Grand jury seated and investigating Trump

If he did it, indict him, arrest him, and try him. are not that naive. 80% of past and present members of any admin or Congressional seat would be in prison under some microscope.
Corruption follows money..and no one has more than DC.
Do it. Not like you and the overbearing IRS have not had 6 years

The IRS is a neutered husk of an organization. All they can afford to do anymore is to go after John Q. Noninvestor because they lack the investigative and administrative personnel to handle the big money cases.
I think it's a horrible practice to only go after someone bc you disagree with them politically. We all know Trump isn't being looked into if he weren't POTUS. I think it's an embarrassment of office to run for office on the claim that you will investigate person x if elected. I would hope people in the legal profession would agree. Trumps a POS. But we can be better then this.

That's false

He and his organization were the subject of multiple investigations and fines prior to ever even thinking of running for office.
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The IRS is a neutered husk of an organization. All they can afford to do anymore is to go after John Q. Noninvestor because they lack the investigative and administrative personnel to handle the big money cases.

Ah BS...Trump has been #1 target for years.
The IRS is a neutered husk of an organization. All they can afford to do anymore is to go after John Q. Noninvestor because they lack the investigative and administrative personnel to handle the big money cases.
So the reason he was audited with no findings is because the IRS sucks at their job? That’s really convenient huh?

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