Grand jury seated and investigating Trump

Thank you, Comrade. You shall be granted immunity from the Texas Fish Cops for a period not exceed six weeks.
The Texas Fish Cops mock your attempt at humor and have sent their tax investigators to your accountant’s office. I’m sure you have nothing to worry about right? I mean if they must look until they find a crime justice must be served right Comrade?
The Texas Fish Cops mock your attempt at humor and have sent their tax investigators to your accountant’s office. I’m sure you have nothing to worry about right? I mean if they must look until they find a crime justice must be served right Comrade?

I'm a pretty straight arrow on my taxes. I should be okay.
Just another LG thread that could of been commented on in countless. Surpirsed the mods let this occur so often
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Always love the "I pay your salary so you should investigate what I want you to investigate" argument. Classic.
That’s more or less how it works, or more so how should work with publicly funded ventures. Aside from that, what’s your opinion on China Tony?
I’d only want the ones convicted of treason to be executed. Like the Bidens and the Clintons.

Edit: actually I’m good with any politician using governmental agencies to attack opponents be included as well. Hello Barry!

Cause you've got 'em dead to rights!
That should have happened the first time it was audited. How many audits are good enough?
Idk. How many different states does he pay taxes to the state? How many audits have been done before? What is new this time?

Again if he is guilty charge him. If he isnt, let it go.

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