GOP withdraws from Presidential Debates

The constant whine of its the media is so tiresome. There was a moderator from fox during the last election cycle. The problem was that trump just wanted to say nothing but catch phrases and insults. He didn’t want to spend time preparing arguments of substance.

"Impartial" moderator actively covering for Biden as Trump attempts to discuss Biden being bought by multiple foreign entities. Does a presidential candidate on the take meet your definition of an "arguments of substance".

And I missed the parts of the debates where Biden made substantial, concise and well thought out statements.

"Impartial" moderator actively covering for Biden as Trump attempts to discuss Biden being bought by multiple foreign entities. Does a presidential candidate on the take meet your definition of an "arguments of substance".

And I missed the parts of the debates where Biden made substantial, concise and well thought out statements.

With all that’s being discussed….

The media’s contribution to the discussion: “But I want to stay on the issue of race”

Shocking! 😏

But regardless, if the DNC did pick the candidate, they did a better job than Russia did when picking the republican candidate.
Wow... Russia Russia Russia.... you are literally a one trick pony. But hey, you have nothing else to tout. Might as well keep playing the blame game.
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Candidates and moderators.

The combined cognitive ability of our last two presidents is surpassed by your average 6th grader. We need some better choices.

Have you noticed democrats always want to drag Trump into the discussion on Biden having cognitive challenges and a total nimrod?

They surrender to the idea that Joe Biden is a horrible president but to give cover that they voted for Biden they'll talk about Trump in the same vein.

They even get likes from conservatives because they are at least admitting Biden is bad. But Biden stands alone on the turrible richter scale.

"Impartial" moderator actively covering for Biden as Trump attempts to discuss Biden being bought by multiple foreign entities. Does a presidential candidate on the take meet your definition of an "arguments of substance".

And I missed the parts of the debates where Biden made substantial, concise and well thought out statements.

I do miss the good old days when Biden was that coherent.
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Wow... Russia Russia Russia.... you are literally a one trick pony. But hey, you have nothing else to tout. Might as well keep playing the blame game.
Wow..........I'm not the one who brought Russia up.......keep playing the falsely blame luther game.
Have you noticed democrats always want to drag Trump into the discussion on Biden having cognitive challenges and a total nimrod?

They surrender to the idea that Joe Biden is a horrible president but to give cover that they voted for Biden they'll talk about Trump in the same vein.

They even get likes from conservatives because they are at least admitting Biden is bad. But Biden stands alone on the turrible richter scale.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.
The constant whine of its the media is so tiresome. There was a moderator from fox during the last election cycle. The problem was that trump just wanted to say nothing but catch phrases and insults. He didn’t want to spend time preparing arguments of substance.
^^^I agree with 50% of this^^^
If you can watch Russia pathetically flop around in Ukraine and STILL think they had the ability to influence our elections you need full time adult supervision.

They have a state sanctioned hacking program that is pretty formidable. Unlike the military it generates income from its scams.
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If you can watch Russia pathetically flop around in Ukraine and STILL think they had the ability to influence our elections you need full time adult supervision.
Ukrainians are a much more formidable force than were Trumpians.
I think maybe Putin thought Ukrainians would be as easily manipulated.
Ukrainians are a much more formidable force than were Trumpians.
I think maybe Putin thought Ukrainians would be as easily manipulated.

interestingly Trump won because Obama voters switched over to him - seems it was Dems that were easily manipulated (if you want to buy the whole Russia swung the election crap)
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