That is plainly your opinion. Jihadi extremism is a perversion of the Kuran - not the original teachings.
You have almost zero knowledge of what you are talking about.
You, or anyone, give me a bump to the 'The Carter Legacy" thread down the page and I'll post an informative article on the topic that I have been two days in the researching and writing with which I am almost finished. That story begins at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
What you are believing is islamic 'taqqiya' or deception of the infidel.
A commonly used tactic when dealing with the gullible a muslim will stress the early verses of the Koran, written when Muhammed was in a weak position and payed all sort of lip service to tolerance, particularly of Jews and Christians.
After the Hijri (migration to conquer) to Medina and Muhammed and his followers were able to conquer and plunder and gain in numbers, he hreturned to Mecca and by the sword slaughter, rape, pilliage and then covert most to islam or to charge the jizyah (exorbitant taxes paid by non-muslims).
The verses of the Koran then became very intolerant of anything non-muslim. Any authority on islam will tell you that the later the verse, the more valid it is because allah was revealing more to muhammed.
The present day immigration of muslims to America is a Hijri, this is plainly stated by nearly all islamic imans both here and abroad.
Jihadi IS NOT a perversion of the Kuran, no matter what anyone has told you.
Islamic jihad is central to the teachings of the Kuran from the 7th century until the 21st century and at no time during that whole 1,400 years has this not been so!!!