contact between the two, kind of odd since he just paid for a recruiting package that was "sent to him".
Where has it been established that Kelly "paid a handler for a recruit"?
What rule is violated by Kelly talking to Lyles on the phone?
These fans then start pumping their chests like their team is the best thing since sliced bread. However, it is found out that the only reason they became relevant is through cheating.
The fans, blinded by both pride and not wanting to be the doormat that they normally were, vehemently deny that their "run" was based on lies. Regardless of how much they are shown evidence, they still do not listen.
This denial of wrongdoing is what makes me want to see Oregon burn. Plus I wont have to hear about or see the ugliest damn uniforms, I have ever seen, for awhile
As I wrote, cards shown.