Hardnosed political discussion . . .

Interesting read from the Lundberg Group - the folks that do the gasoline price research.

What might surprise some on this board is that I agree with the criticism leveled against the White House in this report. My reasons match those expressed in the letter - investigations, threats are pure political pandering. Regulatory and market factors are the key drivers. Note also, that they consider ideas such as the windfall profit tax even more wrong-headed.

Some interesting comments about the impact of ethanol as well.





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(VOLracerx @ May 5 said:
I was merely making an observation - not making a factual statement based on empirical evidence. What i would like to see is the correlation between the price per barrel increase and the price per gallon of gas increase- can you find that?

If you take a look at the Lundberg report attached in a previous post, you can see the relationship.

I've seen elsewhere that there is typically about a $.025 or so impact on price per gallon for every $1 increase in a barrell of crude.

The report referenced above also points out the other parts of the "regulatory storm" that is about to hit.
The pump price of gasoline is, in fact, related to the cost of a barrel of crude oil. Oh, and, thank God we are not in Canada.

Gas Charts
(therealUT @ May 5 said:
The pump price of gasoline is, in fact, related to the cost of a barrel of crude oil. Oh, and, thank God we are not in Canada.

Gas Charts

The most interesting thing about that chart is the nearly one-to-one mapping of Canadian gas prices to US gas prices (in terms of volatility).

Last I checked, W is not the president of Canada.
(smokedog#3 @ May 5 said:
bham if your going to quote from a story quote the whole thing. oil prices are back up over 70 dollars a barrel today. job claims rose the most since hurricane katrina. there was some bad with the good. i will agree though there was some good. :biggrin2:

You're right, I forgot to mention the growth in wages :biggrin2:
Presidents don't appropriate money. They can push an agenda and use the veto, but it's Congress that holds the purse.

You know as well as I do every thing political is based on the figure head. No one notices a particular congressional class but every one generally remmebers Presidents.

Would it help if it were put this way, during Jackson's Administration, the U.S Government was, for the first and (as of 2006) only time, debt free.
I am not stupid - I know that it is in fact related - my question was more along the lines of the impact of an increase per barrel compared to the increae fo a gallon of refined gas thanks for the linl Volinbham!!!
(VOLracerx @ May 5 said:
my question was more along the lines of the impact of an increase per barrel compared to the increae fo a gallon of refined gas thanks for the linl Volinbham!!!

No sweat - I thought the info about ethanol was interesting - can't be sent through pipelines, has to be shipped by truck, rail or barge.

anybody see our idiot vice president trying to pick a fight with russia. slick dick he's a hell of a guy. :bad: i'm sure they are going to help us with the iranian's now.
(volinbham @ May 5 said:
No sweat - I thought the info about ethanol was interesting - can't be sent through pipelines, has to be shipped by truck, rail or barge.

All of that was very interesting - especially the EPA mandates coming down the pipe this year.
(volinbham @ May 5 said:
Interesting read from the Lundberg Group - the folks that do the gasoline price research.

What might surprise some on this board is that I agree with the criticism leveled against the White House in this report. My reasons match those expressed in the letter - investigations, threats are pure political pandering. Regulatory and market factors are the key drivers. Note also, that they consider ideas such as the windfall profit tax even more wrong-headed.

Some interesting comments about the impact of ethanol as well.



As a little counterpoint to your ethanol bashing news letter, the epa posts the following health advisory:


anybody see our idiot vice president trying to pick a fight with russia. slick dick he's a hell of a guy. i'm sure they are going to help us with the iranian's now.

Kinda makes you wanna say, "man I hope he was drunk".

(smokedog#3 @ May 5 said:
anybody see our idiot vice president trying to pick a fight with russia. slick dick he's a hell of a guy. :bad: i'm sure they are going to help us with the iranian's now.

If that's the reason that Russia doesn't help the WORLD community with Iran, then we're idiots for ever expecting any help from Russia.

(volinbham @ May 5 said:
If that's the reason that Russia doesn't help the WORLD community with Iran, then we're idiots for ever expecting any help from Russia.

i've been saying that all along. all iran's oil is going to go to china and russia.
Russia has too many interests in the Middle East to help us. Regardless, Cheney wasn't putting out his best effort.
(smokedog#3 @ May 5 said:
i've been saying that all along. all iran's oil is going to go to china and russia.

Then why not call them on it? Why would you care that he's calling them out?
you think this is the VP of the united states, rich as hell. he could afford to pay somebody to tell him what to say in these international political situations.
Then why not call them on it? Why would you care that he's calling them out?

The last thing we would ever need is a war with either/both Russia or China.

Although I still believe in the next 20 years World War III will start of off Taiwan.

The sleeping giant will wake up some time, with regards to Napoleon.
(jdsa @ May 5 said:
As a little counterpoint to your ethanol bashing news letter, the epa posts the following health advisory:


My point with that post was that it breaks down the "costs" in our gasoline -- something everybody is freaking out about.

I'm not against ethanol or even removing MTBE -- however, we do need to recognize that these decisions play a considerable role in gas prices.

There is no free lunch.
very simple bham, our relations with europe and middle eastern countries are fading and this idiot is just making it worse. since when is russia part of the USA. the moron needs to keep his mouth shut or pick his words better.
Bham - I see what you are saying but with Crude being 60% of the cost of gas - it doesn't make sense to be "poking the tiger"

Regardless of the truth of the matter - a little more tact would go a long way for this administration.
Regardless of the truth of the matter - a little more tact would go a long way for this administration.

I love how you used tact, here I only thought James Tiberius Kirk used the word tact.................................. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
(smokedog#3 @ May 5 said:
you think this is the VP of the united states, rich as hell. he could afford to pay somebody to tell him what to say in these international political situations.

He wasn't free-lancing. He didn't say anything new - these comments have been made by Bush, Rice, etc.

The news was where he said them.

Over the past decade Russia has been:

1) consolidating power under Putin

2) pulling back from democratic freedoms

3) actively undermining democratic movements/candidates in former Soviet countries

4) cut-off the flow of gas to at least one former Soviet country for getting uppity

The comments were intended to assure the fledging democracies in eastern Europe (who are pro-West) that using gas as a weapon to defeat democratic movements is unacceptable.

Or we could just ignore points 1 - 4 above and use the I'm okay, you're okay foreign policy.
(VOLracerx @ May 5 said:
Bham - I see what you are saying but with Crude being 60% of the cost of gas - it doesn't make sense to be "poking the tiger"

Regardless of the truth of the matter - a little more tact would go a long way for this administration.

I agree that tact is not a strong suit of this administration. However, not poking the tiger has negative consequences as well.
(smokedog#3 @ May 5 said:
very simple bham, our relations with europe and middle eastern countries are fading and this idiot is just making it worse. since when is russia part of the USA. the moron needs to keep his mouth shut or pick his words better.

I disagree - I believe these type of assurance to emerging democracies actually strengthen our relations with them.

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