Depends on who "declared" him to be "discredited and disgraced lunatic" and why.
Leftists declare people "lunatics" and "discredit" them often based on nothing more than they don't like the conclusions. Who cares about facts? If someone mentions that a black person is many times less likely to be the victim of a crime committed by a white person than a white person is a black person... then to the left you are racist even though gov't statistics completely support that fact. If you point out that social programs do not work then you are an extremist hater that doesn't want to help anyone. If you point out that homosexual promiscuity is STILL the biggest factor perpetuating the spread of HIV in the west then you are a mindless homophobe.
Forgive me if I don't trust it when leftists declare someone "discredited" or "disgraced". More times than not, the person has simply followed the data to a politicall incorrect conclusion and had the audacity to announce it.