Ground zero mosque.

You made a mistake linking Westboro to fundamentalist views. Fred despises even the thought of a label of him being "fundamentalist".
Here is the problem that the Muslim faith has today. There is a portion of the faith that believe in and condone attacks on the innocent. There are probably just as many who are as outspoken against these actions as those who support them are. The rest fall somewhere in the middle with most not supporting the killing of innocent people. Where the real problem lies is that the small minority who do advocate killing scare the crap out of everyone, including many of their own faith because they are not immune to their violence. Because of this many stay silent when they would otherwise speak out.
Figured as much........................................ lg of all people........ had high hopes for you.
I'm seeing nations who actually have elections in the Muslim world electing leaders who espouse the Holocaust was a hoax, Israel must be wiped from the planet, women have no vote, voice, etc. and must be clothed, etc. I see nations that once arriving at the airport, will remove any religious material in possession because it is not Islam. I can go on and on about the restrictions that go from rights to actual life. Compare that in a Muslim nation to a "Christian" nation. Tell me fundamentalist and extreme is some token minority and I cannot help but laugh.

I participated in elections in Iraq. I saw demonstrations and rallies. I saw rallies for people like al Sadr and it wasn't just some token few but entire neighborhoods rallying for him. The same goes for other "mainstream" leaders as well.
It's nice to know the Bible isn't ever misinterpreted when people cite chapter and verse. Ask any Christian a question on what the book of Revelations teaches, and you'll have crazies cite chapter and verse talking about a dragon setting fire to the world.

Tell me more about this book of Revelations. Never heard of it.
People who continually equate Christianity and Islam as being equal and the same generallly want to label both as 'conservative' and then tout their progressive agenda.

People, anyone, who equates Christinity and Islam as being more or less the same are too ignorant for intelligent discourse, they are ignorant of history, they are ignorant to the teachings of one or both, they are ignorant of current events and the actions of muslims in the past, the present and their future plans.
Revelations - story about a dragon setting fire to the earth....sounds like a Syfy channel movie on Saturday starring Casper Van Dien.....

I'm familiar with the book of Revelation, just not the book of Revelations. Didn't know if they were similar or not.
Same here....not sure about the dragon burning the place down or the S on the end of the name....
That is plainly your opinion. Jihadi extremism is a perversion of the Kuran - not the original teachings.

You have almost zero knowledge of what you are talking about.

You, or anyone, give me a bump to the 'The Carter Legacy" thread down the page and I'll post an informative article on the topic that I have been two days in the researching and writing with which I am almost finished. That story begins at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.

What you are believing is islamic 'taqqiya' or deception of the infidel.

A commonly used tactic when dealing with the gullible a muslim will stress the early verses of the Koran, written when Muhammed was in a weak position and payed all sort of lip service to tolerance, particularly of Jews and Christians.

After the Hijri (migration to conquer) to Medina and Muhammed and his followers were able to conquer and plunder and gain in numbers, he hreturned to Mecca and by the sword slaughter, rape, pilliage and then covert most to islam or to charge the jizyah (exorbitant taxes paid by non-muslims).

The verses of the Koran then became very intolerant of anything non-muslim. Any authority on islam will tell you that the later the verse, the more valid it is because allah was revealing more to muhammed.

The present day immigration of muslims to America is a Hijri, this is plainly stated by nearly all islamic imans both here and abroad.

Jihadi IS NOT a perversion of the Kuran, no matter what anyone has told you.

Islamic jihad is central to the teachings of the Kuran from the 7th century until the 21st century and at no time during that whole 1,400 years has this not been so!!!
It's nice to know the Bible isn't ever misinterpreted when people cite chapter and verse. Ask any Christian a question on what the book of Revelations teaches, and you'll have crazies cite chapter and verse talking about a dragon setting fire to the world.

Your point was what?

You are talking about interpretation of prophecy and comparing that somehow to Quranic commands that the infidel must convert, die, or become dhimmi?

No my friend. Stop with the red herrings and compare Jesus commands to His followers concerning how they were to overcome the world to the commands of Muhammad.

It is really just that simple. A "biblical" Christian will never use political power or force of any kind to convert or impose Christianity on others. A fundamental Muslim will not deny that violence is one of the means of jihad.
Or that, if you are not a believer in Christ, you must be killed.

Sound familiar?

Yes. Except it wasn't "believer in Christ" but rather member of the "Church" as in Roman Catholic Church. They not only targeted Muslims and Jews but also dissenting Christians who went back to the "primitive" biblical religion.
A "biblical" Christian will never use political power or force of any kind to convert or impose Christianity on others. A fundamental Muslim will not deny that violence is one of the means of jihad.

Yes. Except it wasn't "believer in Christ" but rather member of the "Church" as in Roman Catholic Church. They not only targeted Muslims and Jews but also dissenting Christians who went back to the "primitive" biblical religion.


Two points I've tried to make clear in this forum before. But who listens to me? Well, except my wife, my son, my grandchildren... :yess: :neener2:
Yes. Except it wasn't "believer in Christ" but rather member of the "Church" as in Roman Catholic Church. They not only targeted Muslims and Jews but also dissenting Christians who went back to the "primitive" biblical religion.

Incorrect. Certain passages of the Bible can be read to stand for the proposition that anyone who refused to abide by the rule of Jesus Christ was to be killed.
Yes. Except it wasn't "believer in Christ" but rather member of the "Church" as in Roman Catholic Church. They not only targeted Muslims and Jews but also dissenting Christians who went back to the "primitive" biblical religion.

Incorrect. Certain passages of the Bible can be read to stand for the proposition that anyone who refused to abide by the rule of Jesus Christ was to be killed.

Book, chapter and verse, please.


Keep your pants on. He probably hasn't been on yet.

That's right, because it couldn't be that said Biblical verses mandating Christians to slay those who refuse to believe in Jesus Christ just don't exist. :crazy:

That's okay. I'm willing to wait until he reads the entire thing, cover to cover. Might just do him some good. :eek:k:

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