Grand jury seated and investigating Trump

Follow the conversation or stay out of it. I was the first one to be accused of being obsessive for making some posts on a message board.

Or stfu yourself. I never claimed any obsession by you.

You claimed it of me based on nothing.
Multiple sources, including the IRS itself, provide the raw data to back up my comment. Do you have data to back up your assertion?

IRS Budget and Workforce | Internal Revenue Service

What is this supposed to indicate, that the IRS is so underfunded and non polictical that it did not have the resources to go after Trump? Trump was target #1 in the media, bureaucracy and even both pol parties day 1. Lois is enjoying her pension I am am sure.
I heard your politically convenient and suddenly so much later expedient self righteous proclamations the first three times Lavrentiy

I thought this was how we deal with things when we don't want to admit our politicians might have done something bad.
Oh, so that is a no. Seem selective in your approach.
So back to your BS about me calling you obsessive after your whatabout tour...

Edit: I apologize i didn't see your previous post.
If they did it, indict them, arrest them, try them.
I thought this was how we deal with things when we don't want to admit our politicians might have done something bad.
Of course Comrade Beria this small fry is of no importance. It is the institution of our laws which are absolute and sadly must be brought to bear even when such transgressions have been examined before and clearly been missed. Thank you for your support and I’m sure the proper outcome will be found this time.
Of course Comrade Beria this small fry is of no importance. It is the institution of our laws which are absolute and sadly must be brought to bear even when such transgressions have been examined before and clearly been missed. Thank you for your support and I’m sure the proper outcome will be found this time.

Thank you, Comrade. You shall be granted immunity from the Texas Fish Cops for a period not exceed six weeks.

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