Gottleib ripping Tennessee a new one

I have no problem with the "limited athlete" part.

I've seen Chris do way too many things while "not left alone."

true that.

if they kept stats on 3's drained with a hand in the face, I'm sure Chris would be darn near the top.
LG is right. Seen this coming too. Really don't care though. Job now is for the kids to keep playing like they have been.
the 3 point line has changed the 3 NBA 1st rounders argument. Many a better tourney team has fallen to the 3 ball.
ESPN ehm Disney has a rep to uphold and having people who steal, representing your company is bad for business and shareholders.
ESPN ehm Disney has a rep to uphold and having people who steal, representing your company is bad for business and shareholders.
Yeah, and having admitted steroid users and drug abusers as analysts really maximizes shareholder value.
ESPN ehm Disney has a rep to uphold and having people who steal, representing your company is bad for business and shareholders.

He doesn't steal anymore. Bringing this up 15ish years later is ridiculous. Attack the man for being a moron, not something that he has long since atoned for.
"Tell me a team that has won a national championship without 3 first round draft picks.
UNC-'93-not positive, but I think Lynch and Montross were the only 1st rounders.
Arizona-'97. I think Bibby and Dickerson were the only 1s.
Michigan State-'00. I don't remember 3 off of that team.
Maryland-'02. I don't think they had three.
UNC-'93-not positive, but I think Lynch and Montross were the only 1st rounders.
Arizona-'97. I think Bibby and Dickerson were the only 1s.
Maryland-'02. I don't think they had three.

And that is why I will take your opinion over Gottlieb's every time.

Hell. I'll take my opinion over Gottliebs every time.
UNC-'93-not positive, but I think Lynch and Montross were the only 1st rounders.
Arizona-'97. I think Bibby and Dickerson were the only 1s.
Maryland-'02. I don't think they had three.

It didn't take long for somebody on the board to shoot holes in that one!
He doesn't steal anymore. Bringing this up 15ish years later is ridiculous. Attack the man for being a moron, not something that he has long since atoned for.
I sure wouldn't want to leave any money lying around a guy with a "penchant for misappropriation" like Doug's.
at the end of the cast Doug mentions the style of basketball that CBP coaches and is not a fan of it...he mentioned Tom Davis and said that Dr. Tom never got past the sweet sixteen with this style...he mentioned that Pitino didn't win big(NC) with his style until his teams could run great half court offense and defense ...the stuff he said about Chris being only good when he's open is asinine

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