Your description of the MAGA cult as simply "everyday working class people" is misleading because you omit that they are, by and large, uneducated (or poorly educated) and are resentful of racial minorities and science because it represents change to their perception of the way the world works, all of which is rapidly accelerating and leaving them in the dust.
1. None of those things you falsely listed are mutually exclusive with everyday working class people.
2. you are just patently wrong on most of those or making gross oversimplifications and ignoring context.
2a: uneducated or poorly educated is only a measure of superficial gatekeeping by the elite. it would make no sense for "everyday working people" to go to 4 year universities to get some degree they don't use. if they are educated to do their job, and get on in life on their own, they are properly educated. now if you mean they believe too much BS just because Trump said it, I would agree with that, but that isn't an education thing.
2b: they aren't resentful of minorities in any meaningful percentage or way. the only thing are illegal immigrants, and that has nothing to do with the race of the individuals. and considering "MAGA" support amongst minorities is the highest the R's have ever seen, the data would say you are barking up the wrong tree.
2c: if by Science you mean the lies that Fauci publically pushed but not so privately blasted, then yeah. if you mean the global warming chicken littles who have had to revise their doomsday clock every decade, then yeah, tic toc AOC, tic toc. if you mean the politicians who actively silenced the various scientific individuals, groups, and theories without a lick of their own actual scientific counter arguments, then yeah. I doubt even a noticeable percentage of MAGA is actually YEC. you are going to have to get really specific with what actual SCIENCE they are resentful of. because I am pretty sure you mean "scientists" who are funded by biased groups pushing agendas. In fact your first point about education would call into question their ability to actually know enough to resent actual "science". a point probably too fine for you to understand, calling into question your own education, or at the very least actual understanding of what is actually science.
3. the topics you chose shows how purely your disagreements with "everyday working class people" is purely political and not backed up with any sort of data or actual logical arguments.